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我们确实需要使用BLE模块(014008)为5V 20mA的器件供电。TRM提到,每个引脚的最大输出电流是20mA,但是当设置一个不可用的引脚时,最大值是10mA。
因此,我们正在实施引脚连接,但它得到了一点“迷雾”,因为当连接引脚和设置输出电流为10mA(如上),我将得到一个建设者错误-需要离开最小设置为8mA,它建立好-但它将花费3针(3×8mA=24mA),以获得最小20mA。问题: 在输出引脚中获得20mA下沉电流的最佳方法是什么?为什么没有20mA的下沉电流的选择?我怎么能确定在长期(生产)不会损害PSoC(加热/ ETC)? 欢迎指导 谢谢 乔罗萨 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 We do need to power a device with 5V 20mA using a BLE module (014008). The TRM mentions that maximum output current per pin is 20mA but when setting a pin that option is not available - maximum is 10mA So we are implementing pin-ganging but it gets a bit 'mistycal' because when ganging pins and setting Output current to 10mA (as above) I will get a builder error - need to leave the minimum setup that is 8mA and it builds OK - but that it will cost 3 pins (3 * 8mA = 24mA) to get the minimum 20mA - questions:
Guidance will be appreciated Thanks Joe Rosa |
当引脚的电流在4/8毫安范围内时,保持所选择的逻辑电平。当绘制20mA时,这是绝对最大额定值。为了安全起见,你可以用两根针钉在一起。数据表中“绝对最大额定值”下列出的包的最大电流可能不会超过。 鲍勃 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 There is a difference between the 4 / 8 mA and the 20mA max. a pin supplies: The selected logic level is maintained when the pin's current is within the 4/8 mA range. When drawing 20mA this is the absolute max rating. To be on the safe side you may use two pins ganged. The maximum current for the package listed under "absolute max rating" in datasheet may not be exceeded. Bob |
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