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我在纽瓦克的PSOC4项目中看到了100个项目,这是一个允许传输RC-5 IR代码的项目。
这和我想做的很接近,只是相反。我想设置PSoC从远程接收IR代码。(实际上,我对索尼IR代码感兴趣,但感觉RC-5很接近,并且可以修改为索尼格式。) 这样做有多困难?我已经搜查了档案,我想到的是使用设计师。我想用创造者这样做。 谢谢, 詹姆斯 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I see in the Newark's collection of 100 projects for the PSoC4, a project that allows the transmission of RC-5 IR Codes. This is close to what I want to do, only in reverse. I want to set up the PSoC to receive IR codes from a remote. (Actually, I am interested in the Sony IR codes, but feel that the RC-5 is close, and can be modified to the Sony format.) How difficult is it to do this? I have already searched the archives, and all I come up with is using Designer. I want to do this using Creator. Thanks, James |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hli, This sounds great! I am a bit confused though - you mention removing the DFF, then you mention using it. Could you post a JPG of the hookup that you are describing? That would help a lot! Thanks! James |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Sorry to have confused you. I should have taken the DFF out of the recap of how it works. If you still need it, I can try to come up with something this evening... |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Yes, if you could put something together, it would help. I have tried to hook up what your words say, but it makes little sense, and there are compiler errors with unused inputs on the SPIS that I do not know how to resolve. Thanks! |
我没有测试它,我JUTT确实把所有的东西放在一起,并且(希望)把所有的东西都配置好了(但是现在已经晚了,所以会有一些错误)。 有一些定时警告,所以显然需要一些同步组件。我也没有改变代码,因为我不能测试它无论如何… 我添加了关于不同信号的评论,所以希望你知道它应该如何工作。如果不是,问… Irl接收方 533.2 K 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 So, here you go. I used a timer for detecting the start bit condition, a PWM for the bit timing and a SPI slave for collecting the bits into a 12bit-word. I did not test it, I juts did throw everything together and (hopefully) configured everything properly (but its getting late now, so there will be some errors in it). There are some timing warnings, so clearly some sync components are needed. I also did not change the code, since I cannot test it anyway... I added comments about the different signals, so you hopefully you know how it should work. If not, ask... |
谢谢Hli。这看起来很有前途。我来看看我能不能让这个工作。我还订购了一个逻辑分析仪(TSAL000 01),希望能用它来帮助我工作。再次感谢!!!!
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Thanks Hli. This looks promising. I will see if I can get this to work. I have also ordered a logic analyzer (TSAL0001) and hopefully will be able to use this to assist me in getting this to work. Thanks again!!! |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Well, I am not having much success (none, actually) getting the method described by Hli to work. I am still trying, but using my new logic analyzer, I am not seeing any pulses getting through any of the 'circuitry'. Frustrating. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文
红外线接收器 251.8 K 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 1. Yes, I did. 2. Yes, Yes & Yes. 3. Pretty much anything. Triggered from the IR channel. 4. Yes. 5. No. Hence the frustration.
示意图 168.7 K 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 The schematic. I have monitored many of the outputs with no signals on any of the monitored points.
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Actually, the input signal _is_ inverted. Your description, and my schematic, assumes that the the signal are active high (e.g. the start bit is high to 2400µs). But the LA trace shows the signals are active low. So it might be enough to add an inverter between the IO pin and the net handling the signal. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I've already added an inverter on the IR signal. It makes no difference. I get no pulse out of the Timer - or anywhere else. (See my posted IR_Schematic.jpg above) |
你可能会尝试: 将输入信号返回到一个引脚(可能是在PSoC中添加反相器之后),如果信号被PSoC弄乱,减少启动计时器的计数器周期-这是需要重新读取计数器数据表的第一个组件-也许我错过了一些东西和IDEA/OFF不会按预期工作 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Its difficult to debug without the appropriate hardware :( What you might try:
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Part of my problem may be that I never got a decent program. All I got was a partial schematic, and a 'try this'. I also think that one of the weaknesses of the PSoC (any version) is that there are not enough good examples, and documentation describing the components. The 'datasheets' are very brief, and do not provide enough detail on how to use the components. |
因此,当你有任何关于其中一个组件的具体问题时,我们肯定能够帮助你。 鲍勃 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Jim, I do not know which version of Creator you use, but for nearly every usermodule you can get a working example when you search for (right click "Find Example Project"). The main difficulty there is (as it is the case for me) is to understand the datasheets because they are english (and this is not my native language). But I must admit that when I studied them intense enough (and tried some examples) I could get them to work. The concept of PSoCs was new for me, having digital and analog hardware that I could place, connect and program to my needs. Since I was used to work with schematic editors and C-language was not uncommon to me, I could successfully deliver project-solutions to my customers. So when you have any specific questions regarding one of the components we surely will be able to help you. Bob |
HTTP://www. CyPress?COM/?APP =论坛和ID ID=2232和;RID=47392 问候,Dana。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Maybe someone else knows of a design, but this might be of interest - http://www.cypress.com/?app=forum&id=2232&rID=47392 Regards, Dana. |
OTHH,您可以尝试实现一个纯软件解决方案——例如端口现有的一些代码。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 When you have no (functioning) example program, you can rely only on the available documentation. Also, when working with PSoC, you should try not to "think in software". You will get most out if it when you start thinking about how to solve the problem in hardware. Thats how I came up with my solution (even though it doesn't seem to work correctly :( OTOH, you can try to implement a pure software solution - e.g. port some existing code over. |
谢谢你的帮助。我在“硬件”中思考,这是我的问题的一部分。我在考虑555个电容器和电阻器设置延迟的定时器。那些在PSoC中不可用。 在过去的一周里,我通过思考“侧向”的方式,取得了一些进步。我使用一个故障过滤器来触发大于900到1000μs的脉冲。这会输出一个脉冲或“1”。我还把所有13个脉冲(包括开始脉冲为2400个),并将它们传递给一对移位寄存器。第一个设置为5位,第二位设置为8位。 我不确定这是否是正确的方法。我还在努力解码这一系列的比特。我必须处理的一个负面问题是,这个解决方案似乎也会触发其他IR遥控器(不仅仅是索尼SIRC代码),这意味着我将得到我需要处理的错误触发器。 另一件事,我注意到,这可能是为什么没有其他人采取了创建者的方法,是我正在研磨的PSoC资源像疯了,这留给我留下很少的余下用于其他特征在PSoC4。 当做, 詹姆斯 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hli, Thanks for your help. I _am_ thinking in 'hardware', and that is part of my problem. I am thinking in terms of 555 Timers with capacitor & resistor settable delays. Those are not available in the PSoc. I was able to make a small amount of progress over the last week, by thinking about this 'sideways'. I am using a Glitch Filter to trigger on pulses greater than 900 to 1000uS. This outputs a pulse - or a '1', for the ones. I am also clocking all of the 13 pulses (including the Start pulse which is 2400uS), and passing them into a pair of Shift Registers. The first one is set for 5 bits, and the second one is set for 8 bits. I am not sure if this is the correct approach. I am still working on decoding the string of bits. One negative that I am having to deal with is that this solution seems to also trigger on other IR remotes (not just the Sony SIRC codes), which means that I will get false triggers that I need to deal with. One other thing that I am noticing, and it may be why no one else has taken the Creator approach, is that I am grinding through PSoC resources like crazy, which leaves me with very little left over to use for other features inside the PSoC4. Regards, James |
是的,我看到了这篇文章——那是差不多三年前的事了,没有关于他所做的事情的后续报道。 我想我可以像他那样咬它-我只是希望有一个更简单的方法。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Thanks Dana, Yes, I saw this post - it was almost three years ago, and no follow-up on what he wound up doing. I suppose I could bit-bang it like he did - I was just hoping that there was an easier way. |
想想计时器组件作为一个数字可配置的555,那么你是非常接近:)所有其他(如DFFs和盖茨)应该知道你。Evne PWM,如它在这里所使用的,更像是一个555…
因此,如果你找到一种用555个定时器和数字逻辑解码IR代码的方法,你可以很容易地把它翻译成PSoC。 您所概述的方法可能会起作用,但我怀疑您是否正确地解码了起始位。特别是检测其他IR协议(IILC使用较短的起始比特)可能会变得困难。说到这一点:是的,其他遥控器可能会工作,这是预期的结果。他们的协议就足够了。您将需要检查地址位来过滤掉您不想接受的任何东西(如任何其他远程控制接收器所做的那样)。 关于资源:PSoC4是最小的PSOC之一,特别是在UDBS方面。只有4个可用,所以尽可能使用固定的功能块。每个移位寄存器都需要一个UDB。使用SPI从服务器可能会更好,因为它不需要UDB。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Think of the timer component as a digitally configurable 555, then you are quite close :) Everything else (like DFFs and gates) should then be known to you. Evene the PWM, as its used here, is more like a 555... So if you find a way of decoding the IR code with 555 timers and digital logic, you can translate this easily into a PSoC. The approach you outlined might work, but I doubt you gett the start bit decoded correctly. Especially detecting other IR protocols (IIRC they use shorter start bits) might get difficult. Speaking of that: yes, other remotes might work, this is the expected result. Their protocols are just similar enough. You will need to check the address bits to filter out anything you don't want to accept (as any other remote control receiver does). Regarding the resources: PSoC4 is one of the smallest PSoCs, especially in terms of UDBs. There are only 4 of them available, so its best to use fixed-function block whenever possible. Each of your shift registers will need one UDB. Using a SPI slave might be better, because it needs no UDBs. |
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