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以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 What is the best to use the fieldfox for long periods of time with the battery inside or without the battery just witht the charger?. |
如果您想要最稳定的测量,建议您关闭“省电模式”。 这是您可以在FieldFox中设置的首选项之一。 关闭电池省电会缩短电池寿命,但可以为您提供更稳定的测量。 当FieldFox连接到AC时,它不使用电池。 因此,您可以将电池取出并放在桌面上。 虽然我不得不说,但我不这样做。 我只是把电池放进去了。虽然我不断使用FieldFox,但我似乎可以从FieldFox电池中获得大约两年的时间。 电池是标准的锂离子电池,您可以查找锂离子电池的最佳实践,类似于许多笔记本电脑中的那些。 存放不充电,远离高温,室温或稍凉,会使其持续更长时间。 虽然FieldFox电池(N9910X-870售价153美元)的成本与分析仪相比非常小,但只需备用备用电池即可。 Afsi 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 There is no best-use case. If you want the most stable measurement, it is recommended that you turn "battery saver off". This is one of the preferences you can set in FieldFox. Turning battery-saver off shortens the battery life, but gives you a more stable measurement. When FieldFox is connected to AC, it does not use the battery. So you can take the battery out and leave it on your desk. Though I have to say, I don't do this. I just leave the battery in. I seem to be able to get about two years' worth of time out of my FieldFox batteries, though I use my FieldFoxes constantly. The battery is a standard lithium-ion battery and you can look up best practices for Li-Ion batterise, similar to those in many laptop computers. Storing it not fully-charged and away from heat, room temperature or a bit cooler, will make it last longer. Though the cost of a FieldFox battery (N9910X-870 at $153) is so small compared to the analyzer that it's easy just to have a spare battery around. Afsi |
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