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在创建者4.1更新1中,在从存储库抓取之后,我需要构建两次。为了启动初始构建,我使用Buff-& GT;清理并构建所有项目。构建会在钳工生成的文件上失败,需要很长时间才能恢复。(文件中有很多空字符)。在第一次构建失败之后(大约需要3到4分钟,Creator似乎在等待某种超时),然后我选择第二次构建和清理并构建所有的项目。这一次构建在30或40秒内完成,没有错误。
工作空间中唯一困难的方面是项目正在使用外部库。(依赖关系被正确地设置为依赖于外部库,并且外部库在到达生成失败的主要项目之前正确构建)。失败的文件不是库的一部分,但它是一个简单的时钟信号,使用示意工具输入到库中。 这个问题比任何事情都更烦人。工作空间存储在存储库中,因此所有文件的时间戳基本上是相同的。没有生成的文件被存储在存储库中(并且做一个干净的构建应该删除那些文件)。 在以前版本的创建者中,我没有遇到这个问题,但在那时,我也没有任何外部库(除了标准的库)链接到应用程序。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 In Creator 4.1 update 1, after grabbing from the repository I need to build twice. To kick off the initial build, I use Build->Clean and Build All Projects. The build will fail on a file generated by the fitter and take a long time to come back. (The file seems to have a lot of null characters in it). After the first build fails (takes about 3 or 4 minutes where Creator seems to be waiting for some sort of timeout), I then choose Build->Clean and Build All Projects a second time. This time the build completes without errors within 30 or 40 seconds). Only difficult aspect of the workspace is that the project is using an external library. (The dependencies are set properly to depend on the external library, and the external library builds properly before getting to the main project where the build fails). The file that is failing is not part of the library, but it is a simple clock signal being fed into the library using the schematic tool. This issue is more of annoyance than anything. The workspace is stored in a repository, so there is the possibility that the timestamps of all the files are essentially the same. No generated files are stored in the repository (and doing a clean build should remove those files anyway). I did not run into this issue on previous versions of Creator, but at that time I also did not have any external libraries (besides the standard ones) being linked to the application. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Can you please provide us with your project.It will help us in recreating the issue. |
当然可以。抱歉之前没有安装它,但我想可能是别人看到了这个问题,所以可能会有一个快速解决方案。这是从存储库直接生成的存档。我刚刚证实它显示了这个问题。(即,第一次清理和生成失败,因为生成的文件中包含一组空字符,而第二次清理和构建工作正常)。我有多个工作区来显示这个问题,但这是最简单的。 NeopixelEngulp.CyWrk.CaseVo.01.Zip 723.6 K 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Sure can. Sorry about not attaching it before, but thought maybe somebody else had seen this issue so there might be a quick fix. This is an archive made directly from the repository. I just verified that it displays this issue. (i.e. first clean and build fails because one of the generated files contains a whole bunch of null characters, while a second clean and build works properly). I have multiple workspaces that display this issue, but this is the simplest one. |
tvtsterwerw 发表于 2018-12-19 11:57 我试图复制的行为,但不能这样做,我给了第一清洁和建设,并成功建立在创建者4.1更新1。 您可以尝试重新安装CealReal4.1 UpDea1。它也可能是一个系统特定的问题。请在系统中提到OS和.NETFramework版本。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I tried to reproduce the behavior but was unable to do so I given the first Clean and build and all builded successfully in Creator 4.1 Update1 You can try reinstalling the Creator4.1 update1.It may be a system specific issue also.Please mention the OS and .NET framework Version in the system. |
muuwfwr 发表于 2018-12-19 12:12 为了弄清发生了什么,我卸载了创建者3.2和 创建者4.1更新1。我的计算机是.NET框架4.7的Windows 7 安装。然后我重新安装了创建者4.1更新1。打开项目 并做了清洁和建设,并看到同样的问题,像以前一样。 希望添加的信息将帮助您重现这个问题。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 To try and figure out what is going on, I uninstalled Creator 3.2 and Creator 4.1 update 1. My computer is windows 7 with .NET Framework 4.7 installed. I then re-installed Creator 4.1 update 1. Opened the project and did a clean and build, and saw the same issue as before. Hopefully the added info will help you reproduce the issue. |
tvtsterwerw 发表于 2018-12-19 12:31 在CealProto4.1 UpDeDe1打开项目之后,您是否更新了项目中存在的组件。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 After opening the project in Creator4.1 Update1, have you updated the components present in the project. |
我已经更新了组件,所以这似乎不是问题。我相信它有一些东西可以从存储库中签入。我抓取了我存档的压缩文件,第一次工作了。因此,我真的认为这是一个Svn/PSoC创建者的问题。因为它并不真正影响大多数人,所以我会把原来的回答标记为正确答案。谢谢你独立验证它正在工作。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I had updated the components, so that didn't seem to be the issue. I believe it has something to do SVN checkout from the repository. I grabbed the zip file that I archived, and that one worked the first time. As such, I really believe it is an SVN/PSOC creator issue. Since it doesn't really affect most people, I'll mark the original response as the correct answer. Thanks for independently verifying that it was working. |
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