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@ MDL 我使用WICD SDK 3.7与BCM943131 WiFi/BT组合芯片。 我们有一个基于Fielrtos的OS,正在启动BT堆栈,以便从外部开放连接。 当BT堆栈处于活动状态时,每隔100ms就会产生一个上下文切换。 上下文切换每秒似乎有点高。我想我真的不能抱怨10个开关,但是有什么东西吗? 在BT协议中真的需要这个吗?不能处理中断驱动吗? (这是BT是可连接的,但既没有连接,也没有发现,也没有广告。BLE是一个低设置的广告,但没有连接。 当做, 马格努斯 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi @mdl I'm using Wiced SDK 3.7 with a BCM943341 WiFi/BT combo chip. We have a FreeRTOS based OS and is starting the BT stack in order to be open for connections from the outside. When the BT stack is active, it causes a context switch every 100ms. I previously measured this incorrectly, getting >50 context switches per second which seemed a bit high. I guess I can't really complain about 10 switches/s, but is there something in the BT protocol that really requires this? Can't it be handled interrupt driven? (This is when BT is connectable, but neither connected, discoverable nor advertising. BLE is adverting on a LOW setting, but is not connected.) Regards, Magnus |
对于BT协议中的查询,真的需要这样做吗?不能处理中断驱动吗? a)不能更改为中断驱动。不能对Bt线程进行相同的配置。 谢谢, 安阇那 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi Magnus, For your query in the BT protocol that really requires this? Can't it be handled interrupt driven? A) It can't be changed to interrupt driven. BT thread can't be configured for the same. Thanks, Anjana |
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