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我假设他们是Microsoft Windows应用程序的一部分,但如果有人有阿拉伯语运行的VEE应用程序的屏幕截图,我真的很感激! 有人设法让VEE对象同时显示英语和阿拉伯语(或其他非拉丁字符集)吗? tiA Mike Watts 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi All, Anyone know if VEE objects support Arabic characters? I'm assuming they do as part of being a Microsoft Windows application but if anyone has a screenshot of a VEE app running in Arabic I'd really appreciate it! Anyone managed to get VEE objects to show both English and Arabic ( or another non-latin character set ) at the same time? TIA Mike Watts |
我还想知道如何让VEE支持我从MS Word复制的传统阿拉伯语文本。
你有成功吗? 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I would also like to know how to get VEE to support Traditional Arabic text which I've copied in from MS Word. Did you ever have success? |
首先,您需要一个支持角色的操作系统 - 那时它意味着Windows 7旗舰版或企业版(同级别,不同的许可模式)。 我刚尝试了一个我在Win 8.1 Pro上制作(附加)的样本,它似乎支持这些角色。 你会看到(在Win 7上)有些项目显示角色,有些则没有。 让我感到惊讶的是,在Win 8.1中,没有安装特殊的语言支持,这看起来好像非常好用,可以提供你所需要的一切。 您将看到使用的主要字体称为阿拉伯语透明。 我不能自称在剧本中看到任何东西而不是曲线,所以它对于阿拉伯语读者来说可能仍然毫无意义 - 知道它是否在真实部署中起作用将是有用的。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Limited, but a surprise!. For a start you need an OS that supports the characters - at that time it meant Windows 7 Ultimate or Enterprise ( same level, different licensing model ). I just tried a sample I made ( attached ) on Win 8.1 Pro which does seem to support the characters. What you'll see ( on Win 7 ) is that some items show the characters, others not. The surprise for me is that under Win 8.1, with no special language support installed, this looks as though it works remarkably well and can probably provide all you need. You'll see the main font used is called Arabic Transparent. I can't profess to see anything more in the script than squiggles, so it might still be meaningless to an Arabic reader - it would be useful to know if it works in a real deployment. 附件
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