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大家好,我使用MPLAXPress IDE、MPLAXPress评估板(PIC16F18855)和Microchip代码配置器MCC.MikroelktRoicka点击板库,并在版本和资源选项卡下单击MCC中声明和可见的板。双击,例如,在接口下拉列表下找到的“USB UART点击”板,将点击放进我的项目;到目前为止还没有问题。但是点击“生成”按钮什么也不做,实际上生成过程永远不会完成(在我准备等待和观看的时候)。发生了什么事?你可以试试其他的点击板,如USB SPI点击,同样的事情也会发生。当你观察旋转圆圈并且想知道该怎么做时,我想试试MPLABX IDE,以防在全功能IDE中只点击键盘功能。但是情况更糟;没有点击库被加载,没有点击是可见的,我也看不到如何下载MikroE点击库。尽管这些工具被要求使代码编写和项目运行和运行更快捷、更简单,但这不是我的经验。我和工具一样战斗!非常令人沮丧。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello Everyone, I am using MplabXpress IDE, MplabXpress evaluation board ( PIC16F18855 ) and Microchip Code Configurator MCC. MikroElektronika click board library and click boards are declared and visible in MCC under the Versions and Resources tabs. Double clicking on, for example, 'USB UART Click' board found under Interfaces drop-down list, places the click into my project; so no problem so far. But clicking 'generate' button does nothing; actually the generate process never completes, ( in the time I'm prepared to wait and watch ). What is going on ? You can try other click boards eg u*** spi click and the same will happen. While watching the rotating circle and wondering what to do, I thought of trying MplabX IDE instead, in case click board functionality only possible in the full functioned ide. But there the situation is worse; no click libraries are loaded, no clicks are visible and I can't see how to download the MikroE click librairies. Despite these tools being claimed to make it easier, quicker and simpler to get code written and projects up and running, that's not my experience. I'm fighting with the tools just as always ! Very frustrating. |
谷歌Microchip 50点击50天大红色按钮有“下载和注册更新”下一页有一个大红色按钮:下载最新点击库。*使用zip文件下载。使用类似于7zip的东西来解压缩所有的东西。我将把文件放到Microchip /MCC/ {这里所有的东西}中,你会找到五个带有*.zPieldMe的文件:这个包包含MicrorocLickLabV1.0.24基础服务库V0.1.21,用于这些LIB的使用和安装说明。RAR遵循该文件夹中的发行说明。请注意,MikRoCLIKEL库依赖于基础服务库。为了成功地使用MikRoClkLink库,两个库都需要安装到MCC环境中。打开MPLABX IDE V3.65(最新版本),点击工具& GT;选项& GT;插件(第八个项目从左边,时髦的乐高块)打开库,看看里面有什么。JAR)文件丢失,然后使用“安装库函数”按钮将它们放入库中(我之前已经把这个简单的步骤搞砸了)。试试看,让我知道这是否有效。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Google Microchip 50 clicks in 50 days Big Red Button has "Download and sign up for updates" Next page has a big red button: Download latest click libraries. *.zip file down loads. Use something like 7-zip to unzip everything. I'll put files into Microchip/MCC/{everything here} You'll find five files with the *.zip read me: This package contains mikroEClickLibrary v1.0.24 foundationServicesLibrary v0.1.21 For usage and installation instructions for these libraries follow the release notes located in this folder. Note that the mikroEClickLibrary depends on the foundationServicesLibrary. In order to use the mikroEClickLibrary successfully both libraries need to be installed into your MCC environment. Open up MPLABX IDE v3.65 (latest version) CLICK Tools > Options > Plugins (eighth item from the left, funky lego piece) Open Library and see what is in there. If those two libary (*.jar) files are missing then use the "install library function" button to place them into the library (I've screwed up that simple step before). Give that a try, and let me know if that works. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Sorry, no sooner had I hit "post" then I realized you are using the cloud based Xpress system. I was covering what I use on my desktop version. Haven't used the cloud (hand tremors so I hit the wrong key way too often, cloud stuff isn't easy for to back up steps). |
你好,RunDoCKToM,我更愿意使用基于MPLAXPress的云计算IDE,带有MPLABXPress评估板(PIC16F18855)。在IDE中加载和打开的代码配置器MCC是MPLAXPress的“微芯片代码配置器”。在MCC中,MikroE库已经声明,不需要加载任何额外的步骤。我可以继续选择从我的选择的点击板(USB UART点击)从下拉列表的类别,双击它,并成功地作为一个外围设备添加到我的项目。到现在为止,一直都还不错。只有当我到达这个阶段,然后点击“生成”按钮才能得到没有发生任何事情的代码时,“生成”过程永远不会完成。直到添加了点击板,而我只有PIC外围设备,例如,它可以是EUSAT,ADCC等,生成代码只需一秒钟。当添加了点击板时,MCC似乎被困在生成代码上。我理解您使用的是基于桌面的MPLABX。但也许你也可以尝试以云为基础的MPLAXPress IDE,创建一个测试项目,添加一个点击板,尝试生成代码,看看你是否和我一样。我已经下载并安装了最新版本的MPLABX IDE,看看它是否会更少。罗伯特的但是正如你所知道的,没有预先安装的点击板库。是否有一个不同的MCC对此,因为我仍然看到Microchip代码配置器的MPLABXPress在IDE中,即使现在不是XPress IDE。我将尝试在您的过程中安装点击库并让您知道。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello roundrocktom, I would prefer to use the cloud based MPLabXpress ide, with my MPlabXpress Evaluation board ( PIC16F18855 ). The code configurator MCC that loads and opens into the IDE is 'Microchip Code Configurator for MPLabXpress'. In MCC, MikroE libraries are already declared without making any additional steps to load them. I can go on to select the click board of my choice ( u*** uart click ) from the drop down list of categories, double click on it and it is successfully added as a peripheral to my project. So far so good. It is only when I have got to this stage and then click 'generate' button to get the code that nothing happens; the 'generate' process never completes'. Until the click board is added, and I have just PIC peripherals present, eg it could be eusart, adcc etc, generating code takes barely a second. When the click board is added the MCC seems to get stuck on generating code. I understand you use the desktop based MPLabX. But perhaps you could also try for the purpose of experimentation the cloud based MPLabXpress ide, create a test project, add a click board, try to generate code and see if you get the same as me. I have already downloaded and installed the latest version of MPLabX IDE to see if that would be less problematic. But as you know there are no click board libraries pre-installed. Is there a different MCC for this as I am still seeing Microchip Code Configurator for MPLabXpress in the ide even though now it is not the Xpress IDE. I will try to get the click libraries installed following your procedure and let you know. |
嗨,RunDoCKToM,根据你的帖子,我注册了“点击”更新,并从MyCHIPC.COM/CalcKimToCC网站页面下载并安装了库。以前,我还没有意识到基础服务库的重要性或必要性。基本上直到你的文章和我在网站上读到的东西,我才意识到它是什么,我甚至不记得我是否在IDE的侧窗格中注意到它。我现在可以在MPLABX和MPLAXPress IDE中用MCC将MikroE点击板添加到项目中,并成功地生成代码。在构建中,有很多错误和警告,但这是另一个故事,非常感谢您的宝贵帮助。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi roundrocktom, According to your post, I signed up for "click" updates and downloaded and installed the libraries from microchip.com/clickintomcc website page. Previously, I hadn't been aware of the significance or necessity of the FoundationServicesLibrary. Basically until your post and what I read on the website I didn't realise what it was and I even don't remember if I noticed it before in the side-panes of the ide. I can now add MikroE click boards to projects with MCC in both MPLABX and MPLABXpress IDE's, and successfully generate the code. On build, there are lots of errors and warnings, but that's another story. Thank you very much for your valuable assistance. |
我在心率点击上得到这个错误。IM使用HPC好奇心与18F46K22。它也发生在另一个点击中。如果我在while区段上删除这个函数“HealTraseTimeExpple()”,它将生成OK,否则它会将其作为错误突出显示。我做控制+点击,它在这个函数里让我发光。TMR0SSET StultStand(TMR0MSY-ISR);---------这就是问题所在。我不知道为什么.Me.C.:86:错误:(1098)变量的变量声明“MyCurrTraseType”(McCyPrimeAddixFields/HurrTeaType示例:C:97)(908)退出状态=1NbPosi/MaFaCH默认值。MK:291:目标“DIST/默认/生产/ HealtRATE”的配方。XEX生产。Tele'C:/AuthSin MasCOOS/MPLABXPROST/HARTRAATE。X'NbPosi/MaFaMeCurrase.MK: 90:目标的构建。构建CONF’FultEdvest[[ 1 ] ]:离开目录'C:/AuthStin MasCOOS/MPLABXPROST/HiTrATE.x'nbPosi/MaFix.IMP.MK:39:目标的配方。Enguts/生产/心痛.x.生产.HEX)错误1
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Im getting this error on Heart Rate click. Im using HPC Curiosity with 18F46K22. It happens with another clicks as well. If I remove on the while section this function, " HeartRate_example(); " It will build ok otherwise it highlights it as error. I do control + click and it leds me here inside that function. TMR0_SetInterruptHandler(TMR0MS_ISR); -------> this is where the problem is. I dont know why. main.c:86: error: (1098) conflicting declarations for variable "_HeartRate_example" (mcc_generated_files/heartrate_example.c:97) (908) exit status = 1 nbproject/Makefile-default.mk:291: recipe for target 'dist/default/production/HeartRate.X.production.hex' failed make[2]: Leaving directory 'C:/Users/Agustin Moscoso/MPLABXProjects/HeartRate.X' nbproject/Makefile-default.mk:90: recipe for target '.build-conf' failed make[1]: Leaving directory 'C:/Users/Agustin Moscoso/MPLABXProjects/HeartRate.X' nbproject/Makefile-impl.mk:39: recipe for target '.build-impl' failed make[2]: *** [dist/default/production/HeartRate.X.production.hex] Error 1 |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Quoted to preserve the post in case it gets edited out of existence. Your post seems to have little to do with this thread. You would be better served if you were to create a new post in your own thread. The only connection to this thread is you are also asking about a click board. |
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