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我们非常高兴地宣布Vivado 2017.3的发布 - 包含许多功能。
您可以从Xilinx的下载页面下载Vivado 2017.3版本,并参考以下用户指南,了解有关Vivado 2017.3版本新功能的更多详细信息 - UG973:新功能,许可和安装 在此Vivado版本中,我们将介绍一些我们希望引起您注意的许可更改。 Vivado 2017.3许可变更: Flex许可管理工具已升级到11.14.1版本。 需要注意的一些要点是: 如果您使用浮动许可证,则必须将许可实用程序升级到Flex 11.14.1 - 许可实用程序可以在www.xilinx.com的下载页面上找到。 如果您的许可证文件不到一年,则在升级许可实用程序后,它应与Vivado 2017.3一起使用 Vivado 2017.3将是支持Solaris 11.14.1 for Solaris操作系统的许可实用程序的最后一个版本 我们将继续支持Windows和Linux操作系统的许可实用程序 激活许可支持已被删除 从Vivado 2017.3版本开始 - 已删除激活许可支持 激活许可支持的所有功能都将停止,包括许可证借用 现有的激活许可证(从2016.3开始)已替换为可从www.xilinx.com/getlicense访问的基于证书的许可证 USB Dongle驱动程序 使用USB加密狗进行许可将要求您在Windows上安装驱动程序 有关如何在Windows上安装USB加密狗驱动程序的更多详细信息,请参阅AR#47132。 -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------不要忘记回答,kudo,并接受为解决方案.------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------- 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 We are very excited to announce the release of Vivado 2017.3 – packed with many features. You can download Vivado 2017.3 release from Xilinx’s download page and refer to the following user guide for more details on what’s new in Vivado 2017.3 release - UG973: What’s new, Licensing and Installation In this release of Vivado we are introducing some changes for licensing that we would like to bring to your attention. Vivado 2017.3 Licensing Changes:
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don’t forget to reply, kudo, and accept as solution. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
12:40:56(lmgrd)(@ lmgrd-SLOG @)=================================== ============ 12:40:56(lmgrd)(@ lmgrd-SLOG @)=== LMGRD === 12:40:56(lmgrd)(@ lmgrd-SLOG @)开始 -Date:Thu Oct 12 2017 12:40:56 Mitteleurop?ische Sommerzeit12:40:56(lmgrd)(@ lmgrd-SLOG @)PID:292412:40:56(lmgrd)(@ lmgrd-SLOG @)LMGRD版本: v11.14.1.0 build 194335 i86_n3(build 194335(ipv6))12:40:56(lmgrd)(@ lmgrd-SLOG @)12:40:56(lmgrd)(@ lmgrd-SLOG @)===网络信息 === 12:40:56(lmgrd)(@ lmgrd-SLOG @)听力端口:210012:40:56(lmgrd)(@ lmgrd-SLOG @)12:40:56(lmgrd)(@ lmgrd-SLOG @ )===启动信息=== 12:40:56(lmgrd)(@ lmgrd-SLOG @)LS作为服务运行:是12:40:56(lmgrd)(@ lmgrd-SLOG @)服务器配置:单 Server12:40:56(lmgrd)(@ lmgrd-SLOG @)LS启动时使用的命令行选项:-c C: Licenses Xilinx_ziti_2017.lic -l C: Licenses Xilinx.log -z -s 12: 40:56(lmgrd)(@ lmgrd-SLOG @)使用的许可文件:C: Licenses Xilinx_ziti_2017.lic12:40:56(lmgrd)(@ lmgrd-SLOG @)======== ========================= ============== 12:40:56(lmgrd)SLOG:FNPLS-INTERNAL-VL1-409612:40:56(lmgrd)启动供应商守护进程... 12:40:56( lmgrd)在端口118812:40:56(lmgrd)启动供应商守护程序使用许可证文件12:40:56(lmgrd)中指定的供应商守护程序端口1188启动xilinxd(pid 2164)12:41:01(lmgrd)xilinxd退出状态53 (此状态为保留但永远不会生成)12:41:01(lmgrd)由于这是未知状态,许可证服务器12:41:01(lmgrd)管理器(lmgrd)将尝试重新启动供应商守护程序。 12:41:01(lmgrd)在端口118812:41:01(lmgrd)启动供应商守护程序使用许可证文件12:41:01(lmgrd)中指定的供应商守护程序端口1188重新启动xilinxd(pid 944)12:41:06(lmgrd) )xilinxd以状态53退出(此状态为保留但永远不会生成)12:41:06(lmgrd)由于这是未知状态,许可证服务器 ...更多这个...... 12:44:04(lmgrd)在端口118812:44:04(lmgrd)启动供应商守护程序使用许可证文件12:44:04(lmgrd)中指定的供应商守护程序端口1188重新启动xilinxd (pid 1388)12:44:09(lmgrd)xilinxd以状态53退出(此状态为保留但永远不会生成)12:44:09(lmgrd)请更正问题并重启守护进程 有什么线索吗? “从未生成状态”显然是通过...生成的 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Xilinx daemon doesn't start after upgrading FlexLM: 12:40:56 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) =============================================== 12:40:56 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) === LMGRD === 12:40:56 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) Start-Date: Thu Oct 12 2017 12:40:56 Mitteleurop?ische Sommerzeit 12:40:56 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) PID: 2924 12:40:56 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) LMGRD Version: v11.14.1.0 build 194335 i86_n3 ( build 194335 (ipv6)) 12:40:56 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) 12:40:56 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) === Network Info === 12:40:56 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) Listening port: 2100 12:40:56 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) 12:40:56 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) === Startup Info === 12:40:56 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) Is LS run as a service: Yes 12:40:56 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) Server Configuration: Single Server 12:40:56 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) Command-line options used at LS startup: -c C:LicensesXilinx_ziti_2017.lic -l C:LicensesXilinx.log -z -s 12:40:56 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) License file(s) used: C:LicensesXilinx_ziti_2017.lic 12:40:56 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) =============================================== 12:40:56 (lmgrd) SLOG: FNPLS-INTERNAL-VL1-4096 12:40:56 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemons ... 12:40:56 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemon at port 1188 12:40:56 (lmgrd) Using vendor daemon port 1188 specified in license file 12:40:56 (lmgrd) Started xilinxd (pid 2164) 12:41:01 (lmgrd) xilinxd exited with status 53 (this status is reserved but will never be generated) 12:41:01 (lmgrd) Since this is an unknown status, license server 12:41:01 (lmgrd) manager (lmgrd) will attempt to re-start the vendor daemon. 12:41:01 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemon at port 1188 12:41:01 (lmgrd) Using vendor daemon port 1188 specified in license file 12:41:01 (lmgrd) REStarted xilinxd (pid 944) 12:41:06 (lmgrd) xilinxd exited with status 53 (this status is reserved but will never be generated) 12:41:06 (lmgrd) Since this is an unknown status, license server ... many more of this .... 12:44:04 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemon at port 1188 12:44:04 (lmgrd) Using vendor daemon port 1188 specified in license file 12:44:04 (lmgrd) REStarted xilinxd (pid 1388) 12:44:09 (lmgrd) xilinxd exited with status 53 (this status is reserved but will never be generated) 12:44:09 (lmgrd) Please correct problem and restart daemons Any clues? The "never generated status" apparently is generated though ... |
你好@ akugel,
请注意,此错误(“xilinxd退出状态为53”)通常出现在Windows许可证服务器上,其中许可证实用程序是单独下载的,并且未安装Vivado。 如果Windows计算机上未安装Microsoft Visual C ++可再发行库,则可能会发生此错误。 请注意,许可证实用程序要求机器在运行之前安装了2015 Microsoft Redistributables。 这通常是作为Vivado安装的一部分提供的,但是如果您在Vivado之外设置浮动服务器,则可以从Microsoft获取可再发行服务器: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145 因此,您能否从上面的Microsoft链接获取可再发行组件并将其安装在服务器上,然后再次停止并启动服务器,然后查看输出,因为这应该可以解决此问题。 请尝试以上操作,让我知道输出。 希望这可以帮助。 亲切的问候, 阿纳托利 亲切的问候,Anatoli Curran,Xilinx威廉希尔官方网站 支持----------------------------------------- --------------------------------不要忘记回复,工作,并接受解决方案.---- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello @akugel, Please note that this error (“xilinxd exited with status 53”) is typically seen on Windows license servers where the license utilities were downloaded separately and Vivado is not installed. This error can occur if the Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable libraries are not installed on the Windows machine. Please note that the license utilities require that the machine have the 2015 Microsoft Redistributables installed before running. This is normally provided as part of the Vivado install, however if/as you are setting up a floating server outside of Vivado, you can obtain the redistributables from Microsoft: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145 Therefore, can you please obtain the redistributables from Microsoft link above and installed this on the server and then stop and start the server again and then see the output, as this should fix this issue. Please try the above and let me know the output. Hope this helps. Kind Regards, Anatoli Kind Regards, Anatoli Curran, Xilinx Technical Support ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don’t forget to reply, kudo, and accept as solution. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
我还安装了驱动程序并复制了AR#47132中概述的DLL.Vivado许可证管理器没有看到FLEXID加密狗ID。 但是,我之前安装的ISE 14.6仍然可以看到它。 操作系统是Windows 7,我重新启动了系统(几次!)。 设备管理器确认USB上加密狗的驱动程序版本是7.50.0.0,我认为这是AR#47132的内容。那我该怎么办? 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I have installed 2017.3. I have also installed the drivers and copied the DLLs as outlined in AR# 47132. The Vivado License manager does not see the FLEXID dongle ID. However, my previous installation of ISE 14.6 does still see it. The operating systems is Windows 7, and I have re-booted the system (several times!). The device manager confirms that the driver version for the dongle on USB is, which is, I think, what comes from AR# 47132. So how should I proceed? |
它使用“网络系统”帐户而不是“系统”帐户,服务无法启动使用“网络系统”帐户。 我们不得不手动更改服务中的帐户以使其运行。 只是和FYI。 我猜服务器上的两个帐户的权限是不同的。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I just posted that we had problems with the LMtools creating the service with the wrong account. it used the "network system" account instead of the "system" account , service wouldn't start using the "Network System" account. We had to manully change the account ins the service to get it to run. just and FYI. I guess the permissions are different between the two account on the server. |
由于对基于激活的许可证的支持已经停止。 是否启用基于证书的许可证中的借用功能? 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi, Since the support for activation based license has been discontinued. WIll the borrowing features in certificate based license be enabled?. |
你好@ kailashprakash,
目前许可借款不支持CB许可。 基于我所知道的原因,证书许可证借用的路线图中有一些内容,但我没有听到任何有关它的信息。 所以,如果这种情况发生,将不会很快。 希望这可以帮助。 亲切的问候,Anatoli Curran,Xilinx威廉希尔官方网站 支持----------------------------------------- --------------------------------不要忘记回复,工作,并接受解决方案.---- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello @kailashprakash, Currently licensing borrowing isn't support with CB licensing. Based on why I'm aware of, there was something in the roadmap for certificate license borrowing, but I haven't heard anything about it. So if that's going to happen, won't be soon. Hope this helps. Kind Regards, Anatoli Curran, Xilinx Technical Support ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don’t forget to reply, kudo, and accept as solution. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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