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大家好,我是LoRaWan的新成员,已经获得了两个RN2483LROAMOTES,但没有单独的网关卡(我没有Microchip LoaWAN网络DEV套件)。是什么阻止了一个RoAMOTES被配置成一个(单通道)网关设备——例如连接到我的笔记本电脑——如果正确的应用程序/驱动程序/固件可以从某个地方找到(Microchip)??)一个相关的问题是,如果这些实验中只有一个通道需要,那么这些洛拉莫特和网关卡之间的架构到底有什么区别呢?请注意,这不是“LoRaMotes可以使用点对点”论坛问题/FAQ的复制品,因为我想知道连接到计算机的MoTE是否可以被配置为一个实际的、简单的网关。非常感谢您的洞察力和评论。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi everyone, I am new to LoRaWan and have acquired two RN2483 LoRaMotes but no separate Gateway card (I do not have the Microchip LoRaWan network dev kit). What is stopping one of the LoRaMotes being configured somehow as a (single channel) Gateway device - connected to my laptop, for example - if the right application/drivers/firmware could be found from somewhere (Microchip?!)? A related question is, what exactly is the difference in architecture between one of these LoRaMotes and a Gateway card, if only a single channel is needed for experimentation? Please note, this is not a duplicate of the "can LoRaMotes be used point-to-point" Forum question/FAQ, because I want to know if a Mote connected to a computer can be configured as an actual, simple, Gateway. Many thanks for your insight and comments. |
Hi,RoalMoT(或LoRa模块)不能用作网关。网关中需要一个特殊的芯片(如网关用户手册中所见):HTTP:/WW1.MICCHIP.COM/DIXBOSS/En/DeVICECD/4001827 A.PDFRIGARDS
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, A LoRaMote (or LoRa module) cannot be used as gateway. A special chip is needed in the gateway (as you can see in the gateway users manual) : http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/40001827A.pdf Regards |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi RISC, Many thanks for your reply - much appreciated. I will have to get the gateway card asap. Best regards |
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