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所以我也要问...... 我正在尝试访问服务门户。 我第一次点击“登录”按钮时收到错误的用户名/密码消息。 如果我回去再试一次,我会得到一个定期重新加载页面的微调器图标,并且永远不会再进一步了。 我尝试了很多浏览器,包括Firefox 43.我已经清除了浏览器缓存。 我也可以接受这个反向通道的回答吗? :-)到目前为止,我已经通过我的FAE打开了SR,但她很忙,所以通常需要一段时间才能打开请求。 谢谢, 肯 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I see this question has come up numerous times, but always seems to be resolved via PM or other back-channel method. So I am asking as well... I am attempting to access the Service Portal. The first time I hit the "Log In" button I get the incorrect username/password message. If I go back and try again I get the spinner icon that keeps periodically reloading the page, and never gets any further. I have tried numerous browsers including Firefox 43. I have cleared my browser cache. Can I get in on this back-channel answer also? :-) So far I've been getting SRs opened via my FAE, but she is very busy so it often takes a while to get a request opened. Thanks, ken |
我不是一个“反向渠道”,但我确实在寻找问题并提醒支持团队。 如果你有一段时间没有使用过webcase系统,那么就会发生一些变化,一些用户被删除了,因为他们的业务收入太小而不能保证这样的支持(80%的案例来自不到20%的收入,所以 系统需要重新制作和改进)。 新系统更好地服务于两个社区,因为20%的80%问题通过论坛更快地解决了他们的问题,80%的20%的问题现在更好地服务于服务门户(参见提供的服务) 通过门户网站了解详情)。 有些承包商被错误分类,还有一些公司也被错误分类。 如果您认为是这种情况,请告诉我。 对于空间业务问题,这些问题由完全独立的支持系统处理,该系统符合ITAR要求(如果您的情况如此,请发送电子邮件给我:austin@xilinx.com)。 了解处理网络案例的相同工程师阅读论坛(以及许多其他人),因此无论如何,您的问题可能会在这里得到更快的回答。 Austin Lesea主要工程师Xilinx San Jose 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 k, I am not a 'back channel' but I do look for issues and alert the support team. If you have not used the webcase system in a while, there were changes made, and some users were removed as their business revenue was too small to warrant such support (80% of the cases came from less than 20% of the revenue, so the system needed to be re-vamped, and improved). The new system has better served both communities, as the 20% with the 80% problems get their problems solved faster through the forums, and the 80% with 20% of the problems now are better served with the service portal (see the services offerred through the portal for the details). There have been some contractors miss-classified, as well as some companies that were also miss-classified. Let me know if you feel this is the case. For space business questions, those get handled by an entirely separate support system which complies with the ITAR requirements (email me if this is your situation: austin@xilinx.com). Understand that the same engineers that handle the web cases read the forums (along with many others), so your questions are likely to be answered faster right here, regardless. Austin Lesea Principal Engineer Xilinx San Jose |
回顾一下Netstar和Cascade Communications各自成名的时间,以及成为阿尔卡特朗讯的朗讯,以及成为阿尔卡特朗讯的Aravox。 在这种新模式下,这种情况不会再发生了,因为今天的Aravoxes,Netstars和Cascade Communications(今天的计算机视觉和大数据创业公司?)除非产生收入,否则不会获得支持。 初创公司很难在没有支持的情况下进入市场。 祝你好运。 不仅是你(他只是在传达思想)和Xilinx,还有许多公司的企业管理的火箭外科医生,他们将学习“你成为你衡量的东西”的艰难之路。 例如,1.00 / 0美元的员工在纸面上是一个突出的比例,沃尔玛的招聘和TSA代理商的国家无法回应在线广告。 我想你知道我们有些人的骄傲是多么令人沮丧。 希望一些非“是”的人会看到这篇文章并将其发送给能够找到更好平衡的决策者。 ***我们中的许多人都是FPGA爱好者,而不是Xilinx员工。 如果您获得帮助并给予荣誉(明星),您将来可能会继续获得帮助。 如果您有解决方案,请将其标记为解决方案。*** 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 "80% of the cases came from less than 20% of the revenue" Look back to the time when Netstar and Cascade Communications each became Ascend which became Lucent that became Alcatel-Lucent, and the Aravox that became Alcatel that became Alcatel-Lucent. That's not going to happen anymore under this new model, as the Aravoxes, Netstars and Cascade Communications of today (the computer vision and big data startups of today?) aren't getting support unless they are generating revenue. It's hard for the startups to get to market without support. Good luck though. Not only to you (who is just communicating the thinking) and Xilinx, but also to the rocket surgeons of corporate management at many corporation who are going to learn that "you become what you measure" the hard way. As an example, $1.00/0 employees is an outstanding ratio on paper, and a country of Walmart greeters and TSA agents can't afford to respond to online advertisements. I suppose you know how frustrating it is for some of us plebes. Hopefully some non-"yes" man will see this post and send it to a decision maker who can find a better balance. ***Many of us who help you are just FPGA enthusiasts, and not Xilinx employees. If you receive help, and give kudos (star), you're likely to continue receiving help in the future. If you get a solution, please mark it as a solution.*** |
你完全错过了我的观点:通过重新安排我们的资源,所有客户都得到了更好的服务。 我们衡量我们做了什么来验证。 没有盲目的bean计数器方法,而是一个经过深思熟虑的工程解决方案。 Austin Lesea主要工程师Xilinx San Jose 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 m, You missed my point completely: By re-arranging our resources, all customers were better served. We measure what we did to verify. There is no mindless bean-counter approach, but a well thought out engineering solution. Austin Lesea Principal Engineer Xilinx San Jose |
我并不认为你构建了这个支持模型,但如果是这样,我道歉,我没有任何意义。 ***我们中的许多人都是FPGA爱好者,而不是Xilinx员工。 如果您获得帮助并给予荣誉(明星),您将来可能会继续获得帮助。 如果您有解决方案,请将其标记为解决方案。*** 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I wasn't responding to your point, but to the message I've already heard before. I wasn't under the impression that you architected this support model, but if so, my apologies, I didn't mean anything personal. ***Many of us who help you are just FPGA enthusiasts, and not Xilinx employees. If you receive help, and give kudos (star), you're likely to continue receiving help in the future. If you get a solution, please mark it as a solution.*** |
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