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在“选择调试TARGRT”窗口中,我找不到MINI PROP3的信息,所以我不能进行片上调试。
我已经重新安装了PSoC创建者1和MIIPROP3的驱动程序,但是创建者仍然没有得到MIIPROP3。 PSoC程序员可以得到并编程PSoC3芯片。 我用PSoC Creator 1在另一台计算机上测试了我的MIXPRO3,它可以得到MIIPROP3。 你能告诉我怎么修理吗? PSoC Creator:1生产[ 27 ] MIN PROP3版本:2.05〔2.68/1.07〕 MIN PRO3驱动程序: 谢谢你 安德森 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I can't find the information of mini-prog3 at "Select Debug Targrt" windows, so I can't doing on-chip-debug. I had re-install the PSoC Creator 1.0 and the driver of mini-prog3, but the creator is still not get the mini-prog3. The PSoC Programmer can get that and programming the PSoC3 chip. I had test my mini-prog3 at another computer with PSoC Creator 1.0, and that can get the mini-prog3. Could you tell me how can I fix that? PSoC Creator : 1.0 Production[] Mini-prog3 version : 2.05[2.68/1.07] Mini-prog3 driver : Thank you Anderson |
您的问题似乎是连接到一个特定的PC. You应文件SUPPROT情况下的设置,并添加更多的信息,如您正在使用的特定版本的Windows。 这类事情发生在非常少的塞浦路斯客户身上,我们必须调查你的个人设置并调查可能出错的地方。毕竟,我们希望你使用创造者! 申请威廉希尔官方网站 支持案例请访问本网站: HTTP://www. CyPress?COM/?ID=7 寻找“威廉希尔官方网站 支持”,然后“在线威廉希尔官方网站 支持” 感谢您的耐心和使用PSoC 问候,罗伯特 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Anderson, your issue seems to be connected to the setup on one particular PC. You should file a supprot case and add some more information to it such as you specific version of Windows you are using. These kind of things happen to a very small number of Cypress customers and we have to look into your individual setup and investigate what could go wrong. After all we want you to use Creator! To file a tech support case please go to this site: http://www.cypress.com/?id=7 Look for "Technical Support" and then "Online Technical Support" Thank you for your patience and for using PSoC Regards, Robert |
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