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我们有兴趣阅读VL53L1X的飞行时间直方图,以探索SPAD威廉希尔官方网站 在医疗和化妆品大众市场应用中的应用潜力。该设备似乎至少出于内部目的具有此类功能,但API中还有几个直方图的引用。 如果这里的某个人能够帮助我们并让我们从这个非常漂亮的小设备中获取直方图,我将非常感激! 谢谢和亲切的问候, 马蒂亚斯 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Dear all, We are interested in reading out time-of-flight histograms from the VL53L1X to explore the application potential for SPAD technology for medical and cosmetic mass-market applications. The device appears to have such functionality at least for internal purposes, but there are also several references to histograms in the API. If someone in here should be able to help us out and enable us to get histograms out of this really nice little device, I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks and kind regards, Matthias |
Matthias - ST网站上提供的VL53L1X代码不做直方图。如果您签署和NDA并且经过大量工作,那么该代码仅可从ST获得。 ST通过隐藏它们来保护其专利的传统方式。
打电话给你的销售人员并做好文书工作。需要注意的是:直方图代码既不小也不容易。但如果你真的想进入它,并且你愿意工作,你可以,但你必须说服ST这是一个好主意。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Matthias - the VL53L1X code available on the ST web site does not do Histograms. That code is only available from ST if you sign and NDA and go though a lot of work. ST is protecting its patents the old fashioned way, by hiding them. Call your sales guy and do the paper work. One note: the histogram code is neither small nor easy. But if you really want to get into it, and you are willing to work, you can, but you have to convince ST it's a good idea. |
请教:在使用UDE STK时,单片机使用SPC560D30L1,在配置文件怎么设置或选择?里面只有SPC560D40的选项
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