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我目前正在评估l6470,并有几个问题: 1.驱动器适用于每相最大3A电流的步进电机吗? 2.如何获得最大保持力矩? (将K_HOLD设为FFh?) #go_until-error#l6470 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 hi , i am currently evaluate l6470 and have a few questions : 1. does the driver suitable for stepper motor with max 3A current per phase ? 2. how to obtain maximum holding torque ? ( setting K_HOLD to FFh ?) #go_until-error #l6470 |
L6470的最大额定电流为3rms,因此理论上可以在连续模式下驱动3A步进电机(无停止操作)。然而,功耗限制比最大电流限制更严格。因此L6470只能在短时间内驱动3A负载。 此时间取决于封装和应用的热特性(电路板布局,散热片等)。 使用最大相电流获得最大保持转矩,但通常较低的转矩应足以保持电机位置,否则电机尺寸可能不足。 L6470使用电压模式控制算法,因此KVAL_HOLD参数中的FF值意味着最大电压 (VS)应用于电机相位。该电压根据电动机相电阻Iph = VS / Rph产生相电流。通常,该电流远大于电动机额定电流(也可能是过电流保护阈值)。 亲切的问候 恩里科 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello, The L6470 maximum current rating is 3Arms, so it is theoretically possible to drive a 3A stepper motor in continuous mode (no stop operation). However the power dissipation limit is stricter than the maximum current one. So the L6470 can drive a 3A load only for a short time. This time depends on the thermal characteristics of the package and of the application (board layout, heatsinks, etc.). The maximum holding torque is obtained with the maximum phase current, but usually a lower torque should be enough to keep the motor position, otherwise the motor could be under-sized. The L6470 uses a voltage mode control algorithm, so a FF value in KVAL_HOLD parameter implies that the maximum voltage (VS) is applied to the motor phase. This voltage generates a phase current according to the motor phase resistance Iph = VS/Rph. Normally this current is much greater than the motor current rating (and maybe of the overcurrent protection threshold also). Kind Regards Enrico |
我一直在使用L6470芯片.https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10859所以我有几个问题......希望你能帮帮我.. 首先,所有工作都很好。我能够以非常好的扭矩和速度值(6000步/秒)运行。用这些电机.. http://www.phidgets.com/products.php?category=23&product_id=3317_1 电源:12V 4安培 我将电源改为12V和15安培......因为我需要同时驱动7个电机.. 到目前为止,我已经尝试了5个芯片,他们无法将电机驱动超过1000步/秒 显然(我想)他们没有足够的扭矩并且当最大速度例如是1200时停止... 我想我需要更改KVAL_HOLD,KVAL_RUN,KVAL_ACC和KVAL_DEC寄存器的值,但实际上我测试了所有可能的值/配置而没有成功... 我做错了什么? 任何人都有类似的问题..? 谢谢 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi.. I´ve been working with the L6470 Chip..https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10859so I have a couple of questions..so hope that you could help me.. First all worked preatty good.I was able to running with very good Torque and with velocity values( 6000 steps/sec). with these motor.. http://www.phidgets.com/products.php?category=23&product_id=3317_1 Power Supply: 12V 4 amps I changed my Power Supply to 12V and 15 amps.. because I need to drive 7 motors at the same time.. I've tried so far 5 chips and they can not to drive the motor beyond 1000 steps / sec Apparently (i suppose) they have not enough torque and stops when the maximum speed is for example 1200... i suppose that i need to change the values form KVAL_HOLD, KVAL_RUN, KVAL_ACC and KVAL_DEC registers but actually I tested all posible values/configuration without succes... What Im doing wrong...? Anybody have a similar issue..? Thanks |
这可能是一个共振问题。尝试在电机轴上添加一个小负载。 问候 恩里科 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello, It could be a resonance issue. Try to add a small load on the motor shaft. Regards Enrico |
如果开关闭合,电机会暂停一段时间并再次转动,尽管开关是永久关闭的......不要执行HARD_STOP。 我认为我的寄存器配置是正确的..实际上我能够成功运行许多L6470功能,除了GO_UNTIL_ ERROR 你有什么想法我怎么调试这个问题..? 谢谢.. 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi If the switch is closed the motor stops just for a moment and turns again although the switch is permantly close..dont performs HARD_STOP. I think my register configuration is correct.. acctually Im be able to run many of the the L6470 functions succesfully except GO_UNTIL_ ERROR have you any idea how can i debugging this problem..? Thanks.. |
我正在通过其演示板进行评估。 但我发现工作周期无法达到最大值。即使KVAL_RUN设置为max,占空比似乎也从50%调节到100%。因此,与其他电机驱动器相比,扭矩总是不够高。我应该尝试其他设置? 谢谢 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi, I am doing the evaluations by its demo board. But I found The duty cycle could not get to max. Even if KVAL_RUN is set to max, the duty cycle seems to be regulated from 50% to 100%. So the torque is always not high enough compared to other motor drivers. And other settings I should try? Thx |
请教:在使用UDE STK时,单片机使用SPC560D30L1,在配置文件怎么设置或选择?里面只有SPC560D40的选项
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