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嗨,我用的是FX3 DVK板。我想使用GPIF II作为主模式。你能提供一些GPIF主应用程序吗?特别是用于控制同步SRAM和FX3作为主控。你也样如何使用API函数和与cyu3pgpifwritedatawords() cyu3pgpifreaddatawords() GPIF的项目?
问候JW 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, I am using the FX3 DVK board. I want to use GPIF II as a master mode. Could you provide some GPIF master applications? particularly for control of sync SRAM's and FX3 as master. Do you have also samples how to use the API functions CyU3PGpifWriteDataWords() and CyU3PGpifReadDataWords() with GPIF project? Regards JW |
请找到使用CYU3pgpFrutDeAtAdWord()和Cyu3pgPiFieldAdWord()的附加示例项目。 我只有这个项目符合您的要求。 请告诉我,如果这无济于事。 谢谢, 西克里希纳。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, Please find the attached example project which uses CyU3PGpifWriteDataWords() and CyU3PGpifReadDataWords(). I have only this example project which meets your requirement. Please let me know if this does not help. Thanks, sai krishna. |
你好,sai krishna,谢谢你的回复。我不知道如何理解out_reg0_valid(out_reg_cr_valid,out_reg # _valid)进入转型方程。问候,JW
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, sai krishna, Thank you for your reply. I don't know how to understand OUT_REG0_VALID(OUT_REG_CR_VALID, OUT_REG#_VALID) in Transition Equation Entry. Regards, JW |
转型成为真正进入out_reg0_valid方程在输出登记数据时(egress_data_register)是有效的。 谢谢, 西克里希纳。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, OUT_REG0_VALID in Transition Equation Entry becomes true when the data in the output register (EGRESS_DATA_REGISTER) is valid. Thanks, sai krishna. |
嗨,sai krishna,
你所附的文件用来传送数据。你有没有同步使用GPIF II的例子? 非常感谢。 当做 佳佳 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, sai krishna, The files you have attached are used to transfer data asychrounously. Have you got the example to use GPIF II sychronously? Thank you so much. Regards Jiajia |
您是否正在寻找一个使用API函数CYU3PGPIFWRADEDATAWORDS()和CYU3PGIFRADDATAWORDWS()的同步GPIFIMAST设计?或者任何同步GPIFIIMAST例子。 请让我知道。 谢谢, 西克里希纳。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi JiaJia, Are you looking for a sychronous GPIFII master design using API functions CyU3PGpifWriteDataWords() and CyU3PGpifReadDataWords() only? or any Synchronous GPIF II master example. Please let me know. Thanks, sai krishna. |
赛克里希纳 我正在做一个使用FX3板的项目。在这个阶段,我要求一些信号从GPIF II接口引脚传输到PC机通过USB接口。我想知道你是否有适当的固件示例代码我激活板吗? 谢谢。 最好的问候 佳佳 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, sai krishna I am doing a project using the FX3 board. At this stage, I am asked to transfer some signal from the GPIF II interface pins to the PC via the USB interface. I am wondering whether you have some appropriate firware example codes for me to activate the board? Thanks a lot. Best Regards Jiajia |
HTTP://www. CyPress?COM/?APP =论坛和ID ID=167和;RID=77487 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I asked this before and I got an example. It's a great sample project. http://www.cypress.com/?app=forum&id=167&rID=77487 |
赛克里希娜与罗孚 我试图建立的例子你两在EZ USB套件提供。他们俩都有同样的问题。 空穴CYU3PDMAB无。我刚开始对这个学习板,不知道如何改正。 顺便说一句,这软件我用来检查数据从GPIF II干扰转移。我要怎么做才可以接收任何数据(ex.install固件)。 非常感谢你的帮助! 最好的问候 佳佳 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, sai krishna and Rover I tried to build both examples provided by you two on EZ USB Suite. Both of them have the same problem on the void CyU3PDmaBufferFree. I have just started studying on this board and can't figure out how to correct it. BTW, which software shall I use to check the data transfered from the GPIF II interference. What shall I do before I can receive any data (ex.install firware). Thank you so much for helping me! Best Regards Jiajia |
赛克里希娜与罗孚 我试图建立两个例子在EZ USB套件由你们两个提供。他们俩都有同样的问题。 空穴CYU3PDMAB无。我刚开始学习这门课程,但却不知道如何改正。 顺便说一下,我应该用哪一个软件来检查从GPIF II干扰中传输的数据。在收到任何数据之前,我应该做什么(Ex.FixFixWrand)。 非常感谢你的帮助! 最好的问候 佳佳 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, sai krishna and Rover I tried to build both examples provided by you two on EZ USB Suite. Both of them have the same problem on the void CyU3PDmaBufferFree. I have just started studying on this board and can't figure out how to correct it. BTW, which software shall I use to check the data transfered from the GPIF II interference. What shall I do before I can receive any data (ex.install firware). Thank you so much for helping me! Best Regards Jiajia |
你可以做以下事情: 在你的应用程序,你可以将数据从gpifiito USB端点使用DMA通道。对吗? 如果是,那么你可以使用PC主机Cypress的USB控制中心读取数据。 如果你试图测量的吞吐量,那么你需要使用电缆的应用。 谢谢, Sai Krishna。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi JiaJia, You can do the following thing: In your application, you will be transferring data from GPIF II to USB endpoint using a DMA channel. Right? If yes, then you can use Cypress USB Control Center in the host PC to read data. If you are trying to measure the throughput then you need to use Streamer application. Thanks, Sai Krishna. |
谢谢Sai Krishna!
我想我基本上知道如何用软件检测信号。现在唯一的问题是你提供的例子。它不能成功建立在文件cyfxtx错误。C的functionvoid cyu3pdmabufferfree。你知道如何摆脱这个bug吗? 最好的问候 佳佳 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Thanks Sai Krishna! I think I basically know how to detect the signal with the sofware. The only problem now is the examples you provided. It can't be built successfully with an error in the file cyfxtx.c, the function void CyU3PDmaBufferFree. Do you have any idea of how to get rid of the bug? Best Regards Jiajia |
如果您正在寻找一个示例项目来开发GPIF II主接口,那么请参阅以下应用说明: AN8216-设计GPIF II II主接口 泰纳克斯 Sai kirshna。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi everyone, If you are looking for an example project to develop a GPIF II master interface then please refer to the following application note: AN87216 - Designing a GPIF™ II Master Interface Thnaks, Sai kirshna. |
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