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SDB.M033:组件BLULV3Y30的实例“BLE”包含一个错误。无法加载符号“C:程序文件(x86) CyPress PSoC创建者 4 PSoC创建者 PSoC 内容 CyCultServer库更新 CyCurron库更新。CyLBBLUVIV3Y30BLUVV3Y30.CysIm用于组件'BLUVV3Y30'。参数无效。 参数:组件实例中最常见的错误是其配置不正确、无效或不支持。例如,该组件可能需要在当前系统时钟配置下不可用的时钟频率。依赖项:如果找不到组件,请尝试查看项目的依赖关系。确保“组件”的描述是正确的。 我从网页上下载了CyLKIT.E.02的软件。我尝试了.iso文件以及完整的软件DOWSLoad。他们都犯同样的错误。 如有任何帮助,将不胜感激。 我刚刚重新加载了所有的软件,我看到的第一个错误是: 符号文件,例如“BLE”的组件“BLUVV3Y30”没有找到。无法编辑当前实例。检查搜索路径。 文件似乎正是程序正在寻找的地方。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Back in June of this year I bought a Cylakit e-02 and installed all the software required to flash the beacon. At that time I was trying to get the kit to work as an eddystone beacon. I was provided a file called Simple_Eddystone_0.zip, which worked perfectly. Last week I bought 15 more beacons and was going to flash them with new URLs but the PSoC creator software is no longer working. I tried uninstalling. I tried re-installing. I tried everything I can think of. I am getting an error regarding the BLE component, but I do not know what to do about it or why it is appearing. Here is some info about the error: sdb.M0033: The instance 'BLE', of component BLE_v3_30, contains an error. Unable to load symbol 'C:Program Files (x86)CypressPSoC Creator4.0PSoC CreatorpsoccontentcycomponentlibraryupdatesCyComponentLibraryUpdates.cylibBLE_v3_30BLE_v3_30.cysym' for component 'BLE_v3_30'. Parameter is not valid. Parameters: The most common kind of error in a component instance is that its configuration is incorrect, invalid, or unsupported. For example, the component may require a clock frequency that is not available given the current system clock configuration. Dependencies: If the component cannot be found try looking at the project's dependencies. Make sure that the "Component" depenedencies are correct. I downloaded the software from the web page for the Cylakit.e-02. I tried the .iso file as well as the complete software dowload. They are all giving the same error. Any help would be greatly appreciated. PS I just reloaded all the software and the first error I see is this: Symbol file for instance "BLE" of component "BLE_v3_30" not found. Can't edit current instance. Check your search path. The files seems to be exactly where the program is looking for it. |
PSoC Creator 4支持BLYV320组件,因为您的项目使用的是BLYV33030,这是造成该错误的原因。您可以在下面的链接中下载最新的PSoC创建者4.1,或者通过Project -gt更新组件版本,在当前的PSoC Creator中更新组件。 PSoC®创建者集成设计环境(IDE) 如果您仍然面临任何问题,请附上您要计划的项目。 谢谢, Yuva。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi Tom, PSoC Creator 4.0 supports BLE_v3_20 component where as your project is using BLE_v3_30 which is the reason for this error. You can either download the latest PSoC Creator 4.1 in the following link or change the component version by Project->Update Components in your current PSoC Creator. PSoC® Creator™ Integrated Design Environment (IDE) If you are still facing any issue, attach the project which you want to program. Thanks, Yuva. |
pu76543 发表于 2018-12-7 12:58 E.普拉特1616216 YVA THODG2424866 你们都能回答这个问题吗?我正在尝试解决YVA报告的奇怪问题。 如果您需要附加一些东西,当您单击“答复”时,在应答框右上角选择“使用高级编辑器”按钮打开一个应答编辑器,该编辑器有更多的按钮来附加文件等。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 e.pratt_1639216 yuva thodg_2481266 Can all of you reply to this thread. I am trying to troubleshoot a strange issue reported by yuva If you need to attach something, when you click "reply", select the "Use advanced editor" button in the top right corner of the reply-box to open a reply editor that has more buttons for attaching files and such. |
wonick 发表于 2018-12-7 13:06 只是一些额外的信息。我已经升级了我的操作系统到Windows 10。这个问题已经解决了,没有额外的修补我的部分。它只是在升级后立即工作。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Just some additional info. I have upgraded my OS to windows 10. And the problem has resolved itself with no additional tinkering on my part. It just worked instantly after the upgrade. |
wonick 发表于 2018-12-7 13:06 这里是一个答复,但看起来像Toogg2481266的问题消失了OS更新/升级。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Here's a reply, but it looks like thodg_2481266's issue went away with OS update/upgrade. |
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