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您好,我正在使用:MPLAB X IDE V3.61编译器:XC16-V1.31 DSPIC33 EV64 MG102电源电压到DSPIC:4.6VSUM是运行之前的消息:连接到MPLAB ICD 3…当前加载的固件ICD 3固件套件版本…01.41.18固件类型……DSPIC3E/24ETARGET电压检测目标设备DSPIC33 EV64 GM102发现。设备ID修订= 4107设备擦除…编程…以下内存区域将被编程:程序存储器:起始地址=0x0,结束地址=0x15FFP编程/验证完整代码。T外部中断不会发生,计时器中断是可以的,但是外部中断DOS不会发生。我上传了一个图片,显示源电压(蓝色),提供DSPIC和电压在RB7引脚(绿色)。RB7引脚具有外部中断功能,It0。如图所示,RB7引脚的电压足以对引脚敏感,因为数据表表示如果电压大于0.75×VDD,则高电压被解释为高。下面是用于设置中断的代码:以下是ISR代码声明的一部分:I打开EDE P33 EV64 GM102.GLD,在那里中断被称为:我尝试在中断中设置断点,我可视化状态和标志,但没有设置。中断不会发生。我错过什么了吗?有人知道什么是问题所在?丹尼尔,我向你致以最诚挚的问候。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello, I'm using: MPLAB X IDE v3.61 Compiler: xc16-v1.31 DsPIC33EV64MG102 Supply Voltage to the dsPIC: 4.6V Following is the message before run: Connecting to MPLAB ICD 3 ... Currently loaded firmware on ICD 3 Firmware Suite Version ..... 01.48.18 Firmware type .............. dsPIC33E / 24E Target voltage detected Target device dsPIC33EV64GM102 found. Device ID Revision = 4107 Device Erased ... Programming ... The following memory area (s) will be programmed: Program memory: start address = 0x0, end address = 0x15ff Programming / Verify complete Running The code is running ok, but the external interruption does not happen, the interruption by timer is ok, but by external interruption dos not happens. I uploaded a picture that shows the source voltage (in blue) that supply the dsPIC and the voltage at the RB7 pin (in green). The RB7 pin has the external interruption functionality, INT0. As can be seen, the voltage at the RB7 pin is sufficient to sensitize the pin because the datasheet says that high voltage is interpreted to be high if the voltage is greather than 0.75 * VDD. Following is the code I used to set the interruption: TRISBbits.TRISB7 = 1; INTCON2bits.INT0EP = 1; IFS0bits.INT0IF = 0; IEC0bits.INT0IE = 1 Following is a part of the ISR code declaration: void _ISR __attribute ((no_auto_psv)) _INT0Interrupt (void) { // Clears the interrupt flag IFS0bits.INT0IF = 0; . . . } I opened the p33EV64GM102.gld and there the interruption is stated as: LONG( DEFINED(__INT0Interrupt) ? ABSOLUTE(__INT0Interrupt) : ABSOLUTE(__DefaultInterrupt)); I try to put a breakpoint in the interruption, I visualized the status and flags, but none is set. The interruption doesn't happens. Am I missing something? Someone has a clue about what could be the problem? With my best regards, Daniel. Attached Image(s) |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 hi, ault RB7 is an analog Input by default and always reads "0". Change it to digital input. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Yes, I did it with the following line: TRISBbits.TRISB7 = 1 |
是的,我用下面的行:TristbBist.TrISB7= 1No你没有检查一些ADPCFG或安塞尔或ANS注册…
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Yes, I did it with the following line: TRISBbits.TRISB7 = 1 No you did not check some ADPCFG or ANSEL or ANS register... |
是的,我用下面的行:TrISBBITS。TrISB7= 1No你没有检查一些ADPCFG或安塞尔或ANS寄存器…非常感谢,我想我用这个代码在另一个DSPIC33中,它已经工作了,可能我犯了一个错误,我没有注意到。但现在还好,工作很好。谢谢您!
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Yes, I did it with the following line: TRISBbits.TRISB7 = 1 No you did not check some ADPCFG or ANSEL or ANS register... Thank you very much, I thought I used this code in another dsPIC33E and it had worked, probably I made a mistake and I didn't notice. But now is ok, worked fine. Thank you! |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 good And, as a side note to the Forum software... why you *can* quote an emoticon and me (and many others) can't? ... @#"£$% |
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