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我用PIC18使用LCD诺基亚5110,通过SPI将数据/命令发送到LCD,其工作FIEEI可以设置VOP、TCX和BSX值。我设置了LCD的正常模式,它看起来工作正常(如果我设置了逆模式,LCD确实显示了逆模式的显示,所以我假设接口工作得很好),我已经设置了V=0位用于水平寻址,现在我有两个问题:问题1:如果我设置了x,y位置By发出命令并写入0x80(x POS到0)和0x40(y POS到0)。我期待显示器设置在左上角(0,0)的位置。我写了504次0xFE数据。出乎意料的是,它开始从右上角显示数据,然后回滚并打印末尾的第一行的其余部分。但是,如果我不将x,y位置设置为0“清楚地说,它工作良好,并开始显示数据从右上角的LCD。当我把x,y位置设为‘0’时,看到附图是不是我的理解错误?问题2:根据我的理解,数据由数据表中所示的8位组成(第7.7部分:寻址,第9页),它应该根据写入的8位显示位。现在在上面的例子1中:当我写数据为0x01时,它显示了两条平行线,好像我写了0x81-2:当我写数据为0xFE时,我希望它留下MSB位像素空白,但它显示出好像我写了0xFF(见附上的图像,我写了数据0xFE)是我理解错误在这里以上两种情况?谢谢惠普
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I am using LCD Nokia 5110 with PIC18. I am sending the Data/Command to LCD over SPI and its working fine I could set the VOP, TCx and BSx values. Post which I am setting the Normal mode for LCD and it seems to be working fine (If I set inverse mode, LCD does show the display in inverse mode, so I assume interface is working fine) I have set the V=0 bit for horizontal addressing Now I have two problems: Problem-1: If I set the x, and y position by issuing COMMAND and writing 0x80 (x pos to 0) and 0x40 (y pos to 0). I am expecting the display to be set on the upper left corner (0,0) position. I the write 504 times 0xFE DATA. To my surprise it starts displaying the data from almost at upper right corner and then rolls back and prints the rest of the first row at the end. However if I dont set the x,y position to '0' explicitely, it works fine and starts to display the data from upper right corner of the LCD. see the attached image Is my understanding wrong when I am setting the x,y position to '0'? Problem-2: As per my understanding, data consists of 8bits as shown in Datasheet (section 7.7: Addressing, page 9) and it should display the bits according to the 8bits being written. Now in the above example case-1: When I write data as 0x01, it shows two parallel lines as if I have written 0x81 case-2: When I write data as 0xFE, I expect it to leave the MSB bit pixel blank but it shows as if I have written 0xFF (see the image attached, I have written data 0xFE) Is my understanding wrong here for above two cases? Thanks /hp Attached Image(s) |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 can any one help me resolve the issue? I am not sure if that is the HW issue or software. /hp |
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