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1。硅的A1和A2修正有什么不同。客户既有,又想知道A1上的勘误表是固定在A2上的。 2。我们有任何关于主机唤醒信号在USB模式下的信息吗? 三。我们有关于主机唤醒信号的电气规范的信息吗?是收集器吗? 4。客户已经遵循我们的参考设计,这应该允许他们继承蓝牙QID。他们是否继承了认证(FCC CE等),或者他们需要做些什么来简化这个过程? 谢谢 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I am supporting a customer using the CYW20704 and need some help answering some questions. 1. What is the difference between the A1 and A2 revisions of the silicon. Customer has both and would like to know what the errata on the A1 was that was fixed on A2. 2. Do we have any information on the Host Wake Signal operation in USB mode? 3. Do we have any information on the electrical specification for the Host Wake signal. is it open collector? 4. The customer has followed our reference design, which should allow them to inherit the Bluetooth QID. Do they inherit the certification (FCC CE etc) or what do they need to do to simplify this process? Thanks |
对于4,我不知道为CIE-EVK做了任何监管。他们需要使用模块合作伙伴,如果他们需要一个认证的设计。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 For number 2 and 3, I think you will find the following applicable: Using BT_HOST_WAKE to wake the host... For 4, I am not aware of any regulatory done for the CY EVK. They will need to use a module partner if they need a certified design. |
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