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在DSPIC33 FJ128GP804中,可以只使用两个引脚(DAC1LP和DAC1LN)在音频DAC模块中的六个引脚,从而为通用数字引脚留下其他引脚(中置引脚和右通道)。我如何配置它?我找不到有关这方面的信息,谢谢。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 In dsPIC33FJ128GP804 Can be used just two pins (DAC1LP and DAC1LN) of six in the audio DAC module leaving the others pins (middle level pins and right channel) for general purpose digital pins ?. How can I configure it ?. I couldn't find info about this. Thanks in advance. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 All of them have control bits in DAC1STAT. It's clearly documented in the data sheet. |
数据表寄存器22-2: DAC1STAT:DAC状态寄存器。左通道DAC输出对独立于其他DAC功能而启用或禁用。右通道输出对独立于其他DAC功能而启用或禁用。与其他DAC功能无关。引脚图:注意DAC输出引脚与GPIO和其他功能共享。底线:在不同模块和PPS之间共享的引脚可用于通用I/O,如果没有其他功能被启用。因此,例如,如果不能启用右通道输出,可以使用相应的PIN作为GPIO。您仍然可以启用左通道上的DAC输出,并看到左边通道引脚的输出。(在我的DSPIC33 FJ128GP802上测试)戴夫
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Data sheet REGISTER 22-2: DAC1STAT: DAC STATUS REGISTER
Pin diagram: Note that the DAC output pins are shared with GPIO and other functions. Bottom line: Pins shared among various modules and PPS are available for General Purpose I/O if none of the other functions is enabled. So, for example, if you do not enable Right Channel output, you can use the corresponding pins as GPIO. You can still enable DAC output on Left Channel and see the output on the Left Channel pins. (Tested on my dsPIC33FJ128GP802) Regards, Dave |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Thanks, I think I misunderstood that when read the datasheet. |
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