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我已将我的开发板ML507的Compact Flash卡格式化,就好像它是软盘或USB笔式驱动器一样。 现在它不起作用,我无法从中读取任何内容。 我听说我必须使用其他程序或以某种方式配置它,但我无法找到有关此信息。 如果你可以帮助我,或者告诉我该怎么做或者告诉我一个解释它的链接我会非常感谢你。 它催促! 先谢谢你 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi! I have formatted the Compact Flash card of my development board ML507 as if it was a floppy disk or a USB pen drive. Now it doesn't work, I can't read anything from it. I have heard that I must use another program or configure it somehow but I can't find information about this. If you could help me, either by telling me how to do this or telling me a link where it is explained I would thank you very much. It urge! Thank you in advance |
------您是否尝试在Google中输入问题? 如果没有,你应该在发布之前。太多结果? 尝试添加网站:www.xilinx.com 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 http://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/14456.htm ------Have you tried typing your question into Google? If not you should before posting. Too many results? Try adding site:www.xilinx.com |
你能告诉我应该用程序mkdosfs配置哪些选项,以实现我的Compact Flash正确配置我的开发板。
我是一个新手,我有点失落,所以如果你清楚地回答我或告诉我在哪里寻找它,我会感谢你。 先谢谢你 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Can you tell me which options should I configure with the program mkdosfs in order to achieve that my Compact Flash is configures correctly for my development board. I'm a newbie on this and I am a little lost, so I would thank you if you answer me clearly or tell me where to look for it. Thank you in advance |
mkdosfs F: 和 mkdosfs -R 1 F: 为了保留一个部门,但它不起作用。 是否有任何其他选项来配置我缺少? 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I've tried with mkdosfs F: and mkdosfs -R 1 F: in order to reserve just one sector but and it doesn't work. Is there any additional option to configure that I'm missing? |
您是否尝试过简单的文件/数据传输到第二张CF卡,一张格式化为FAT16,以验证CF接口是否正常工作? 签名:新手的自述文件在这里:http://forums.xilinx.com/t5/New-Users-Forum/README-first-Help-for-new-users/td-p/219369总结:1。 阅读手册或用户指南。 你读过手册了吗? 你能找到手册吗?2。 搜索论坛(并搜索网页)以寻找类似的主题。 不要在多个论坛上发布相同的问题。 不要在别人的主题上发布新主题或问题,开始新的主题!5。 学生:复制代码与学习设计不同.6“它不起作用”不是一个可以回答的问题。 提供有用的详细信息(请与网页,数据表链接).7。 您的代码中的评论不需要支付额外费用。 我没有支付论坛帖子的费用。 如果我写一篇好文章,那么我一无所获。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Have you already taken the CF card to a USB card reader and formatted it successfully, verifying that the CF card is still usable? Have you tried simple file/data transfers to a second CF card, one formatted to FAT16, to verify that the CF interface is working correctly? SIGNATURE: README for newbies is here: http://forums.xilinx.com/t5/New-Users-Forum/README-first-Help-for-new-users/td-p/219369 Summary: 1. Read the manual or user guide. Have you read the manual? Can you find the manual? 2. Search the forums (and search the web) for similar topics. 3. Do not post the same question on multiple forums. 4. Do not post a new topic or question on someone else's thread, start a new thread! 5. Students: Copying code is not the same as learning to design. 6 "It does not work" is not a question which can be answered. Provide useful details (with webpage, datasheet links, please). 7. You are not charged extra fees for comments in your code. 8. I am not paid for forum posts. If I write a good post, then I have been good for nothing. |
问题是开发板无法识别它,当我使用sysace功能时我无法管理CF(我过去做过它并且它起作用所以问题不是我不知道如何管理 CF)。 错误指示灯呈红色亮起。 回答第二个问题,我在这个时刻没有另外的CF。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Yes, I've checked that it is correctly formatted and I can write documents in it with a card reader so I guess it's well formatted and it's still usable. The problem is that the development board doesn't recognise it, I can't manage the CF when I do it with the sysace functions (I did it in the past and it worked so the problem is not that I dont know how to manage the CF). An the error led glows red. Answering the second question, I don't have another CF available in this moments. |
1.它目前格式化为FAT16? (根据AR#14456) 2.在ML507板不再识别CF卡之前,最后一次'事件'是什么? 签名:新手的自述文件在这里:http://forums.xilinx.com/t5/New-Users-Forum/README-first-Help-for-new-users/td-p/219369总结:1。 阅读手册或用户指南。 你读过手册了吗? 你能找到手册吗?2。 搜索论坛(并搜索网页)以寻找类似的主题。 不要在多个论坛上发布相同的问题。 不要在别人的主题上发布新主题或问题,开始新的主题!5。 学生:复制代码与学习设计不同.6“它不起作用”不是一个可以回答的问题。 提供有用的详细信息(请与网页,数据表链接).7。 您的代码中的评论不需要支付额外费用。 我没有支付论坛帖子的费用。 如果我写一篇好文章,那么我一无所获。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 More questions: 1. is it currently formatted to FAT16? (per AR #14456) 2. What was the last 'event' before your ML507 board non longer recognised the CF card? SIGNATURE: README for newbies is here: http://forums.xilinx.com/t5/New-Users-Forum/README-first-Help-for-new-users/td-p/219369 Summary: 1. Read the manual or user guide. Have you read the manual? Can you find the manual? 2. Search the forums (and search the web) for similar topics. 3. Do not post the same question on multiple forums. 4. Do not post a new topic or question on someone else's thread, start a new thread! 5. Students: Copying code is not the same as learning to design. 6 "It does not work" is not a question which can be answered. Provide useful details (with webpage, datasheet links, please). 7. You are not charged extra fees for comments in your code. 8. I am not paid for forum posts. If I write a good post, then I have been good for nothing. |
CF卡必须格式化为FAT12或FAT16才能正常工作。 重新格式化卡校正后,使用ML507中的原始文件重新加载卡 http://www.xilinx.com/products/boards/ml507/ml507_12.1/images.htm以验证您的系统是否正确。 ------您是否尝试在Google中输入问题? 如果没有,你应该在发布之前。太多结果? 尝试添加网站:www.xilinx.com 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Neither of the two commands that you used match the information in the Answer Record, or on the mkdosfs site. The CF card must be formatted as either FAT12 or FAT16 to work correctly. After you have re-formatted the card corrected, reload the card with the original files from the ML507 http://www.xilinx.com/products/boards/ml507/ml507_12.1/images.htm to verify that you have a correct system. ------Have you tried typing your question into Google? If not you should before posting. Too many results? Try adding site:www.xilinx.com |
我对CF的重新成像一无所知! 非常感谢你们两位帮助我。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Problem resolved! I dind't know anything about re-imaging the CF! Thank you very much to both of you for helping me. |
重新映像我的Compact Flash后,我把它放在我的主板上,然后出现如下文字: 请输入您要使用的演示编号来选择演示 1. Virtex 5幻灯片放映 2. Web服务器演示 ... 等等 我想知道是否有某种方法可以让它消失。 我有另一个问题,比以前更大。 我用CF读卡器在我的CF中复制一个.txt文件,之后我想用我的微处理器用经典的sysace函数读取它。 它使它工作得很好,直到它到达.txt文件的某些部分,然后它停止。 我已经用UltraEdit读取了这些文件,并且我意识到它始终停止读取文件的相同字符(0x0001dff4h),无论哪个文件都是(如果文件没有那么多的caracters它运行良好)。 我还没有恢复Flash内容,可能是我的问题的解决方案? 或者那不需要做任何事情? 不知道我是否正确解释了问题,希望如此。 非常感谢你 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I solved my problem, but I've found anothers. After reimaging my Compact Flash, I put it in my board and then appears a text like this: Please choose a demo by typing in the number of the demo you want to use 1. Virtex 5 Slide Show 2. Web Server Demo ... etc I want to know if there is some way of making this disappear. I have another problem, bigger than the previous. I copy a .txt file in my CF with a card reader, and after that I want to read it from my microprocessor with the classical sysace functions. It makes it work very good, until it gets to some part of the .txt file, and then it stops. I have read the files with UltraEdit, and I've realized that It always stop reading at the same character of the file (0x0001dff4h), no matter which file is (if file hasn't got that number of caracters it works good) . I haven't restored the Flash Contents, could be that the solution to my problem? Or that doesn't have to do anything with that? Don't know if I have explained the problem properly, hope so. Thank you very much |
我试着用xilinx ml505重新想象我的Compact flash,我按照这个链接上的说明进行了访问http://www.xilinx.com/products/boards/ml505/ml505_12.1/docs/ml505_cf_reimage.pdf。 但是当我输入以下命令时 dd bs = 256 if = ml505_cf_0570051r02.img = / dev / hd0x, 它说'/ dev / hd0xNo找到这样的目录'。 我附上了错误的图像。 Doyou知道我怎么解决它? 谢谢 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi I tried re-imagining my Compact flash for xilinx ml505, I followed the instuctions on this link http://www.xilinx.com/products/boards/ml505/ml505_12.1/docs/ml505_cf_reimage.pdf. But when I typed the following command dd bs=256 if=ml505_cf_0570051r02.img of=/dev/hd0x , its says '/dev/hd0x No such directory found'. I have attached an image of the error. Do you know how I can fix it? Thanks |
以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Sorry I put the wrong image before, I have attached the correct image with the error now |
您能否以此帖子为链接为此查询提出新帖子。 原帖由某人提出,似乎已经解决了。 谢谢,AnirudhPS:请将此标记作为答案,以防它有助于解决您的问题。如果帖子引导您找到解决方案,请给予赞誉。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi, Can you please raise a new post for this query with this post as a link. The original post is by someone and seems to havee been resolved. Thanks, Anirudh PS: Please MARK this as an answer in case it helped resolve your query.Give kudos in case the post guided you to a solution. |
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