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在MPLAB X IDE中调试时,有些事情让我发疯。这个线程与DSPIC33主题中的ZAK949线程有关。我有一些问题,我不喜欢占用他的线程。最初的任务相当简单:擦除Flash中的一个页面,从Flash中读取,以显示成功。指令闪存-从闪存读回显示成功的DSPIC33 E…GM设备有不同的方式写入闪存比其他EP设备。代码的工作是:我用MPLAB X V3.45,XC16 V1.31,ICD3,DSSPICEV32 GM102(真实硬件),然后-作为一个笑话-我添加了一些代码R擦除前的闪光灯和编程闪光灯。我在编程后第一次运行代码:已经有了我想稍后编程的值0x11223和0x445 566的指令!这让我疯狂的思考,程序员没有抹掉Flash缓存吗?为什么初始值0x000和0x00?002从MFLASH缓冲器[512 ]={1,2,3,4},我花了很多时间尝试以另一种方式读取(MPLAB IPE或MPLAIDID/Read设备存储器)。结果总是:值0x11223和0x445 566真的存在于存储器0x1000和0x2000上。他们是怎么到达那里的?甚至更疯狂:我把代码从编程指令0x11223改为指令0xaaaaa,编译和运行,然后在编程之前,这些新值0xaaaaa已经在闪存中。我的下一步是在汇编函数中设置断点,用于擦除和编程。只是想看看他们在我读闪光灯之前有没有被打过电话。没有一个断点被击中。在一些其他动作之后,我在程序集编程函数中添加了一个返回值,因此该函数不做任何事情。而令人惊讶的是,我现在没有得到0x11223和0x456566,而是得到了0xFFFFFF和0xFFFFFF,并在擦除函数中添加了一个返回。得到了0x000和0x090002总是在闪光灯。那么什么?改变函数——根据调试会话-从来没有被称为改变读取闪存的结果?作为一个附加的测试,我将擦除和编程功能恢复到初始状态,并在主C中添加了(…):当Bease= 0和BPATH=0时,Flash的初始读数返回0x00 000 01/0x00 00 02,当Bease= 1和BPATH=1时,它返回0xAAAAAA和0x445 566。我的结论是:调试会话类似于预执行代码,从而忽略汇编函数中设置的断点。请告诉我,我不是疯了!
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Something makes me crazy while debugging within MPLAB X IDE. This thread is related to a thread from ZAK94 in dsPIC33 Topics. I have some questions and I dislike to occupy his thread for this. The initial task was quite easy: - erase a page in Flash, - read back from flash to show the success - store to instructions to flash - read back from flash to show success The dspic33E...GM devices have a different way to write to flash than other EP devices. The code which did the job was like : #include "xc.h" #include "FlashUtilities.h" // // one Flash Row is 64 Instructions // one Flash Page is 8 Rows = 512 Instructions // for test use fixed address 0x1000 in Flash // still must be checked for devices with more than 64k Instructions (...address(0x010000) ) __prog__ unsigned int __attribute__((space(prog), address(0x001000), aligned(1024), section("myFlashBufferSpace"))) mFlashBuffer[512]={1,2,3,4}; // RAM: // Data in Flash is organized as 24 bits, // use different buffer for high byte and low word of instructions unsigned int __attribute__((section("myRAMBufferSpace"))) InstructionsLow[64]; unsigned char __attribute__((section("myRAMBufferSpace")))InstructionsHigh[64]; // maybe use 'uncompressed' buffer to read all 24 bits of instructions unsigned long __attribute__((section("myRAMBufferSpace")))InstructionsUncompressed[64]; int main(void) { flashPageErase(&mFlashBuffer); // read back FLASH , expected 0xFFFFFF flashReadUncompressed(&mFlashBuffer,64,&InstructionsUncompressed); // write two instructions to FLASH flashDoubleInstructionWrite(&mFlashBuffer,0x00112233,0x00445568); // read back , expected: // InstructionsUncompressed[0]=0x00112233 // InstructionsUncompressed[1]=0x00445566 flashReadUncompressed(&mFlashBuffer,64,&InstructionsUncompressed); while(1) { Nop(); } return 0; } I used MPLAB X v3.45, XC16 V1.31, ICD3, dsPIC33EV32GM102 (real hardware) Then -just as a joke- I added some to code read the flash BEFORE erasing and programming the flash. I run the code first time after programming and: The instructions already hat the values 0x112233 and 0x445566 that I wanted to program later! And that was making me crazy and thinking about - did the programmer fail to erase the flash buffer? - why aren't the initial values 0x000001 and 0x000002 as expected from mFlashBuffer[512]={1,2,3,4}; I spent a lot of time trying to read the in another way (MPLAB IPE or MPLAB IDE / read device memory. The result was always: values 0x112233 and 0x445566 were really present on memory 0x1000 and 0x2000 How did they get there? And even more crazy: I changed the code from programming instruction 0x112233 to instruction 0xAAAAAA, compiled and run and, -before programming anything- these new value 0xAAAAAA was already in flash. One of my next steps was to set breakpoints in the assembly functions for erasing and programming - just to see whether they were called in any way before I read the flash. None of the breakpoints were hit. After some other actions I added a RETURN early in the assembly programming function, so the function does just nothing. And what a surprise, instead of getting 0x112233 and 0x445566 I now got 0xFFFFFF and 0xFFFFFF, and -adding a RETURN in the erase-function- finally got 0x000001 and 0x000002 as always expected to be at the flash. So what? Changing functions which -according to the debug session- never are were called is changing the result of reading flash? As an additional test i restored my erase and program functions to their initial state and added if(...) in the main.c: int main(void) { unsigned long nInstruction=0xAAAAAA; int bErase=0; int bProgram=0; flashReadUncompressed(&mFlashBuffer,64,&InstructionsUncompressed); Nop(); Nop(); if (bErase!=0) { // erase flash flashPageErase(&mFlashBuffer); } // read back FLASH , expected 0xFFFFFF flashReadUncompressed(&mFlashBuffer,64,&InstructionsUncompressed); Nop(); Nop(); Nop(); // write two instructions to FLASH if (bProgram!=0) { flashDoubleInstructionWrite(&mFlashBuffer,nInstruction,0x00445568); // read back , expected: // InstructionsUncompressed[0]=0x00112233 // InstructionsUncompressed[1]=0x00445566 flashReadUncompressed(&mFlashBuffer,64,&InstructionsUncompressed); flashDoubleInstructionWrite(&mFlashBuffer[2],0x00778899,0x00AABBCC); flashReadUncompressed(&mFlashBuffer,64,&InstructionsUncompressed); } while(1) { Nop(); } return 0; } When bErase=0 and bProgram=0, the initial read of flash returns 0x000001/0x000002 and when bErase=1 and bProgram=1 it returns 0xAAAAAA and 0x445566. (reproducable) My conclusion: The debugging session does something like pre-executing code and thereby ignoring breakpoints set in assembly functions. Please tell me that I'm not crazy! Attached Image(s) Attachment(s) main_V2.c (2.02 KB) - downloaded 0 times |
嗨,每一个PIC/DSPIC都有一个编程规范。在一个家庭中,它们并不总是相同的。FordDSPICEV32 GM102查看此文档:HTTP:/WW1.MICCHIP.COM/DeLoSs/En/DeVICECD/7000 05137F.PDFRGAGARD
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, Each PIC / dsPIC has a programming specification. They are not always the same within one family. For dsPIC33EV32GM102 look at this document : http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/70005137f.pdf Regards |
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