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解析HTTPS服务器的IP地址 服务器位于54.243.145.223μ 获得“…” 从DCT中读取证书密钥 NETCONNION STARCtiON TLS 失败:4 注意,它在SDK-5.1中工作,所以这显然是一个回归。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 The https_client test fails: Resolving IP address of HTTPS server␍␊ Server is at␍␊ Getting '/'...␍␊ Read the certificate Key from DCT␍␊ netconn_connect start_tls Get failed: 4␍ Note, it was working in sdk-5.1, so this is clearly a regression. |
错误已经被重放,我已经在这上面发了一张票。我发现的错误代码是MabtLsSyrErsSLyFATALIAL TraveType消息。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Error has been reproduced and I have raised a ticket on this. The error code I found was MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_FATAL_ALERT_MESSAGE. |
我能够从Wice 5.1复制HTTPS15客户端到我的Wice 5.2存储库中,这很好。除了访问的网站和CA证书,代码几乎是相同的。www. GooGel.com(Wice 5.1)取代了www. GooGel.com。我怀疑如果您得到一个新的CA证书从www. HutpBi.Org,将解决这个问题,但还有另一个问题与TLS在Wice 5.2。在我下载了大约200 KB之后,数据就被损坏了。我在Wice 5.1中运行同样的代码,我可以下载一个完整的MB系统映像并引导进去。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I was able to copy https_client from WICED 5.1 into my WICED 5.2 repository and that worked fine. The code is pretty much the same except for the website that is accessed and the CA certificate. www.httpbin.org replaced www.google.com(WICED 5.1). I suspect if you get a new CA certificate from www.httpbin.org that would fix this issue, but there is another problem with TLS in WICED 5.2. After I download about 200 KB the data becomes corrupted. I run the same exact code in WICED 5.1 and I can download a full half MB system image and boot into it. |
billow33 发表于 2018-12-26 11:53 韦斯特斯特里克写道: 我能够从Wice 5.1复制HTTPS15客户端到我的Wice 5.2存储库中,这很好。除了访问的网站和CA证书,代码几乎是相同的。www. GooGel.com(Wice 5.1)取代了www. GooGel.com。我怀疑如果您得到一个新的CA证书从www. HutpBi.Org,将解决这个问题,但还有另一个问题与TLS在Wice 5.2。在我下载了大约200 KB之后,数据就被损坏了。我在Wice 5.1中运行同样的代码,我可以下载一个完整的MB系统映像并引导进去。 谢谢测试。 SDK-5.2中的TLS存在一些问题。 我还在等待修复或下一次发布。 但我有点紧张,什么时候可以修复,因为这样的问题SDK-5.2不能使用。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 webmstreric wrote:Thanks for testing it. There are some issues with TLS in SDK-5.2. I'm still waiting for the fix or next release. But I'm a little bit nervous about when will the fix available because with such issue SDK-5.2 cannot be used. |
uwueyvwew 发表于 2018-12-26 11:58 这个剪辑已经从WSDE SDK 6中移除。它使用了被HTSNPH客户端库所取代,并被SNIP.HtpBiNo.Org所使用的HTTPX客户端所取代。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 This snip has been removed from WICED SDK 6.0 onwards. It used the https_client library which has been deprecated and replaced by HTTP_client used by snip.httpbin_org. |
asd013 发表于 2018-12-26 12:14 GRSR写道: 这个剪辑已经从WSDE SDK 6中移除。它使用了被HTSNPH客户端库所取代,并被SNIP.HtpBiNo.Org所使用的HTTPX客户端所取代。 SNIP.HTTPSY客户端使用与SNIP.HTTPBIN ORG完全不同的API集。 不同的API有着完全不同的设计理念。 所以我相信删除SNIP代码是另一个错误。 例如,不可能用KEPHIVE实现HTTP请求,它可以重用现有的 Snp.HtpBiNo.Org BeasueStp.HtpBiNo.Oracle使用TCP回调API。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 grsr wrote:The snip.https_client uses totally different API set with snip.httpbin_org. The different APIs are design with totally different philosophy. So I believe remove the snip code is another mistake. For example, it's impossible to implement http request with keepalive which can reuse existing session with snip.httpbin_org becasue snip.httpbin_org uses the tcp callback API. |
asd013 发表于 2018-12-26 12:14 GRSR写道: 这个剪辑已经从WSDE SDK 6中移除。它使用了被HTSNPH客户端库所取代,并被SNIP.HtpBiNo.Org所使用的HTTPX客户端所取代。 SNIP/HTTPSA客户端仍然在SDK-61中,测试仍然显示相同的错误。 HTTPSA客户端只是一个简单的SNIP代码,如果它不工作,它通常意味着 无论是BESL还是SNIP代码都是错误的。 从这个线程中的2017/9/27的答复中,您已经找到了MbEdtLsSyrErsSLFATAL警告消息错误, 应该修复它,而不是删除SNIP代码。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 grsr wrote:snip/https_client still in sdk-6.1 and the test still shows the same error. https_client is just a simple snip code, if it does not work it usually means something wrong in either BESL or the snip code it self. From the reply in 2017/9/27 in this thread, you already found the MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_FATAL_ALERT_MESSAGE error, Should fix it rather than remove the snip code. |
uwueyvwew 发表于 2018-12-26 12:42 我们将不再支持旧的HTTP库和它们的API。它在APIIOUPDATET.TXT中被清楚地提到。我们建议您移到使用新HTTP库的HTTPBIN ORG。必须添加错误的HTTPSYCube示例。它应该从SDK中删除。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 We shall not support the old HTTP library and their APIs anymore. It is clearly mentioned in API_updates.txt. We recommend you to move to httpbin_org which uses the new HTTP library. The https_client example must have been added by mistake. It should be removed from the SDK. |
asd013 发表于 2018-12-26 12:52 HTTPSA客户端只是一个SNIP代码,如果您真的想删除它,我没有异议。 但是,删除现有的库是不同的。 看起来你假设没有使用旧的HTTP库的用户,这显然是错误的。 使用新SDK版本的人通常期望现有的应用程序仍然可以工作。 删除现有的库意味着人们需要对现有的应用程序进行重新编程。 另外,您应该检查问题是否在SNIP代码本身或BESL库中。 还说您已经找到了MbEdtLSyErrsSLyFATALIAL报警消息错误。 我主要担心BESL库中的bug。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 The https_client is just a snip code, I have no objection if you really want to remove it. However, removing a existing library is different. It seems you assume there are no users using the old HTTP library which is obviously wrong. People using new sdk versions usually expect the existing application can still work. Removing a existing library means people need to re-program the existing applications. In additional, you should check if the problem is in the snip code itself or BESL library as you also said you already found the MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_FATAL_ALERT_MESSAGE error. I mainly worried about the bug in BESL library. |
uwueyvwew 发表于 2018-12-26 13:04 决定旧图书馆的决定是由高层管理人员采取的。我在内部加强了你的关心。如果我收到反馈,我会更新这个线程。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 The decision to deprecate the old library was taken by management at a high level. I have escalated your concern internally. I will update this thread if and when I receive feedback. |
以下是反馈。如果您真的想使用旧的HTTP库,这是您的选择,但在将来,我们有可能删除它。由于旧图书馆的局限性,建议用户使用新的图书馆。如果你在旧图书馆找到任何功能,而不是新图书馆的一部分,那么我们可以在新图书馆中添加。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Here is the feedback. If you really want to use old HTTP library, it is your choice but in the future it is possible that we can remove it. We recommend users to use new library due to some limitations in old library. If you find any functionality which was there in old library but not part of new one, then we can add that in new library. |
asd013 发表于 2018-12-26 13:35 GRSR写道: 以下是反馈。如果您真的想使用旧的HTTP库,这是您的选择,但在将来,我们有可能删除它。由于旧图书馆的局限性,建议用户使用新的图书馆。如果你在旧图书馆找到任何功能,而不是新图书馆的一部分,那么我们可以在新图书馆中添加。 旧图书馆有什么局限性? 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 grsr wrote:What is the limitations in old library? |
uwueyvwew 发表于 2018-12-26 13:42 旧的HTTP库在CPU使用方面效率不高。当您调用WijdEHtPSPGET时,它将创建套接字,初始化TLS上下文,发送请求和块,直到接收到所有请求(同步)的响应为止。在新的库中,它确实创建了套接字,初始化了init中一次完成的TLS上下文,然后可以在不阻塞响应(异步)的情况下发送尽可能多的请求。 在旧的HTTP库中,没有配置HTTP客户机参数(如服务器名称指示(SNI)、TLS最大片段长度)的规定。但是在新的HTTP库中,我们可以这样做。HTTPBIN ORG预期SNI扩展无法在旧HTTP库中配置。此外,我们还可以使用事件处理程序线程来处理HTTP响应。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 The old HTTP library is not efficient in terms of CPU usage. When you call wiced_https_get it would create socket, initialize TLS context, send the request and block till response is received for all the requests (Synchronous). In new library it does create socket, initialize TLS context done once in init and after that you can send as many request as you want without blocking for the response (Asynchronous). In the old HTTP library, there is no provision to configure HTTP client parameters such as server name indication (SNI), TLS maximum fragment length. But in the new HTTP library, we can do so. httpbin_org expects SNI extension which cannot be configured in old HTTP library. Also we can use event handler thread to handle HTTP responses. |
asd013 发表于 2018-12-26 13:49 您的语句不是真的,我使用旧HTTP库在应用程序中提到了所有的特性。 原始HTTP库在SDK-5.1中运行良好。在退休之前,我看不出有什么好的理由来打破它。 但我不会再打扰你了。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Your statements are not true, I have all the features you mention in my application using old http library. The original http library was working fine in sdk-5.1. I don't see any good reason to break it before retire it. But I'll stop bothering you regarding this topic. |
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