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我在我的Ubuntu VM中为我的高级项目安装了vivado 2017.2和SDNet 2017.1.1。
我的顾问给我“XXXX @ server”获得浮动许可证。 但是,Vivado许可证管理通知Ubuntu用户需要在应用程序之外进行设置。 我没有得到.lic文件,因此我无法将其放在目录中。 如何使用浮动许可证获取.lic文件。 谢谢。 PS我在UBUNTU的知识是全新的。 拜托我。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I install vivado 2017.2 and SDNet 2017.1.1 in my Ubuntu VM for my senior project. My adviser give me the "XXXX@server" to get floating license. However, the Vivado License Management inform that Ubuntu user need to make setting outside the application. I have not get the .lic file, so I cannot place it in directory. How can I get .lic file, by using the floating license. Thank you. PS My knowledge in UBUNTU is totally new. Bear with me please. |
@ chon.k
查看此AR,看看它是否有帮助 https://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/42503.html vitorian.com ---我们这样做很有趣。 总是给予赞誉。 如果您的问题得到解答,请接受解决方案。我不会回复个人信息 - 请改用论坛。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 @chon.k Check out this AR and see if it helps https://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/42503.html vitorian.com --- We do this for fun. Always give kudos. Accept as solution if your question was answered. I will not answer to personal messages - use the forums instead. |
正如@hbucher正确指出的那样,如果你检查链接共享,你可以在Linux操作系统上看到,你无法使用Vivado License Manager设置许可环境环境变量字段是只读的,因此它们是灰色的 并且没有“设置”按钮。 因此,您必须使用环境变量以及相应的shell和命令来设置许可环境。 因此,请设置XILINXD_LICENSE_FILE环境变量(关于如何手动设置环境变量,请查看此答复记录:https://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/11630.html)以指向此许可证所在的位置 : 例如:setenv XILINXD_LICENSE_FILE 2100 @ server (或导出XILINXD_LICENSE_FILE = 2100 @ server,如果这是在sh / bash shell中) 要验证是否正确设置了XILINXD_LICENSE_FILE环境变量,可以运行setenv命令,这将显示在您的案例中设置的allenvironment变量列表。 这也应该包括XILINXD_LICENSE_FILE,例如: XILINXD_LICENSE_FILE = 2100 @服务器 如果您对上述内容有任何疑问,请与我们联系。 亲切的问候, 阿纳托利 亲切的问候,Anatoli Curran,Xilinx威廉希尔官方网站 支持----------------------------------------- --------------------------------不要忘记回复,工作,并接受解决方案.---- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello @chon.k, As correctly indicated by @hbucher, if you check the link shared, here you can read that on Linux Operating Systems, you cannot set up the licensing environment with the Vivado License Manager The environment variable fields are read only, therefore, they are grayed out and there are no "Set" buttons. For this reason, you must set up the licensing environment using an environment variable and the appropriate shell and commands instead. Therefore, please set XILINXD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable (on how to manually set environment variables, please check this Answer Record: https://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/11630.html) to point to the location where this license is located: e.g.: setenv XILINXD_LICENSE_FILE 2100@server (or export XILINXD_LICENSE_FILE=2100@server, if this is in the sh/bash shell) To verify that the XILINXD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable is set correctly, you can run setenv command and that would show you the list of all environment variables set in your case. This should also include XILINXD_LICENSE_FILE, e.g.: XILINXD_LICENSE_FILE=2100@server Please let me know if you have any questions on the above. Kind Regards, Anatoli Kind Regards, Anatoli Curran, Xilinx Technical Support ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don’t forget to reply, kudo, and accept as solution. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
请检查我是否做得对。 我打开settings64.sh并添加 $ export LM_LICENSE_FILE = 2100 @ mylicense 然后保存 我尝试编译一个sdnet文件,但它显示 Xilinx SDNet编译器版本2017.1.1,内部版本1917766 无法获得许可证 另外,当我运行setenv命令时,它显示了 没有命令'setenv',你的意思是:命令'netenv'来自包'netenv'(宇宙)setenv:命令未找到 请帮忙,提前谢谢。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Thank you everyone for helping me. Please check if I did it right. I open settings64.sh and add $ export LM_LICENSE_FILE=2100@mylicense then save I try to compile an sdnet file, but it showed Xilinx SDNet Compiler version 2017.1.1, build 1917766 Cannot obtain license In addtion, when I run setenv command, it showed No command 'setenv' found, did you mean: Command 'netenv' from package 'netenv' (universe) setenv: command not found Please help, Thank you in advance. |
@ chon.k
'setenv'用于c-shell(csh)。 在bash上(默认在ubuntu上),命令是'env' vitorian.com ---我们这样做很有趣。 总是给予赞誉。 如果您的问题得到解答,请接受解决方案。我不会回复个人信息 - 请改用论坛。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 @chon.k 'setenv' is for c-shell (csh). On bash (default on ubuntu) the command is 'env' vitorian.com --- We do this for fun. Always give kudos. Accept as solution if your question was answered. I will not answer to personal messages - use the forums instead. |
@ chon.k
你错过了一件事。 这条线必须像 export LM_LICENSE_FILE = PORT @ SERVER 其中PORT必须是介于1和65535之间的数字 - 默认为2100。 SERVER需要是有效的DNS名称或IP地址。 示例如果LM_LICENSE_FILE=2100@host123.umd.edu 然后你应该能够进入Linux bash控制台(konsole或gnome-terminal)并输入 whois host123.umd.edu 这应该产生有效的回应。 你也应该能够telnet到它,这应该会显示你的东西 telnet host123.umd.edu 2100 试试10.0.11.1 ...... 连接到10.0.11.1。 逃脱角色是'^]'。 服务器名称与服务器端许可证文件中显示的名称完全相同也很重要。 vitorian.com ---我们这样做很有趣。 总是给予赞誉。 如果您的问题得到解答,请接受解决方案。我不会回复个人信息 - 请改用论坛。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 @chon.k You are missing one thing. The line has to read like export LM_LICENSE_FILE=PORT@SERVER where PORT has to be a number between 1 and 65535 - default 2100. the SERVER needs to be a valid DNS name or IP address. Example if LM_LICENSE_FILE=2100@host123.umd.edu Then you should be able to go to the Linux bash console (konsole or gnome-terminal) and type whois host123.umd.edu and that should yield a valid response. You should also be able to telnet into it and that should show you something like telnet host123.umd.edu 2100Trying to character is '^]'. It is also important that the server name be exactly the same as the one that appears in the license file in the server side. vitorian.com --- We do this for fun. Always give kudos. Accept as solution if your question was answered. I will not answer to personal messages - use the forums instead. |
由于这与SDNet 2017.1和SDNet许可有关,请注意您的浮动许可证管理员需要使用lmgrd和xilind flexlm实用程序v11.14.1.0启动服务器。 有关此事项的详细信息,请查看以下答复记录。 https://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/69577.html 但是请注意,这个AR今天刚刚发布,不久之前,附件将很快为您提供,以便您能够获得这些。 附件通常需要一些时间才能在答案记录中公布。 如果您对我有任何疑问,请告诉我。 亲切的问候, 阿纳托利 亲切的问候,Anatoli Curran,Xilinx威廉希尔官方网站 支持----------------------------------------- --------------------------------不要忘记回复,工作,并接受解决方案.---- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello @chon.k, As this is in relation to SDNet 2017.1 and SDNet license, please note that your floating license admin will need to start the server using the lmgrd and xilind flexlm utilities v11.14.1.0. Please check the below Answer Record for details regarding this matter. https://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/69577.html However, please note that this AR just got published today, a little while ago, to the attachments will be available shortly for you to be able to obtain these. The attachments are usually take some time to get published in the answer record. If you have any questions for me, please let me know. Kind Regards, Anatoli Kind Regards, Anatoli Curran, Xilinx Technical Support ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don’t forget to reply, kudo, and accept as solution. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
@ chon.k
如果您的问题得到解决,请通过接受相应的回复“接受为解决方案”来关闭此主题。 谢谢,Nupur ----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- Google在发布之前提问 。 如果某人的帖子回答了您的问题,请将帖子标记为“接受为解决方案”。 如果你看到一个特别好的和信息丰富的帖子,考虑给它Kudos(点击星标)。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 @chon.k If your issue is addressed, please close this thread by accepting appropriate reply as "Accept as Solution". Thanks, Nupur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Google your question before posting. If someone's post answers your question, mark the post as answer with "Accept as solution". If you see a particularly good and informative post, consider giving it Kudos (click on the star mark). |
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