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对于这项工作,我有几个问题。 我想把CY7C68013A作为一个从设备和AT91SAM3U(ARM皮质处理器)作为主机设备。即使主机设备也提供USB高速(480MbPS),它不提供驱动器和用于批量传输的示例。这就是我选择CyPress芯片的原因。 1。这些芯片(CY7C6801XX系列)或一些示例提供了Windows XP或7(32位和64位)的USB高速批量传输驱动程序吗?我阅读了大部分关于开发工具包的文档,所以它们似乎提供了它。我只是希望在我购买工具箱之前确认一下。 -如果它提供USB高速批量传输。当没有从设备与主机PC.通信时,它是多么快,我认为它不能等于480 Mbps。 最重要的是,CyPress批量传输驱动程序所提供的批量数据传输速率平均应该高于200 MbPs。我希望你的设备能做到。 2。我看CyPress套房USB 3.4.7。软件中的C语言库也为批量传输提供了必要的方法吗? 三。看来,我应该把一些程序代码8051,使其工作。根据数据表(第380-08032),8051代码可以从USB、EEPROM和外部存储设备加载。然而,如果代码是从USB或外部存储器加载的,当电源关闭时,代码不能被保存,这意味着保持USB控制器8051代码的唯一方法是将代码保存到EEPROM中,对吗?. 4。通用可编程接口(GPIF)的目的是什么?为什么需要? 请回答这些问题。如果有人对这些事情有一些看法。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Now I am considering to work on FX2LP(CY3684) Development Board Kits for USB High Speed Controller. For this work, I have several questions. I would like to make CY7C68013A as a slave deivce and AT91SAM3U(ARM cortex processor) as host device. Even though the host device also provides u*** high speed(480mbps), it does not provide the driver and an example for bulk transfer. That is why I choose Cypress chip. 1. Do these chips (CY7C6801xx Series) or some example source provide USB high speed Bulk transfer driver for windows xp or 7 (32bit and 64bit)? I read most of document about the development kits, so it seems they provide it. I just hope to make it sure before I purchase the kit. - If it provides USB high speed Bulk transfer. How fast it is when no slave device has communication with host PC. I think it cannot be equal to 480 mbps. - The most important thing is the bulk data transfer rate, given by Cypress Bulk Transfer driver, should be higher than 200mbps in average. I hope your device can make it. 2. I am looking though Cypress Suite USB 3.4.7. Does C# library in the software also provides necessary methods for bulk transfer? 3. It seems I should put some program code for 8051 to make it work. According to the datasheet(#38-08032), 8051 code can be loaded from USB, EEPROM, and external memory device. However, if the code is loaded from USB or external memory, the code cannot be kept when power is off, which means the only way to keep the 8051 code for u*** controller is to save the code into EEPROM, am I right?. 4. What is the purpose of the General Programmable Interface(GPIF)? Why it is needed? Please answer these questions.. if somebody have some exprience about these matters. |
2、CyPress USB套件3.4.7提供了C类类、对象和方法来访问USB设备并执行批量传输。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 1. Yes Cypress provides drivers for high speed devices. I am not sure about the speeds. I am letting the other USB experts on the forum to let this question to be answered. 2.Cypress USB Suite 3.4.7 provides C# classes, objects and methods to access a USB device and perform Bulk transfer. |
1。实际上,利率在数据表中提到的信令速率没有数据速率,高速i.e.480mbps 与FX2LP可以达到35-40mbps,我们有一个流光的应用程序,你可以检查设备的吞吐量。 2。赛普拉斯提供驱动程序(适用于CYUSB。sys)也支持批量传输。C #库(适用于CYUSB .dll)随着cyress suiteu***提供了API,用于处理各种传输包括批量传输。 三。现在,关于固件下载:如果你下载的USB接口,它将被加载到内存中,因此需要下载每次断电。现在,除了EEPROM和USB也有使用脚本加载固件的另一种方法。如果感兴趣,您可以在www. CyPress。DOCID=33099。 4。GPIF将使FX2LP作为主机与外围设备建立一个接口。如果你想连接到外围设备像奴隶FX2LP SRAM,然后你将需要gpif.gpif可以产生控制信号和接受信号的几个准备在必要的接口握手。时序波形可以很容易地使用GPIF Designer生成。如果GPIF不使用,即如果FX2LP配置在从模式,那么应该有外部主(即外围设备应作为主人)可推动必要的信号和启动数据传输,从而作为界面的主。 当做, 加亚特里 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, 1. Actually the rates being mentioned in the datasheet are signalling rates not data rates, i.e. 480Mbps for high speed With Fx2lp you can reach upto 35-40MBps, we have a streamer application with which you can check the throughput of the device. 2. Cypress provides drivers (CyUSB.sys) which also supports Bulk transfers. C# library (CyUSB.dll) provided along with Cyress SuiteUSB, has APIs for handling all kinds of transfers including Bulk transfers. 3. Now, about the firmware download: if you are downloading over USB, it would be loaded into volatile memory, thus need to be downloaded every time the power goes off. Now, apart from EEPROM and USB we also have another method of loading firmware using script. If interested, you may find ore details on www.cypress.com/?docID=33099 . 4. GPIF will enable FX2LP to act as a master to build an interface with a peripheral device. If you want to connect FX2LP to slave peripheral devices like an SRAM, then you will need GPIF. GPIF can generate control signals and accept a few ready signals necessary for handshaking across the interface. The timing waveforms can be generated easily using GPIF designer. If GPIF is not used, i.e. if FX2LP is configured in SLave mode, then there should be external master (i.e. the peripheral device should act as the master) which can drive the necessary signals and initiate the data transfers, and thus act as the master for the interface. Regards, Gayathri |
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