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为此付出代价…?HTTPS://www. LabcTurn.COM/BUY-VSM/可能是学术性的。正如你所说,他们的网站只列出PIC33 FJ…支持芯片。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Pay for it... ? https://www.labcenter.com/buy-vsm/ Probably academic. As you say, their website only lists PIC33FJ... chips as being supported. |
嗨,我得到了我的芯片系列模拟器。它是Matlab的Simulink。它有一些与MPLAB X IDE兼容的设备块。但是,不幸的是,免费版本只支持六个没有限制的DSPIC产品。分公司编号:SW00 7023
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 hi, I got that simulator for my chip series.It is simulink from Matlab.It has some device blocks that are compatible with MPLAB X IDE.But, unfortunately the free version supports only six DSPIC Products that have no restrictions check this link for more details http://www.microchip.com/...s.aspx?PartNO=SW007023 |
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