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分析仪安装了3.70版本的软件,当我查询许可证信息时,我可以看到一些ARM9 / 11跟踪软件许可证,各种板卡内存升级许可证和VSA许可证。 我刚刚将软件升级到5.80,这是一个漫长的过程,涉及安装XP Service Pack 3,删除3.70软件(根据手册保存LA软件目录和许可证服务器目录中的许可证目录的内容),然后安装 5.80软件,涉及多个自动重启周期。 现在,软件报告许可证服务器没有报告任何许可证,当我查询已安装的许可证时,我看不到VSA许可证的后果。 我不确定我需要采取什么额外的步骤来安装这个部件,但是VSA是一个我希望恢复运行状态的功能。 此外,较旧的VSA软件是否可以工作,还是我需要升级它? 如果是,那是否需要支持许可证,或者我的永久许可证是否也支持更新的版本? 是否最好降级到旧版本? 如果我对整个事情进行了调整,我想,由于平台(如果不是型号)仍然受支持,所以我应该能够进行全新安装,并与HP代表联系以重新启动所有许可证 这台机器,对吗? 谢谢,戴夫 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello, I have recently acquired a 16900A with some options installed, including the VSA software. The analyzer came with version 3.70 software installed, and I could see some ARM9/11 trace software licenses, the various board memory upgrade licenses, and the VSA license when I queried the licence info. I have just upgraded the software to 5.80, a lengthy process involving installing XP service pack 3, removing the 3.70 software (after saving the contents of the license directories in the LA software directory and license server directory, according to the manual), and installing the 5.80 software, which involved multiple automated reboot cycles. Now, the software reports that the license server is not reporting any licenses, and I see no hind of the VSA license when I query the installed licenses. I'm not sure exactly what extra step I need to take to get this part installed, but the VSA is a feature I would like to get back to operational state. Also, will the older VSA software work, or do I need to upgrade that as well? If so, does that require a support licence, or will my perpetual license support newer versions as well? Would it be best to downgrade to an older version? In case I munged the whole thing, I imagine that since the platform (if not the model number) is still supported, so I should be able to do a fresh install, and get with an HP rep to re-instate all the licenses for this machine, correct? Thanks, Dave |
我看到的最大问题是您不是许可证的原始购买者。 我无法快速找到有关转让许可证的任何信息,但我不认为许可证是“可销售的”。 VSA是一个完全不同的问题。 VSA许可证适用于特定版本的VSA。 要获得最新版本的许可证,您需要拥有更新订阅或购买许可证升级。 在任何情况下,您都需要致电当地的威廉希尔官方网站 呼叫中心,并与他们合作。 人 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 If you get in touch with your local Technical Call Center, they might be able to help you recover the original licenses, except for VSA (more below). The biggest problem I see is that you are not the original purchaser of the licenses. I can't find any information quickly about transferring licenses, but I don't think licenses are "sellable". VSA is a whole different problem. A VSA license is for a specific version of VSA. To get a license for the latest version, you need to either have an update subscription, or buy a license upgrade. In any case, you need to call your local Technical Call Center, and work with them. Al |
nvywyerwer 发表于 2019-2-18 12:17 > {quote:title = algoss写道:} {quote}>我不认为许可证是“可销售的”。 我多次看到:“未经制造商书面许可,软件许可证不得转让。” 请有人向我解释一下,我是否做对了:这是否真的意味着我们(谁购买/使用任何使用嵌入式软件的测试设备)都违法了? 这是否意味着所有使用过的测试设备(如果严格遵守所有这些规则)理论上是一块毫无价值的砖块? 那么那些二手设备经销商在做什么呢? 如何在第二天购买价值2美元(砖块价格)的理论转售价值3万美元以上的新测试设备? 这些客户意识到这一点吗? ......或者我们都是从安捷伦那里得到了一个未经说明的沉默“普遍赦免”? 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 > {quote:title=algoss wrote:}{quote} > I don't think licenses are "sellable". I see this many times: "Software licenses are not transferable without the written permission of the manufacturer." Please someone explain me this, do I get it right: Does this really mean we (who buy/use any used test equipment with an embedded software) are all breaking the law? Does it mean that all used test equipment (if obeying all these rules strictly) are theoretically a worthless pieces of brick ? ...then what are all those used-equipment resellers doing ? How is one supposed to buy a $30k+ new test equipment with a theoretical resell value of $2 (a brick's price) the very next day ? Do these customers realize this ? ...or are we all getting a unsaid silent 'general pardon' on this from Agilent ? |
lancy0102 发表于 2019-2-18 12:30 我不能和其他测试仪器说话,但我想我知道逻辑分析仪的答案。 安捷伦的逻辑和协议分析仪(LPA)基础软件没有许可限制。 它可以在任何“PC”硬件上自由安装并运行。 它可用于查看在实时HW上捕获的数据,或构建配置文件和/或可在以后在实时HW上使用的触发器文件。 大多数其他LPA SW已获得许可,不能合法销售或以其他方式转让给原始购买者以外的其他人。 一些客户希望在现场硬件上捕获,并在另一个系统上查看它,特别是使用一些许可的SW,例如DDR解码器。 这是可能的,因为如果数据是在许可系统上捕获和解码然后存储的,那么只要安装了正确的解码器,就可以在没有许可证的情况下在任何其他系统上查看存储的文件,具有完全解码功能。 第二个系统。 我不是律师,但我相信上述情况恰到好处。 人 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I can't speak to other test instruments, but I think I know the answer for the Logic Analyzers. The Agilent 'Logic and Protocol Analyzer' (LPA) base SW has no license restrictions. It can be freely installed on any 'PC' hardware and will run. It can be used to look at data captured on live HW, or build configuration files and/or trigger files that can be used later on live HW. Most other LPA SW is licensed and can't be legally sold or otherwise transferred to someone other than the original purchaser. Some customer wish to capture on live HW, and look at it on another system, specifically with some licensed SW, a DDR decoder, for instance. That is possible, since if the data is captured and decoded on a licensed system, then stored, the stored file can be viewed, with full decode capability, on any other system, without a license, as long as the correct decoders are installed on that second system. I'm not a lawyer, but I believe that the above is just about right. Al |
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