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我使用CY8C2643,我试着把麦克风和扬声器连接起来。我把麦克风连接到P01,然后用PGA。PGA的输入设置在P01上,而我使用的是模拟总线,它连接到P03扬声器。但我唯一得到的就是一些噪音。原因何在?我有可能得到正常的声音吗? 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, I`m using CY8C27443 and i try to connect microphone and speaker to it. I`ve connected microphone to P01 then i used pga. Pga`s input is set on P01 and i`ve used analog bus which is connected to P03 where speaker is. But only thing i`ve got is some noise. What could be the reason?? And is it possible that i will get normal voise? |
用你所提供的输入来猜测问题是非常困难的。影响这个问题的因素很多。1。你怎么把麦克风和PSoC连接起来的?当麦克风产生交流信号时,不能直接将信号连接到PSoC输入W.R.T VSS。它必须被偏置到AGND,然后连接到PSoC。看看下面的博客文章,它显示了一些将AC信号连接到PSoC输入的方法。HTTP://www. CyPress?COM/?RID=50815和高速缓存=0×2。类似地,一旦您将输入偏置到AGND,ANNO缓冲区上的输出也将具有等于AGND的DC分量。所以,你必须通过电容器把输出连接到扬声器。三。检查PGA的增益足以在扬声器上产生最佳声音,PSoC黑客GANSH
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 It is very difficult to guess the problem with the inputs you have provided. There are many factors that may contribute to the issue. 1. How are you connecting the microphone to PSoC? As microphone produces an AC signal, you cannot directly connect the signal to the PSoC input w.r.t VSS. It has to be biased to AGND and then connected to PSoC. Check out the below blog article that shows some methods of connecting an AC signal to the PSoC input. http://www.cypress.com/?rID=50815&cache=0 2. Similarly, once you bias your input to AGND, the output on the anlog buffer will also have a DC component equal to AGND. So, you have to connect the output to the speaker through a capacitor. 3. Check the gain of the PGA is sufficient to produce a sound on the speaker Best Regards, Ganesh The PSoC Hacker |
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