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嗨,我需要一个支持以下ipcores的xilinx FPGA:mpeg-4编码器,UART和SPI。
我还需要一个支持UART和mpeg-4的解码器。 我猜他们中的大多数都支持UART和SPI内核,但不确定mpeg-4编码器/解码器。 我发现了这个:http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/ip_documentation/mpeg_4_encoder_ds511.pdf,但显然已停止使用。 是否有这个ip核心的更新版本,因为我找不到一个? 另外,如何获得核心(可以免费下载)吗? 我不确定总共需要多少个门,但我要包括几个小型FSM控制器和一个小型控制单元,以协调所有内核的操作。 这可能有点模糊,但在我正确开始设计过程之前,我无法给出门尺寸的数字。 谢谢 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi, I need a xilinx fpga supporting the following ipcores: mpeg-4 encoder, UART, and SPI. I will also need one suporting a UART and mpeg-4 decoder. I guess most of them will support UART and SPI cores, but not sure about mpeg-4 encoders/decoders. I found this: http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/ip_documentation/mpeg_4_encoder_ds511.pdf , but apparently it is discontinued. Is there a later version of this ip core as I couldn't find one? Also, how does one get hold of the core (Can it be downloaded for free)? I'm not sure how many gates I will need in total, but I'm including a couple of small FSM controllers and a small control unit, to coordinate the operation of all the cores. This may be a bit vague, but until I start the design process properly, I can't give numbers as to gate size. Thank you |
您可以估算设备使用情况 但是,从您找到的数据表中。 接近结尾,它列出了LUT,FF,BRAM和 DSP计数各种设备。 你可能想问一下赛灵思代表为什么这么做 核心已停产。 即它从来没有正常工作? 它属于第三种吗? 不再提供许可证的一方? 这是你的一个相对较大的部分 系统,我会确保你可以在进行任何排序之前获得你想要的核心 关于FPGA的决定 问候, 的Gabor - Gabor 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I don't think you'll find a free MPEG-4 core. You can get an estimate of device usage from the datasheet you found, however. Near the end it lists LUT, FF, BRAM, and DSP counts for various devices. You may want to ask a Xilinx representative why the core was discontinued. i.e. did it never work properly? Does it belong to a third party who no longer offers a license? This being a relatively large portion of your system, I would make sure you can get the core you want before making any sort of decision on an FPGA. Regards, Gabor -- Gabor |
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