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嗨,我使用MPLAB X来创建Lora源项目,并创建了LoaMoTe.x.Prototh.HeX。用Lora DevelopmentUtility上传到MoTE板可以吗?一些在不同的帖子说这会损坏板…所以,我如何上传MPLAB X的尘埃?如果MOTE损坏,我在哪里可以找到真正的MOTE RN2443固件为868 MHz…这样我就可以在MFC板上重新制作真正的固件了。谢谢,Sjayaram。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, I build the Lora source project using MPLAB X and created LoRaMote.X.production.hex. Is it OK to upload using Lora DevelopmentUtility to Mote board?. Some in different post say thiscan damage the board... So, how can I upload the Mote from MPLAB x. If Mote damage, where can i find the actual Mote RN2483 firmware for 868Mhz ... So that I can again make the actual firmware in Mote board. Thanks, Sjayaram |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 You are mistaking the MCU Firmware with the RN2483 Firmware,,what you did rebuild(LoRaMote) must be uploaded to the MCU via ICSP pins near the LCD. If you try to alter the RN firmware you will surely damage the Modem (not the Mote) ,u will lose the LoRa connectivity. |
嗨,为了开发的目的,我需要修改劳拉MOTE源(比如每隔10s发送一个临时传感器值)并测试它。所以,将RelaMod HEX固件文件上传到Microchip LoaMod的正确方法是什么?我知道RN2488是这个MOTEE的一个组成部分。通过MPLAB X.或任何其他方式,如USB串行COM…MCU的MCU(这里是Microchip MOTE)……我没有任何特定的工具,如JTAG或PACIT,ETC:LoaDebug实用程序选项的目的是上传固件…
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, For the development purpose, I need to modify the lora mote source (such as send temp sensor value at every 10sec) and test it. So, what is right way to upload the loramote hex firmware file to Microchip LoRa Mote ... I know the RN2483 is an integral part of this mote. is it posible to upload the firmware of MCU (here microchip mote) via MPLAB X. Or any other way like USB serial comm .... I don't have any specific tool such as JTAG or PICkit,etc What is the purpose of LoRaDevelopment Utility option to upload firmware... |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 the purpose of LoRaDevelopment Utility option to upload firmware is used for refresh the RN2483 firmware if there's some new versions.But trust me you don't reallyneed to modify that firmware at your stage. Other information is that there's no source code for the RN2483 firmware ;) . The source code available is for the MCU (PIC18LF) on the mode,all the processing logic (10sec....) are located in LoRaMote firmware. You need to buy a Pickit v3 to making this possible,,there's no other way bro. Good luck |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 *no other way to update the MCU firmware (Mote firmware) |
我在LoaLuMyTy固件文件夹中看到了HydBooLoad Windows应用程序。在MUTE用户指南中,他们还说我们可以通过使用这个方法上传固件。是正确的吗?如何在Bootloader模式下创建MotE?谢谢,JayaramS
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I seen HIDBootloader windows app inside the LoRa_MoTe_Firmware folder. In mote user guide also they say we can upload firmware by using this. Is it right way?. How can I make mote in Bootloader mode?. Thanks, JayaramS |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 hi, one more option I seen mphidflash opensource for uploading hex to microchip pic boards. Is it right one for the purpose. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, Yes you are right but unfortunetly they "LIED" about that,,even in the source code there's no part that handle the bootloader mode (i remember thay mention pressiong on one of the buttons or something like that). I dont know about the mph* option, try to have a pickit to upload the code,,there' s no other option,,i checked that a long time but no success |
嗨,伙计,我是新的图片,我想修改源代码/固件的MCU(一个PIC18LF45 K50),所以它执行我自己的代码。不过,我想从简单的编译(编译和编程)一个基于LelaRayMoTeYiMuthRoad文件夹的项目开始,复制MCU已经拥有的固件。我的问题是,我对SelaRoMyTyl固件结构(子文件夹)非常迷惘,我尝试编译T。固件源代码失败,因为没有找到不同的文件。将固件编译成MCU需要特殊的护理吗?任何帮助都将被接受。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi guys, I am new with PICs and I want to modify the source-code/firmware of the MCU (a PIC18LF45K50) so it executes my own code. However, I would like to start by just simply making (compiling and programming) a project based on the LoRa_MoTe_Firmware folder, and replicate the firmware that the MCU already has. My problem is that I am quite lost with the LoRa_MoTe_Firmware structure (subfolders), and any try I made to compile the firmware source code failed because of different files not found. Is there any special care required to compile and reprogram the firmware into the MCU? Any help will be apreciated. |
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