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其他帖子称,大多数产品都具有易失性存储器,但根据数据表,除了易失性DDR3内存外,该主板还具有非易失性SPI闪存和EEPROM存储器。 提前致谢... 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 How do I go about getting a Statement of Volatility for this product? Our customer requires it. Other posts said that most products have volatile memory, but according to the data sheet, this board has non-volatile SPI Flash and EEPROM memory in addition to the volatile DDR3 memory. Thanks in advance... |
联系您的A / D Xilinx FAE。 Austin Lesea主要工程师Xilinx San Jose 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 m, Contact your A/D Xilinx FAE. Austin Lesea Principal Engineer Xilinx San Jose |
如上所述,请与您所在地区的FAE联系。 但是,您是否想知道ZC702板上的易失性和非易失性器件是什么? 如果这是您正在寻找的,那么您可以在ZC702用户指南中获得此信息。 除FPGA外,其他SPI,BPI,SDCARDS都是非易失性的。 DDR很不稳定。 谢谢,AnirudhPS:请将此标记作为答案,以防它有助于解决您的问题。如果帖子引导您找到解决方案,请给予赞誉。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi, As said, please get in touch with an FAE in your region. However do you mean to know what are the volatile and non-volatile device on the ZC702 board? If that is what you are looking for then you can get this information in the ZC702 user guide. Except the FPGA, the other SPI,BPI, SDCARDS, are all non-volatile. DDR is volatile. Thanks, Anirudh PS: Please MARK this as an answer in case it helped resolve your query.Give kudos in case the post guided you to a solution. |
我们购买的电路板没有任何内容表明这是谁。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Thanks... How do I find out who the FAE is? Nothing came with the board we purchased indicating who this is. |
austin@xilinx.com Austin Lesea主要工程师Xilinx San Jose 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 email me at: austin@xilinx.com Austin Lesea Principal Engineer Xilinx San Jose |
例如。 (1)激光打印机可以在其内部硬盘上缓存页面。 波动性声明表明在处理打印机之前必须安全擦拭。 例如。 (2)计算机可能有一个用于存储其BIOS的闪存......以及恶意软件。 波动性声明应该指出这一点,以及为检测BIOS已经(未)被破坏所采取的措施。 我很好奇:为什么有人需要一个FPGA开发板的波动性声明? (当然,除非开发板被用作产品的一部分,否则它将被连接到某个安全网络。) 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 A statement of volatility is used when conducting a security audit on an information processing system. E.g. (1) a laser printer may cache pages on its internal harddisk. The statement of volatility will indicate that this must be securely wiped before disposal of the printer. E.g. (2) a computer may have a Flash memory used to store its BIOS ... as well as malware. The statement of volatility should point this out, as well as the measures taken to detect that the BIOS has (not) been corrupted. I'm curious: why would anyone need a statement of volatility for an FPGA dev board? (Unless, of course, the dev board is being used as part of a product, or it's being connected to a secure network somewhere.) |
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