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一般来说,我的问题显示在标题中。那么塞浦路斯什么时候发布一个基于PSOC 6的外置天线的BLE模块呢?此刻,我们使用PSOC 4基于模块2020701与外部天线(巫婆PSoC Creator)。但是我们的下一个应用程序必须支持BLE 5,并且我们需要比PSoC 4更多的CPU资源。我们的项目是在Q1 2018。是不是适合等待呢? 最好的问候! 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, in general, my question is shown in the caption. So when will cypress release a BLE Module based on PSoC 6 with external antenna? In the moment we use the PSoC 4 based module 202007-01 with external antenna (witch PSoC Creator). But our next application has to support BLE 5 and we need more cpu resources than in PSoC 4. Our project launch is in Q1 2018. Is ist suitable to wait for it? Best regards! |
非常抱歉的回应。对于基于PSoC 6的BLE模块,我们计划在2018 Q2中发布。 在这方面,你能提供更多的细节,你需要在功能和功能方面?你需要任何模拟或数字资源来与传感器接口,需要CAPACTION传感,音频功能等,还是只是BLE功能? 谢谢和感谢这个问题! 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello! Apologies for the very late response. For a PSoC 6 based BLE module, we plan to release it mid-Q2 2018. In saying this, could you provide a bit more details on what you need in terms of features and functionality? Do you need any analog or digital resources to interface with sensors, need capactive-sensing, audio features, etc. or just the BLE functionality? Thanks and appreciate the question! |
我们使用BLE 5的主要目的是扩大我们的设备的范围和/或数据。较高的CPU资源(CPU频率)用于更快的协议处理,也许是使用RTOS的机会。现在我们对任何额外的模拟组件都不感兴趣。 你能告诉我们什么时候会有PSOC创建者版本来支持BLE 5吗? 提前感谢! 帕斯卡 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello, Our main aim in using BLE 5 is to enlarge the range and / or the datarate of our device. The higher cpu ressources (cpu frequency) are used for faster protocol handling and maybe the opportunity to use a RTOS. Right now we are not interested in any additional analog components. Can you tell us when there will be a PSOC Creator version which will support BLE 5.0? Thanks in advance! Pascal |
HTTP://www. Corddi.COM/FUMU/PrURIL.PHP?ID=863026
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 http://www.chordie.com/forum/profile.php?id=863026 |
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