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我正在开发一个Vivado项目,其中包含JESD IP内核。 我使用的工具是Vivado 2015.4,我们拥有JESD的有效许可证。 该项目的合成和实施是成功的。 但是,生成比特流时发生错误。 如下。 我在网上搜索,发现有些人也遇到了同样的问题。 但我在Xilinx论坛上找到的解决方案不起作用。 我们安装的许可证应该是有效的,我的顾问告诉我他上周刚续订了许可证。 在上周六,我能够生成没有错误的比特流。 今天我对我的项目进行了一些小修改,然后比特流的生成失败了。 在合成和实现过程中没有错误,所以我认为这个问题不是由FPGA设计错误引起的。 谁能给我一些建议? 非常感谢你。 问候, 通 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi everyone, I'm working on a Vivado project in which a JESD IP core is included. The tool I use is Vivado 2015.4, and we have the valid license of JESD. The synthesis and implementation of this project are successful. However, an error occurred while generating bitstream. As follows. I searched online and found that some people also encountered the same problem. But the solution I found on Xilinx forum doesn't work. The license we have installed should be valid, and my advisor told me that he just renewed the license last week. On last Saturday I was able to generate bitstream with no errors. Today I made a small modification of my project, then the generation of bitstream is failed. There are no errors during the process of synthesis and implementation, so I think this problem is not caused by FPGA design errors. Can anyone give me some suggestions? Thank you very much. Regards, Tong |
从共享快照中我看到您拥有JESD204 IP的Desig_Linking许可证,该许可证仅对模拟有效。 因此,您无法使用此许可证生成比特流。 如果他已经移动或对许可证文件进行了任何更改,您是否可以与顾问重新检查? 一旦正确设置了许可证,您将需要重新生成IP的输出产品,然后运行综合,实施和 比特流。 问候, 赛义德 -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------请注意 - 请标记答案 如果提供的信息有用,请“接受为解决方案”。给予您认为有用并回复导向的帖子。感谢Kudos .------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- 在原帖中查看解决方案 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 @onlinext, From the shared snapshot I see that you have Desig_Linking License for JESD204 IP which is only valid for simulation. hence you cannot generate bitstream with this License. Can you recheck with the advisor if he has moved or made any changes in the License file? Once the License is set up properly, you will need to regenerate the output products of the IP and then run synthesis, implementation & bitstream. Regards, Syed --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kindly note- Please mark the Answer as "Accept as solution" if information provided is helpful. Give Kudos to a post which you think is helpful and reply oriented. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------View solution in original post |
您是否将项目从以前的Vivado版本升级到新版本? 尝试从设计中删除IP并再次添加。 谢谢,维杰----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------请将帖子标记为 一个答案“接受为解决方案”,以防它有助于解决您的查询。如果一个帖子引导到解决方案,请给予赞誉。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi @onlinext Did you upgrade the project from previous Vivado version to new one? Try removing the IP from design and add it again. Thanks,Vijay -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please mark the post as an answer "Accept as solution" in case it helped resolve your query. Give kudos in case a post in case it guided to the solution. |
从共享快照中我看到您拥有JESD204 IP的Desig_Linking许可证,该许可证仅对模拟有效。 因此,您无法使用此许可证生成比特流。 如果他已经移动或对许可证文件进行了任何更改,您是否可以与顾问重新检查? 一旦正确设置了许可证,您将需要重新生成IP的输出产品,然后运行综合,实施和 比特流。 问候, 赛义德 -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------请注意 - 请标记答案 如果提供的信息有用,请“接受为解决方案”。给予您认为有用并回复导向的帖子。感谢Kudos .------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 @onlinext, From the shared snapshot I see that you have Desig_Linking License for JESD204 IP which is only valid for simulation. hence you cannot generate bitstream with this License. Can you recheck with the advisor if he has moved or made any changes in the License file? Once the License is set up properly, you will need to regenerate the output products of the IP and then run synthesis, implementation & bitstream. Regards, Syed --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kindly note- Please mark the Answer as "Accept as solution" if information provided is helpful. Give Kudos to a post which you think is helpful and reply oriented. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
要使用JESD204b ip,您必须拥有有效的许可证。
您可以购买完整许可证或使用硬件评估许可证来获取此类iphttp://www.xilinx.com/products/intellectual-property/ef-di-jesd204/ef-di-jesd204-evaluation.html,查看类似问题https上的相关帖子 ://forums.xilinx.com/t5/Installation-and-Licensing/JESD204-preventing-bitstream-generation/td-p/660506https://forums.xilinx.com/t5/General-Technical-Discussion/JESD204B-design -example / TD-p / 654670 谢谢和RegardsBalkrishan ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------请将帖子标记为 一个答案“接受为解决方案”,以防它有助于解决您的查询。如果一个帖子引导到解决方案,请给予赞誉。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 To use JESD204b ip you must have valid license . You can buy full license or use hardware evaluation license for this ip http://www.xilinx.com/products/intellectual-property/ef-di-jesd204/ef-di-jesd204-evaluation.html check this related post on similar issue https://forums.xilinx.com/t5/Installation-and-Licensing/JESD204-preventing-bitstream-generation/td-p/660506 https://forums.xilinx.com/t5/General-Technical-Discussion/JESD204B-design-example/td-p/654670 Thanks and Regards Balkrishan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please mark the post as an answer "Accept as solution" in case it helped resolve your query. Give kudos in case a post in case it guided to the solution. |
该项目由Vivado 2015.4构建,我没有升级该项目。 我已经尝试删除IP并再次添加它,但这不起作用。 谢谢。 问候, 通 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi Vijay, This project is built by Vivado 2015.4, and I didn't upgrade the project. I have already tried removing the IP and add it again, but this doesn't work. Thank you. Regards, Tong |
嗨@ syedz,
我和我的顾问谈过,他上周说他已经续签了Vivado的许可证,而不是JESD204的IP许可证。 我们去年安装了JESD204的许可证,直到昨天才开始使用。 Vivado许可证的更新是否会影响JESD204许可证的状态? 可以通过电子邮件向您发送JESD204 IP Core购买的详细信息吗? 谢谢。 问候, 通 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi @syedz, I talked with my advisor, he said last week he has renewed the license of Vivado, not the JESD204 IP license. We have the license of JESD204 installed last year, and it works well until yesterday. Will the renewal of Vivado license affect the status of JESD204 license? May I send the details of JESD204 IP Core Purchase to you through email? Thank you. Regards, Tong |
Vivado的更新不应影响IP许可, 我确实收到了包含Jesd204 IP采购订单号的私人消息。 您能否分享通过电子邮件发送给您的IP许可文件(.lic)? 在Vivado TCL控制台中运行以下命令并共享生成的xinfo.txt文件。 report_environment -file /xinfo.txt --Syed -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------请注意 - 请标记答案 如果提供的信息有用,请“接受为解决方案”。给予您认为有用并回复导向的帖子。感谢Kudos .------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 @onlinext, Renewal of Vivado shouldnt effect the IP license, I did receive your private message containing the purchase order number of the Jesd204 IP. Can you please share IP License file (.lic) which was emailed to you? Also run the below command in Vivado TCL console and share the generated xinfo.txt file. report_environment -file --Syed --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kindly note- Please mark the Answer as "Accept as solution" if information provided is helpful. Give Kudos to a post which you think is helpful and reply oriented. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
非常感谢你。 我已通过私信将许可文件的内容发送给您。 在这里我附加了xinfo.txt文件。 问候, 通 xinfo.txt 204 KB 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 @syedz Thank you very much. I have sent the contents of license file to you through private message. Here I attached the xinfo.txt file. Regards, Tong |
我已经浏览了通过私人消息共享的许可证文件。 我看到JESD204 IP是design_linking许可证,不能用于比特流。 在xinfo文件中反映了相同的内容: 既然您提到已经购买了JesdIP核心,您是否可以登录Xilinx许可证帐户(www.xilinx.com/getlicense)并查看您是否能够在“管理许可”选项卡中查看购买的jesd许可证? 如果是,那么请dowlnoad并使用此(.lic)文件。 请查看许可证常见问题解答,其中包含设置许可证的所有详细信息。 https://www.xilinx.com/tools/faq --Syed -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------请注意 - 请标记答案 如果提供的信息有用,请“接受为解决方案”。给予您认为有用并回复导向的帖子。感谢Kudos .------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 @onlinext, I have gone through the License file which was shared through private message. I see that the JESD204 IP is design_linking license which cannot be used for bitstream. The same is refelcted in the xinfo file: Since you mentioned you have purchased the JesdIP core, Can you login in your Xilinx License account (www.xilinx.com/getlicense) and see if you are able to see the purchased jesd license in "Manage License" tab? if yes, then please dowlnoad and use this (.lic) file. Please check License FAQ which has all the details in setting up the License. https://www.xilinx.com/tools/faq --Syed --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kindly note- Please mark the Answer as "Accept as solution" if information provided is helpful. Give Kudos to a post which you think is helpful and reply oriented. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
非常感谢你。 许可证应该在我的顾问的Xilinx帐户下面。 我检查后会通知你。 另一个奇怪的事情是,如果我不修改它们,我在本周之前创建的JESD项目仍然能够生成比特流。 有可能Design_Linking许可证允许比特流生成有限的peroid吗? 问候, 通 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 @syedz Thank you very much. The license should be under my advisor's Xilinx account. I will inform you after he checks it. Another strange thing is that the JESD projects which I created before this week are still able to generate bitstream if I don't modify them. Is is possible the the Design_Linking license allows bitstream generation for a limited peroid? Regards, Tong |
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