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您好,我的IT部门联系过我,询问安捷伦是否有任何软件计划允许将具有32位CPU和Windows XP的PNA或PNA-X升级到32位版本的Windows 7,主要是因为支持/更新
Microsoft的Windows XP将于2014年4月8日停止。 我知道某些PNA-X有计划的硬件升级,需要将cpu更改为64位处理器并使用64位Windows 7操作系统,但对于那些无法通过该路径进行硬件升级的PNA系统,我是 想知道是否有替代计划。 或者什么是安捷伦为其现有客户提供使用Windows XP的PNA / PNA-X建议,并且在2014年4月8日之后没有可能的硬件升级路径。 谢谢,rok 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello, I was contacted by my IT department to inquire whether Agilent has any software plan in place to allow the PNA or PNA-X with 32bit CPUs and Windows XP to be upgraded to the 32bit version of Windows 7, primarily because support/updates for Windows XP from Microsoft will cease on April 8,2014. I know there is a planned hardware upgrade for certain PNA-X's which will require changing the cpu to a 64bit processor and using a 64bit windows 7 operating system, but for those PNA systems which can't be hardware upgraded via that path, I was wondering whether there is an alternative plan. Or what is Agilent is advising its existing customers of PNAs/PNA-Xs with Windows XP and no hardware upgrade path possible to do after this April 8, 2014 date. Thanks, rok |
http://na.tm.agilent.com/pna/win7.html编辑:jvall于2014年1月10日中午12:00 PM我应该对此进行一些扩展......但我正在度假并且不在 工作的心情。 是的,我们意识到许多现有客户需要32位版本的Win 7才能在旧仪器上运行。 至少有两个主要原因导致我们不打算这样做。 1. 1.1GHz CPU只能容纳1GB的RAM。 这并不能使它成为Windows 7的理想选择,尽管它(几乎没有)满足1GHz CPU和1GB RAM的最低要求。 PNA应用程序可以根据通道/迹线/点的数量轻松吸收大量内存。 我们认为这种严重的限制不值得支持32位操作。 2.虽然在威廉希尔官方网站 上可行,重写所有代码(再次)以支持32位Win7是一项需要花费太多时间的任务,对我们来说,无论如何,几乎没有投资回报。 试图说服管理层这将是非常困难的。 我不能说我们是否会这样做; 但机会很遥远。 我知道目前没有这样做的计划。 如果我们得到客户的重大回击,谁知道会发生什么。 目前,管理层并不相信这是一个好主意。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 While this is not quite complete, it is mostly current and should explain everything. http://na.tm.agilent.com/pna/win7.html Edited by: jvall on Jan 10, 2014 12:00 PM I should have expanded on this a bit...but I am on vacation and was not in the mood to work. Yes, we realize that many existing customers will want a 32 bit version of Win 7 to run on older instruments. There are at least two main reasons why we are not planning on doing this. 1. The 1.1GHz CPU can only hold 1GB of RAM. This does not make it a good candidate for Windows 7, although it does (barely) meet the minimum requirement of 1GHz CPU and 1GB of RAM. The PNA application can easily suck up a LOT of memory depending upon number of channels/traces/points. We feel that this severe limitation is not worth the effort of supporting 32 bit operation. 2. While technically feasible, rewriting all the code (yet again) to support 32 bit Win7 is a task that would take too much time and, for us anyway, would have virtually no return on investment. Trying to convince management of this would be very difficult. I can't say if we will ever do this; but chances are very remote. I know that there are no current plans to do so. If we get major push-back from customers, who knows what may happen. For now, management is not convinced that this would be a good idea. |
Windows带来了很多好处,但失去对支持的控制是其中一项成本。 坦率地说,迁移到Win7是一个比人们想象的更大的困难。 当jvall说“管理层不会被说服”时,我会说它更像是“管理不想经历另外9个月听到jvall抱怨微软”(只是开玩笑:-))我会建议如果你 升级你的PNA-X以获得新的CPU,你也将DSP升级到rev 5.我不能告诉你什么,但好的事情即将来临,但它们需要DSP 5硬件。 (DSP 4和DSP 5之间的一个重要区别是DSP 5的内存容量是4000倍 - 可以从1 MBit移动到4 GBit,你可以用所有内存做一些很酷的事情)。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I think all PNA-X's can be upgraded to the new CPU and Win7. Windows brought a lot of benefits, but loss of control of support is one of the costs. And frankly migrating to Win7 was a much bigger diffulty than one might suppose it should be. And when jvall says "management won't be convinced" I'd say it's more like "manangement doesn't want to go through another 9 months hearing jvall complain about microsof" (just kidding :-) ) I would recommend that if you do upgrade your PNA-X to get the new CPU, you also upgrade the DSP to rev 5. I can't tell you what, but good things are coming, however they require the DSP 5 hardware. (One big difference between DSP 4 and DSP 5 is that the DSP 5 has 4000 times more memory --- yup moveing from 1 MBit to 4 GBit, and you can do some cool things with all that memory). |
脑洞大赛9 发表于 2018-12-14 20:49 哦,是的...... DSP! 谢谢乔尔。 我最好在星期一将这些信息添加到我的Win7页面....不是说我想在度假10天后工作。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 oh yeah...the DSP! Thanks Joel. I better add that tidbit of info to my Win7 page on Monday....not that I will feel like working after 10 days of vacation. |
脑洞大赛9 发表于 2018-12-14 20:49 嗨,感谢您的更新以及DSP升级的额外信息。 有没有关于此DSP升级的网页链接? 比如它是否可以单独升级CPU升级,还是CPU升级的一部分? 或者当它可用时,这将是什么近似成本? DSP升级是仅适用于某些PNA-X还是适用于所有PNA-X? 它会加速所有/某些测量类测量吗? (即IM Spectrum)谢谢,rok 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi, Thanks for the update and also the extra info on the DSP upgrade. Is there a web page link talking more about this DSP upgrade? Like whether it can be upgraded separately from the CPU upgrade, or is part of the CPU upgrade? Or when it will be available and what would be the approximate cost for this? And whether the DSP upgrade only applies for certain PNA-X's or for all PNA-X's? And will it speed up all/certain measurement class measurements? (i.e. IM Spectrum) Thanks, rok |
Win-7升级网页现在有一些这方面的信息,但这里有更多细节。 DSP升级(如果需要)完全独立于Windows 7.它可以随时完成。 我相信只有N5242A才能拥有更老的DSP主板; 所有其他型号最初都附带较新的DSP。 你只需要订购电路板并交换它们; 之后你应该运行IF增益调整。 但是有两种版本的电路板。 几年前,我们切换到可能被拧下来的安装“耳朵”的电路板。 较旧的N5242A不能使用此板,因为耳朵阻止正确插入。 所以我们有两个相同的部件号; 一个有耳朵,一个没有耳朵(它们基本上已被剪掉了。)请参阅http://na.tm.agilent.com/pna/history.html了解连续断点。 对于正常的S参数使用,除非您使用现在可用的较高IFBW值之一,否则您将看不到任何速度改进。 如果您使用FIFO或高速脉冲,您将受益。 当然,还有其他尚未发布的功能需要这个更新的主板。 乔尔会更多地了解任何好处。 董事会的成本约为4000美元。 部件号为N5240-60077(有耳)或-60078(无耳) 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 The Win-7 upgrade web page now has some of this info, but here is more detail. The DSP upgrade (if needed) is completely independent of Windows 7. It can be done at any time. I believe that only the N5242A would have the older DSP boards; all other models were originally shipped with the newer DSP. You would just have to order the board and swap them; after which you should run the IF Gain Adjustment. However there are two versions of the board. A couple of years ago, we switched to boards with mounting "ears" that could be screwed down. Older N5242As cannot use this board since the ears prevent proper insertion. So we have two part numbers that are otherwise identical; one with ears and one without (they have basically been sheared off.) Refer to http://na.tm.agilent.com/pna/history.html for serial breaks. For normal S-Parameter use, you would not see any speed improvement unless you used one of the higher IFBW values that would now be available. You would benefit if you used FIFO or high speed pulse. And of course, there are other not-yet-released features which will require this newer board. Joel would know more about any benefits. The cost for the board is approximately $4000. The part numbers are N5240-60077 (with ears) or -60078 (without ears) |
胡bbs2 发表于 2018-12-14 21:21 嗨,我看了看我的N5244A,我相信我有更老的DSP(见附件截图),因为它说的是'v4'。 你能证实一下吗? 或者是否有办法通过软件固件更新DSP? 根据屏幕截图中显示的PNA-X的序列号,您是否可以告诉我,如果需要硬件升级,我是否需要N5240-60077(带耳朵)或-60078(无耳朵)? 此升级是否可以由普通用户完成,还是必须发送到设施进行升级? 谢谢,rok 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi, I took at look at my N5244A and I believe I have the older DSP (see attached screenshot), since it says 'v4'. Can you confirm this? Or whether if there is a way to update the DSP via software firmware? And based on the serial number of the PNA-X shown in the screenshot, can you let me know that if a hardware upgrade is required, whether I would need the N5240-60077 (with ears) or -60078 (without ears)? And whether this upgrade can be done by a normal user or does it have to be sent to a facility to perform the upgrade? Thanks, rok 附件 |
蓝色冰汐 发表于 2018-12-14 21:34 嗯....看起来我可能已经撒了谎,因为我们的硬件更改列表并不完整。 是的,你有版本4 DSP需要升级以获得一些较新的功能,但这不是Windows 7的要求。看来你很早就有N5244; 第二十一个。 我无法解释为什么我们的网页没有列出这个DSP板的更改,但我将与明天负责此事的人交谈。 你也有Core Duo CPU(我们称之为“版本5”CPU)而* *需要升级到i7我也相信你需要没有耳朵的版本,但我需要 检查那也,所以挂在那里。 DSP无法通过软件升级; 这是一个硬件变化。 从客户的角度来看,假设您可以使用螺丝刀,更换DSP非常容易。 有很多螺丝要处理。 取下盖子后,只需从DSP板顶部拔下5根左右的柔性SMB电缆,取下旧电路板,插入新电缆,然后重新连接卡扣式柔性电缆(最好连接到正确位置;它们是 标签。)之后,更换盖子并打开电源。 然后,您应该执行IFGain调整。 这很简单,只需要一个带26.5GHz传感器的功率计。 如果您对这个感到不舒服,我们总能引导您完成它。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hmm.... it looks like I may have lied because our list of hardware changes is not complete. Yes, you have version 4 DSP which would need to be upgraded to get some of the newer features, but this is NOT a requirement for Windows 7. It appears you have a very early N5244; the 20th one made. I can't explain why our web page does not have this DSP board change listed, but I will talk to the guy that is in charge of this tomorrow. You also have the Core Duo CPU (we refer to that as a "version 5" CPU) and that *does* need to be upgraded to an i7 I also believe you would need the version of the board without the ears, but I need to check on that also, so hang in there. The DSP cannot be upgraded via software; it is a hardware change. From a customer point of view, replacing the DSP is pretty easy assuming you can handle a screwdriver. There are just lots of screws to deal with. After removing the covers, you just pull off the 5 or so flexible SMB cables from the top of the DSP board, remove the old board, insert the new, and reconnect the snap-on flexible cables (preferably to the proper locations; they are labeled.) After that, replace the covers and power it up. You should then perform the IFGain adjustment. This is simple and only requires a power meter with a 26.5GHz sensor. If you are uncomfortable with thsi , we can always walk you through it. |
胡bbs2 发表于 2018-12-14 21:53 你好,谢谢你的回复。 只是想确保安捷伦允许用户更换电路板而不会遗漏任何可能的保修。 另外,我可以假设CPU升级板也可以作为DSP升级板轻松更换吗? 或者是否需要将其发送到工厂才能将其更改? 最后,在升级板可供销售时,是否会逐步安装在线pdf文件? 谢谢,rok 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi, Thanks for the reply. Just wanted to make sure Agilent would allow users to swap out boards without voiding any possible warranty. Also, can I assume that the CPU upgrade board is also easily swapable as the DSP upgrade board? Or does that require sending it to a facility to change it out? Finally, will there be step by step installation online pdf documents available by the time the upgrade boards are available for sale? Thanks, rok |
在我在这里工作的整整38年里,我从来没有听说过因为有人打开仪器而导致保修无效,但是当一个客户不小心将叉车臂穿过仪器时我们没有遵守保修条款! 然而,这是打开它的独特方式。 我意识到其他制造商可能会这样做,但我们从未这样做过。 当然,这不适用于衰减器,桥梁,探测器等小型设备。在90年代中期,我买了一台带有安全标签的电脑,上面写着保修无效,如果打开的话。 这意味着我无法安装任何卡,内存或硬盘驱动器。 我忽略了这一点,再也没有从他们那里买过。 CPU很容易更换,因为它从后面滑出。 只有6个螺钉固定它。没有具体的说明如何做到这一点,但它应该是显而易见的。 升级板现已全部上市。 只有Win 7升级套件尚未推出。 在线服务指南中提供了详细的装配信息; 请参阅http://na.tm.agilent.com/pna/documents.html无需为此类升级发送PNA。 我仍在努力寻找序列号中断和DSP板; 还有挂耳问题。 顺便说一句,官方的Win 7发货日期现在将是3月1日,因为季末驱动将产品运出门外,并希望获得更多动手QA时间。 编辑:好的,我的同事现在更新了硬件更改页面,包括DSP(SPAM)和挂耳信息。 它位于:http://na.tm.agilent.com/pna/history.html 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 In my entire 38 years of working here I have never heard of a warranty being voided because someone opened up an instrument, although we did not honor the warranty when one customer accidentally put a forklift arm through the instrument! It was a unique way to open it however. I realize other manufacturers may do this, but we have never done that. Of course,this does not apply to small devices like attenuators, bridges, detectors, etc. In the mid 90s I bought a PC that had a security sticker on it that said the warranty was void if it was opened. So that meant I could not install any cards, or memory, or hard drives. I ignored that and never bought from them again. The CPU is trivial to replace since it slides out the back. There are only 6 screws that hold it in. There are no specific instructions on how to do this but it should be obvious. The upgrade boards are all available now. It is only the Win 7 upgrade kit that is not yet available. Detailed assembly information is available in the service guide which is online; see http://na.tm.agilent.com/pna/documents.html There is no need to send the PNA in for this type of upgrade. I am still working on finding out about serial number breaks and the DSP board; and also the mounting ears issue. BTW, the official Win 7 ship date is now going to be March 1st, due to the end-of-quarter drive to ship products out the door and the desire for more hands-on QA time. Edit: Okay, my co-worker now updated the hardware-changes page to include the DSP (SPAM) and the mounting ears information. This is located here: http://na.tm.agilent.com/pna/history.html |
胡bbs2 发表于 2018-12-14 22:10 嗨再次,感谢所有更新的信息。 至于保修担心,因为我们正在处理一件耗资数十万美元的设备,我认为安全比抱歉更好。 特别是因为如果没有采取适当的ESD预防措施,可以很容易地消除一些内部电路。 我会记得避免使用叉车打开它;)再次感谢,rok 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi again, Thanks for all the updated information. As for the warranty worry, since we're dealing with a piece of equipment that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, I thought it better to be safe than sorry to ask. Especially since it can be very easy to zap some internal circuitry if one doesn't exercise proper ESD precautions. And I'll remember to avoid using a forklift to open it ;) Thanks again, rok |
哇,我再次撒谎。 我重新读了之前的消息并注意到我说你只需要一个26.5GHz的传感器来进行IFGain调整。 应该读取:50GHz传感器(适用于N5244A或N5245A) 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Wow, I lied again. I re-read my previous message and noticed I said you only needed a 26.5GHz sensor for the IFGain Adjustment. That should have read: 50GHz sensor (for an N5244A or N5245A) |
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