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我在systemC中有一个Jtag接口的代码。该代码接受用户指令并生成相关的TMS,TDI,TDO值。例如,如果用户想要重置TAP控制器,则接口将TMS信号保持高电平5个时钟。 它还需要从JTAG链中捕获TDO值以执行某些指令。 接口代码可在以下网址获得:http://www.embecosm.com/download/ean5.html 现在我想使用chipcope在我的xilinx板上测试这个接口,但我不知道如何将接口的结果提供给jtag chain。 我想到了一个SVF文件,但由于界面应该与核心交互操作它没有用。 我会感激任何帮助。 问候 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi I have a code for Jtag interface in systemC.This code accept user instructions and generates relevant TMS,TDI,TDO values.for example if the user wants to reset the TAP controler ,the interface keep TMS signal high for 5 clocks. It also need to catch TDO value from JTAG chain to perform some instruction. the interface code is availabe at: http://www.embecosm.com/download/ean5.html Now I want to test this interface on my xilinx board using chipscope but I dont know how to give the result of interface to jtag chain. I thought of an SVF file but since the interface should operate interactively with core It can't be useful. I'll appreciate any help. Regards |
ChipScope编程引擎的仿真无法通过在没有循环能力的情况下播放的SVF文件来完成。 SVF文件可用于通过USER1和USER2使用BSCAN原语将数据移入设备,以将数据捕获到设计中和从设计中捕获数据。 这类似于Chipscope正在做的事情,但是在一个更复杂的功能中。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 This is difficult because there is a lot going on behind the scenes with chip scope. Emulation of the ChipScope programing engine can't be done with SVF files that play linerly without the ability to loop. SVF files can be used to shift data in to the device via USER1 and USER2 using the BSCAN primitive to capture data into and out of the design. This is similar to what Chipscope is doing but in a more complex funciton. |
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