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当我在FX3上安装大容量内窥镜时,我遇到了BurthSigs& Gt;8的问题。 使用类似的代码: EndotToCuff.Eng= 1; EnTytCopy.EpType = CyuU3pUsBbEpp-Bulk; 端点配置.BursLLN=16; EndotToCuff.Fix= 0; *配置端点*/ ApItReStase= CYU3pSETPCONFIGG(CyfxxEppEuthor,and EndoPosiTCONFIG); 如果(ApRestStand)!= CYU-U3PY成功 { /*错误处理*/ CYU3pDebug打印(4,“USB SET端点配置失败,错误代码= %DN”,ApItRestStand); } 在调用Cyu3pStEpCOFIGG时抛出错误64。使用端点配置.BurtLLN=16似乎有效。FX3的爆发长度限制在8吗?另一个问题是DMA缓冲区大小与突发长度之间的关系。当我做一个CPU到端点DMA,缓冲区大小为16×1024到一个具有8大小的端点时,它似乎起作用。可以吗?这是否意味着FX3设备中端点突发长度和DMA缓冲区大小之间没有固定的关系?最好的问候 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello I´ve experienced problems with burstsize > 8 when setting up a bulk endoint at the fx3. Using code like: endPointConfig.enable = 1; endPointConfig.epType = CY_U3P_USB_EP_BULK; endPointConfig.burstLen = 16; endPointConfig.streams = 0; /* Configure the Endpoint */ apiRetStatus = CyU3PSetEpConfig(CY_FX_EP_PRODUCER,&endPointConfig); if (apiRetStatus != CY_U3P_SUCCESS) { /* Error Handling */ CyU3PDebugPrint (4, "USB Set Endpoint config failed, Error Code = %dn",apiRetStatus); } Throws an error 64 when calling CyU3PSetEpConfig. Using endPointConfig.burstLen = 16 seems to work. Is the burstlength in fx3 limited to 8 ? Another question is the relation between dma-buffersize an burstlength. It seems to work when i do a cpu to endpoint dma with a buffer-size of 16*1024 to a endpoint with a burstsize of 8. Ist that ok ? E.g. does that mean there is no fixed relationship between endpoint burstlength and dma-buffersize within the fx3 device ? best regards |
看来我可以上去了 端点配置.BursLLN=15; 白头发会出错吗?? 这意味着BursLLN=15意味着16的爆发吗???? 当做 美国河流 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 One update it looks like i can go up to endPointConfig.burstLen = 15; whitout getting an error ?? Does that mean burstLen = 15 means a burst of 16 ??? regards u***stream |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Yes, like the descriptor value the value is burst length -1 there. 0 is for 1 packet per burst. |
这是因为至少在CyfxBulkP手册中有一个用于0的突发和1的端点的突发设置的解扰器设置。这把我推向了错误的方向… 拉加德 乌韦 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Thanks. That instresting because at least at the example cyfxbulklpmanual there is a descritor-setting for burst of 0 and a burstlen-setting of the endpoint of 1. This pushed me the wrong direction.... rgards Uwe |
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