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嗨,谁能告诉我,MPLAB X IDE V3.65 IDE是否中断了USAT的模拟?请在没有中断优先级的情况下发布一个我应该如何调用微控制器中断的代码(PIC16F86A)。非常感谢。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, Can anyone tell me if the MPLAB X IDE v3.65 IDE does interrupt simulation for USART? Please post a code of how I should call the USART interrupt for microcontrollers without interrupt priority (PIC16F876A). thank you very much |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Yes, the simulator should trigger an interrupt if you inject data to the RCREG register, and have receive interrupts enabled. You did not mention if you are working in C or assembler. (Or why you are using such an ancient PIC. There are much better, cheaper, easier to work with PIC16F devices now.) |
嗨,我在C中工作。编译器ixc8 v1.42.请发布一个我应该如何调用USAT中断的代码。非常感谢。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, I´m working in C. The compiller is xc8-v1.42. Please post a code of how I should call the USART interrupt. thank you very much |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 In your Main code:
您可能在KATELA的帖子中看到过,您没有调用中断服务例程(ISR),硬件是这样做的。您所要做的就是为它准备硬件,就像Katela已经解释过的。因为这是一个PIC 16设备,您只有一个中断向量,所以ISR中的代码必须运行。将哪个中断源调用它并动作。BTW:我将按KATELA建议的顺序交换步骤1和2的顺序。以防万一EASART接收中断标志在你开始准备之前就已经设置好了。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi As you might have seen in Katela's post, you don't call the interrupt service routine (ISR), the hardware does it. All you have to do is to prepare the hardware for it, like already explained by Katela. As this is a PIC 16 device you have one single interrupt vector, so the code in the ISR must verify which interrupt source did invoke it and act acordingly. BTW: I would swap the order of steps 1 and 2 in the sequence suggested by Katela. Just in case the EUSART receive interrupt flag was already set before you start preparing for it. HIH Best regards Jorge |
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