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以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello, I would like to ask you, if there will be support for PIC18F4620 in future releases of MCC. Thank you. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Maybe, but unlikely. It seems Microchip is prioritizing new PIC models and they have got plenty in their portfolio and even plenty to be released. It's advisable to chose a new model which can fulfill your requirements. A new model might be even cheaper than your PIC18F4620. |
谢谢你的建议。但我在这个项目开始前使用MCU的长期项目,在MCC之前的很长一段时间。是否有可能在MCC中添加具有定制资源的“定制”MCU?我发现,在“C:\用户AppDATa\ROMAMMPLABIDID\V3.65 模块ExtMCC 库”中,有一个名为“PIC10-PIC12PIC16-PIC18-1.45 .jar”的文件。它是可执行的Java存档,当我在Wrrar中打开它时,有许多XML文件有MCU的名称。是否存在任何教程如何添加“自定义MCU”到这个库?谢谢您。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Thank you for suggestion. But I work on long-term project which uses this MCU from beginning of this project long time before MCC. Is there any possibility to add "custom made" MCU with specified resources in MCC? I found that in "C:UsersuserAppDataRoamingmplab_idedevv3.65modulesextmcclibraries" there is file named "pic10-pic12-pic16-pic18-1.45.jar". It is executable java archive and when i open this in WinRAR, there are many XML files with names of MCUs. Does exist any tutorial how to add "custom MCU" into this library? Thank you. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 You started with a very old chip. The PIC18F4620 came out in 2004, and the last update to its datasheet was in 2008, No, there is no tutorial, and it would be far simpler to just write your own code from scratch than to modify MCC to handle a new device. |
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