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我使用PIC32 MX370F512HWE在控制器中有PWP和BWP配置位。这些配置位的后果是什么?如果我启用了这些位,是否允许我通过OTA远程更新应用程序。通过启用这些位将是什么样的折衷。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I am using PIC32mx370f512h We have PWP and BWP configuration bits in the controller. What will be the consequences of enabling these configuration Bits. Whether I'll be allowed to remotely update the application through an OTA if in case I have enabled these bits. How my security quotient will increase and what will be the tradeoff by enabling these bits. |
BWP和PWP位控制闪存中的那些页是否可以在运行时被擦除和重新编程。启用它们意味着它们不能被擦除或重新编程。理想情况下,您将只启用那些涉及OTA Bootloader的页面。这样,在理论上,引导加载程序不能意外地删除它自己。但是它仍然可以删除主应用程序并重新编程一个新的应用程序。当你说“安全系数”时,你具体指的是什么?你想保护什么?
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 The BWP and PWP bits control whether those pages in Flash can be erased and reprogrammed at runtime. Enabling them means that they can't be erased or reprogrammed. Ideally, you'll enable those bits only for the pages that involve your OTA bootloader. That way, the bootloader can't, in theory, accidentally erase itself. But it can still erase the main application and reprogram a new one. When you say "security quotient", what are you referring to, specifically? What are you wanting to protect? |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 To be specific, I need to avoid spoofing. So If my bootloader is write protected, then the hacker cannot replace it with their own bootloader and fetch my application code using their own tool. Further will by write protecting my bootloader could it avoid the possibility of spoofing; else would i need to encrypt the bootloader and application for the same. Currently we have read protected our software by enabling CP configuration bit. But still my code can be read using bootloader and tools can communicate to my bootloader since it has not been encrypted |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 To be specific, I need to avoid spoofing. So If my bootloader is write protected, then the hacker cannot replace it with their own bootloader and fetch my application code using their own tool. Further will by write protecting my bootloader could it avoid the possibility of spoofing; else would i need to encrypt the bootloader and application for the same. Currently we have read protected our software by enabling CP configuration bit. But still my code can be read using bootloader and tools can communicate to my bootloader since it has not been encrypted |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 If the BWP is enabled, it should protect the bootloader from being erased, as it requires a full chip erase at that point to replace it. That would require an external programmer, and erasing the flash would defeat the purpose of replacing the bootloader. It might be possible to encrypt the program flash, and just run from RAM, but there would be a speed penalty, and you might run out of RAM really fast. CP does not protect the flash from being read internally (else, how would it run), so it becomes critical that the bootloader doesn't allow external code from any source. How you approach that problem depends on your attack vectors. For example, how does the bootloader know it is talking to an authorized source? Is the data stream encrypted with a public/private key pair, so even if they had access to the bootloader code, they don't know the private key used to encrypt the data? Does the bootloader maintain some way of knowing the application hasn't been tampered with since the last time it updated (hash, checksum, CRC, etc.)? Are the SYSKEY values stored in the bootloader, or does the communicating app have to provide them (encrypted), in order to prevent overwrite of the application? How hard is it to physically access the processor? As you can see, there are a lot of considerations to take when securing your product, and what I asked above only scratches the surface. There is always going to be a tradeoff between strong security, the cost of that security, and how much your customers are willing to pay for your product. |
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