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我无法删除许可证,无法删除主机。 此外,我刚刚购买了两个新许可证,但都没有出现在许可证中心。 我在2014年的论坛上发现了一条涉及此主题的消息,它有一个表单的链接可以填写,但该链接现在被重定向到“知识库”。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I have three hosts listed in the license center that have old expired licenses associated with them. I can't delete the licenses, can't delete the hosts. Further, I have just purchased two new licenses and neither shows up in the license center. I found one message on the forum from 2014 that covers this topic, and it had a link to a form to fill out, but that link is now redirected to the "knowledge base". |
删除主机时遇到任何问题吗? 使用快照中显示的“编辑/删除主机”选项: 谢谢, 维奈 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------您是否尝试在Google中输入问题? ? 如果没有,你应该在发布之前。 此外,MARK这是一个答案,以防它有助于解决您的查询/问题。给予帮助您找到解决方案的帖子。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi bill.hunter@gtri.gatech.edu Are you encountering any issues while deleting the hosts ? Use the option "Edit/Delete a host" as shown in the snapshot: Thanks, Vinay -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you tried typing your question in Google? If not you should before posting. Also, MARK this is as an answer in case it helped resolve your query/issue.Give kudos to the post that helped you to find the solution. |
如果我尝试修改该主机的许可证,则修改屏幕会列出我可以分配给它的多个未选中的许可证,以及一个已检查的许可证。 如果我取消选中一个复选框,“完成”按钮将变为灰色,并且不会让我保存更改。 我可以检查另一个许可证来分配该主机,从而切换分配给主机的内容并保存它,但它接缝它总是必须至少分配一个许可证才能保存,这意味着我无法删除它 其他添加/删除主机屏幕。 这些大多数是过期的旧许可证和已经退役的旧主机。 我试图清除所有旧的许可证,并重新开始我新购买的许可证。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I tried that, It will not let me delete the host because it has licenses assigned to it. If I try to modify the licenses for that host, the modify screen lists several licenses I can assign to it that are unchecked, and one license that is checked. If I uncheck the one checked box, the "done" button becomes greyed out and won't let me save the change. I can check another license to assign that host, thus switching what is assigned to the host and save that, but it seams it always has to have at least one license assigned in order to save, which means I can't delete it in the other add/delete host screen. These are mostly old licenses that are expired and old hosts that have been decommissioned. I am trying to clear out all the old licensing stuff and get a fresh start with my newly purchased licenses. |
请尝试以下步骤: 1.删除分配给旧主机的所有许可证 2.删除主机 3.删除许可证后,它们将显示在“创建新许可证”选项卡中 4.使用新的hostid信息再次生成它们。 请参阅第页。 以下指南中的27和28:http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx14_1/iil.pdf 谢谢, 维奈 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------您是否尝试在Google中输入问题? ? 如果没有,你应该在发布之前。 此外,MARK这是一个答案,以防它有助于解决您的查询/问题。给予帮助您找到解决方案的帖子。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi bill.hunter@gtri.gatech.edu Try these steps: 1. Delete all the licenses that are assigned to the old host 2. Delete the host 3. Once you delete the license, they will appear in "Create New Licenses" tab 4. Generate them again with new hostid information. See the page no. 27 and 28 in the following guide: http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx14_1/iil.pdf Thanks, Vinay -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you tried typing your question in Google? If not you should before posting. Also, MARK this is as an answer in case it helped resolve your query/issue.Give kudos to the post that helped you to find the solution. |
感谢许可的参考资料,但Xilinx通常有一个非常复杂的许可系统,我不可能跟上Xilinx所有的许可手册,特别是因为它们每年都在变化。 处理Xilinx许可证几乎成为另一个特色。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 It will not allow me to delete all the licenses. Thanks for the reference material for licensing, but Xilinx in general has a very complicated licensing system, I can't possibly keep up with all the licensing manuals that Xilinx has, specially since they change every year. Handling Xilinx licenses has almost become another specialty. |
您还可以提供有关Web内容的反馈http://www.xilinx.com/askx/feedback_form.htm 请查看这些常见问题解答以及http://www.xilinx.com/tools/faq.htm 谢谢和RegardsBalkrishan ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------请将帖子标记为 一个答案“接受为解决方案”,以防它有助于解决您的查询。如果一个帖子引导到解决方案,请给予赞誉。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 you can contact xilinx customer services cs_1@xilinx.com . you can also give feedback on web content http://www.xilinx.com/askx/feedback_form.htm check these FAQs as well http://www.xilinx.com/tools/faq.htm Thanks and Regards Balkrishan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please mark the post as an answer "Accept as solution" in case it helped resolve your query. Give kudos in case a post in case it guided to the solution. |
您好,Xilinx已经改进了我们的支持选项。 1.有关所有芯片/ FPGA问题,请联系授权的Xilinx分销商。 2.如果您需要帮助,请为您选择合适的产品。 一个。 请联系授权的Xilinx分销商。 3.有两种方法可以为Xilinx产品下订单:a。 有关从授权Xilinx分销商处购买的信息,请参阅Xilinx答复63357 b。 有关直接从Xilinx在线商店购买的信息,请参阅Xilinx答复63356 4.已下订单? 一个。 请联系您的授权Xilinx分销商,了解通过分销发出的订单。 湾 有关Xilinx在线商店的订单,请访问我们的支持页面。 5. Xilinx产品存在威廉希尔官方网站 问题? 一个。 请访问我们的支持页面获取威廉希尔官方网站 支持选项。 如果上述信息无法解答您的问题,请访问我们的支持页面以获取其他选项。 谢谢,Xilinx客户支持请注意:您不会收到有关此查询的进一步沟通或联系。 还有其他建议吗? 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 The email address provided got a response back from bounceme@xilinx.com that read: Hello, Xilinx has improved our support options. 1. For all Silicon/FPGA questions please contact an Authorized Xilinx Distributor. 2. If you need help selecting the right product for you. a. Please contact an Authorized Xilinx Distributor. 3. There are two ways to place an order for Xilinx products: a. For information on buying from an Authorized Xilinx Distributor see Xilinx Answer 63357 b. For information on buying direct from the Xilinx Online Store see Xilinx Answer 63356 4. Already placed an order? a. Contact your Authorized Xilinx Distributor for orders placed through Distribution. b. For orders placed from the Xilinx Online Store please visit oursupport page. 5. Having a technical issue with a Xilinx product? a. Please visit our support page for technical support options. If the above information does not provide answers to your question, please visit our support page for additional options. Thank you, Xilinx Customer Support Please Note: You will receive no further communication or contact regarding this inquiry. Any other suggestions? |
谢谢和RegardsBalkrishan ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------请将帖子标记为 一个答案“接受为解决方案”,以防它有助于解决您的查询。如果一个帖子引导到解决方案,请给予赞誉。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 provide feedback on this link for license link http://www.xilinx.com/askx/feedback_form.htmThanks and Regards Balkrishan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please mark the post as an answer "Accept as solution" in case it helped resolve your query. Give kudos in case a post in case it guided to the solution. |
在此处提出服务请求: http://www.xilinx.com/support/service-portal.html 有关创建SR的步骤,请参阅此处:http://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/64454.html 谢谢,Nupur ----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- Google在发布之前提问 。 如果某人的帖子回答了您的问题,请将帖子标记为“接受为解决方案”。 如果你看到一个特别好的和信息丰富的帖子,考虑给它Kudos(点击星标)。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 bill.hunter@gtri.gatech.edu, Raise a service request here: http://www.xilinx.com/support/service-portal.html Refer this for steps to create an SR: http://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/64454.html Thanks, Nupur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Google your question before posting. If someone's post answers your question, mark the post as answer with "Accept as solution". If you see a particularly good and informative post, consider giving it Kudos (click on the star mark). |
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