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PSoC设计器默认不在WorkStudio目录中查找文件(设计器5 SP2) 如何在PSoC设计器项目中添加搜索路径以包括相对目录? 我有C源文件和H头文件位于上面的两个目录。(*.app位于工作空间目录中)? 最好的问候, 杰默 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, PSoC Designer do not look in workspace directory by default for files (Designer 5.0 SP2) How to add a search path in a PSoC Designer project to include a relative directory? I have C source files and H header files located two directories above. (Where *.app is located, in workspace directory ?) Best Regards, jmer |
如果你不是一个100%合适的人,可以申请一张申请表来解决你的问题。 HTTP://www. CyPress?COM/?DOCID=19345 这张申请说明谈到了项目结构。如果从设计器4.4升级到设计器5,则项目文件结构与AN中所描述的不同。 希望有帮助,罗伯特 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi jmer, I found an Application Note that might address your issue although it is not a 100% fit. http://www.cypress.com/?docID=19345 This Application Note talks about the Project Structure. If you upgraded from Designer 4.4 to Designer 5.0, the project file structure is different as described in the AN Hope this help, Robert |
Project & Gt;OpenOral.Mk用于“YouProject名称”项目 这将打开文件“本地.MK”2的文本编辑窗口,向该文件添加以下行: “--------------------------------” 添加到PoC设计器IDE手册中的方法,在B.2.3.2节中,MyAyPixDeDIr= C::/WordVyOrthDirecyYyPATHORION包含Debug路径:= $(包含Debug路径);$(MyOxIndiDydir)需要对新的包含目录VVPATE.%.H$(MyOxInDyDyDIR)进行VPATH “--------------------------------” 3)做一个“文件&保存所有” 4)做一个“构建&生成/构建”你的项目名称 就是这样-你的项目现在可以包括来自外部目录的*.h文件。 最好的问候, 汤姆莫克森 HTTP://www. WestMaCou.com HTTP://www. MOXON.O. 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 1) From the PSoC Designer IDE, do the following : Project -> Open local.mk for 'YourProjectName' Project This will open a text edit window for the file "local.mk" 2) Add the following lines to that file : #------------------------------------------------ # # Add to the include path the way PSoC Designer IDE manual says in section B.2.3.2 # MY_INCLUDE_DIR= C:/whatever_your_directory_path_is INCLUDE_PATH:=$(INCLUDE_PATH);$(MY_INCLUDE_DIR) # # Need to vpath the new include directory # vpath %.h $(MY_INCLUDE_DIR) #------------------------------------------------ 3) Do a "File -> Save All" 4) Do a "Build -> Generate/Build 'YourProjectName" That's it - your project can now include *.h files from an external directory. best regards, Tom Moxon http://www.westmarkco.com http://www.moxon.com |
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