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在win8.1 pc上使用Vivado 2014.1,MIG IP生成器在启动时收到Windows错误。
相同的安装文件已加载到win7 pc上,MIG IP生成器运行正常。 在Win8.1机器上,我尝试了许多其他IP生成器到目前为止它们都工作,而不是MIG IP。 任何解决方案 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Using Vivado 2014.1 on a win8.1 pc and the MIG IP generator receives a windows error when starting up. The same install files have been loaded onto a win7 pc and the MIG IP generator runs fine. On the Win8.1 machine I have tried many of the other IP generators an so far they all work, just not the MIG IP. Any solutions. |
您可以将“-m32”添加到Vivado快捷方式的目标。 右键单击桌面上的vivado shorcut,打开属性并将“-m32”添加到“target”字段。 例如:C: Xilinx Vivado 2014.1 bin unwrapped win64.o vvgl.exe C: Xilinx Vivado 2014.1 。 bin vivado.bat -m32 下面是显示相同的快照。 在此更改之后,当您调用vivado时,它将以32位模式打开。 希望这可以帮助。 谢谢, 迪皮卡。 谢谢,迪皮卡.---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Google之前的问题 张贴。 如果某人的帖子回答了您的问题,请将帖子标记为“接受为解决方案”。 如果你看到一个特别好的和信息丰富的帖子,考虑给它Kudos(左边的明星) 在原帖中查看解决方案 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi @donsnpe , You can add "-m32" to the target of Vivado shortcut. Right click on vivado shorcut in desktop, open properties and add " -m32" to the "target" field. For example: C:XilinxVivado2014.1binunwrappedwin64.ovvgl.exe C:XilinxVivado2014.1.binvivado.bat -m32 Below is the snapshot showing the same. After this change, when you invoke vivado, it will be opened in 32 bit mode. Hope this helps. Thanks,Deepika. Thanks, Deepika. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Google your question before posting. If someone's post answers your question, mark the post as answer with "Accept as solution". If you see a particularly good and informative post, consider giving it Kudos (the star on the left)View solution in original post |
你在Windows-8.1上看到MIG的错误是什么? 谢谢, 迪皮卡。 谢谢,迪皮卡.---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Google之前的问题 张贴。 如果某人的帖子回答了您的问题,请将帖子标记为“接受为解决方案”。 如果你看到一个特别好的和信息丰富的帖子,考虑给它Kudos(左边的明星) 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi, What is the error you see with MIG on windows-8.1? Thanks, Deepika. Thanks, Deepika. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Google your question before posting. If someone's post answers your question, mark the post as answer with "Accept as solution". If you see a particularly good and informative post, consider giving it Kudos (the star on the left) |
一个问题导致程序停止正常工作。 Windows将关闭程序并在解决方案可用时通知您。 关闭会弹出一个vivado错误:无法生成IP ...无法生成custiomm ui输出。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 A popup window says that the mig.exe has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available. Closing that pops up a vivado error: Failed to generate IP ... Failed to generate custiomm ui outputs. |
你能附上vivado.log和vivado创建的崩溃文件吗? 有关崩溃文件的详细信息,请参阅http://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/55854.html。 谢谢, 迪皮卡。 谢谢,迪皮卡.---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Google之前的问题 张贴。 如果某人的帖子回答了您的问题,请将帖子标记为“接受为解决方案”。 如果你看到一个特别好的和信息丰富的帖子,考虑给它Kudos(左边的明星) 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi, Can you attach vivado.log and the crash files created by vivado? Refer to http://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/55854.html for the crash file details. Thanks, Deepika. Thanks, Deepika. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Google your question before posting. If someone's post answers your question, mark the post as answer with "Accept as solution". If you see a particularly good and informative post, consider giving it Kudos (the star on the left) |
我搜索了我的电脑,我能找到的唯一文件是vivado_pid ***。png文件。 我找不到与此相关的其他vivado_pid或hs_err文件。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 No log files are created. I searched my pc any the only files that I can find are a vivado_pid***.png file. I can find no other vivado_pid or hs_err files releated to this. |
在当前的工作目录中,您将观察到vivado.jou文件。 要了解当前的工作目录,请打开Vivado Tcl shell或Vivado GUI,然后运行不带引号的tcl命令“pwd”。 将它附在此处,以便我尝试重现该问题。 谢谢, 维奈 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------您是否尝试在Google中输入问题? ? 如果没有,你应该在发布之前。 此外,MARK这是一个答案,以防它有助于解决您的查询/问题。给予帮助您找到解决方案的帖子。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi, In the present working directory, you will observe vivado.jou file. To know present working directory, open Vivado Tcl shell or Vivado GUI and run the tcl command "pwd" without quotes. Attach it here so that I will try to reproduce the issue. Thanks, Vinay -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you tried typing your question in Google? If not you should before posting. Also, MARK this is as an answer in case it helped resolve your query/issue.Give kudos to the post that helped you to find the solution. |
我现在已经找到了您请求的先前日志文件并附加了它们。 请告诉我你的发现。 谢谢。 vivado.jou 1 KB vivado.log 2 KB vivado_pid4036.str 14 KB 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Thanks for helping me find the working directory. I have now found the previous log files you requested and have attached them. Please let me know of your findings. Thanks. |
嗨,尝试使用以下步骤运行Vivado 2014.1:1。
打开命令提示符2。 导航到 Xilinx Vivado 2014.1 directory3。 运行命令:settings64.bat4。 运行命令:“vivado -jvm Xmx4096m”,不带引号来调用gui.5。 生成MIG IP。如果上述步骤不起作用,请再次附加.jou,.log和.str文件。谢谢,Vinay -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------您是否尝试在Google中输入问题? ? 如果没有,你应该在发布之前。 此外,MARK这是一个答案,以防它有助于解决您的查询/问题。给予帮助您找到解决方案的帖子。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi, Try running Vivado 2014.1 using below steps: 1. Open Command prompt 2. Navigate to 3. run the command: settings64.bat 4. run the command: "vivado -jvm Xmx4096m" without quotes to invoke gui. 5. Generate the MIG IP. If the above steps didnt work, attach the .jou, .log and .str files here again. Thanks, Vinay-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you tried typing your question in Google? If not you should before posting. Also, MARK this is as an answer in case it helped resolve your query/issue.Give kudos to the post that helped you to find the solution. |
我已附加新的日志文件。 谢谢。 vivado.jou 1 KB vivado.log 1 KB 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 It still fails. I have attached the new log files. Thanks. |
打开Vivado GUI2。 单击工具 - >选项3。 在Vivado选项窗口中,选择常规并向下滚动。 取消选中“启用WebTalk以将软件,IP和设备使用静态发送到Xilinx”选项5。 打开Project并生成MIG核心。如果上述步骤不起作用,请运行tcl命令:report_environment -file xinfo.txt并在此处附加生成的xinfo.txt文件。谢谢,Vinay -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------您是否尝试在Google中输入问题? ? 如果没有,你应该在发布之前。 此外,MARK这是一个答案,以防它有助于解决您的查询/问题。给予帮助您找到解决方案的帖子。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi, Try out below steps: 1. Open Vivado GUI 2. Click on Tools --> Options 3. In Vivado Options window, select General and scroll down. 4. Uncheck the option "Enable WebTalk to send software, IP and device usage statics to Xilinx" 5. Open Project and generate the MIG core. If the above steps didn't work, run the tcl command: report_environment -file xinfo.txt and attach the generated xinfo.txt file here. Thanks, Vinay-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you tried typing your question in Google? If not you should before posting. Also, MARK this is as an answer in case it helped resolve your query/issue.Give kudos to the post that helped you to find the solution. |
xinfo.txt 74 KB 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Not sure if webtalk worked so here is the the generated xinfo.txt file. |
从xinfo.txt,我发现Vivado 2013.2安装在你的机器上。 那么您是否也面临与Vivado 2013.2相同的问题? 还尝试在32位模式下运行vivado。 以下是步骤: 1.打开命令提示2。 导航到 Xilinx Vivado 2014.1 directory3。 运行命令:settings64.bat4。 运行命令:“vivado -m32”,不带引号来调用gui.5。 生成MIG IP。 谢谢, 维奈 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------您是否尝试在Google中输入问题? ? 如果没有,你应该在发布之前。 此外,MARK这是一个答案,以防它有助于解决您的查询/问题。给予帮助您找到解决方案的帖子。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi, From the xinfo.txt, I observed that Vivado 2013.2 is installed in your machine. So are you facing the same issue with Vivado 2013.2 as well? Also try running vivado in 32-bit mode. below are the steps: 1. Open Command prompt 2. Navigate to 3. run the command: settings64.bat 4. run the command: "vivado -m32" without quotes to invoke gui. 5. Generate the MIG IP. Thanks, Vinay -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you tried typing your question in Google? If not you should before posting. Also, MARK this is as an answer in case it helped resolve your query/issue.Give kudos to the post that helped you to find the solution. |
有没有办法设置Vivado所以这是默认模式,所以我不必总是通过命令提示符方法来启动Vivado。 谢谢。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 It works in 32bit mode, I get the MIG generation tool started. Is there a way to set Vivado up so this is the default mode so that I do not always have to go through the command prompt method to start Vivado. Thanks. |
您可以将“-m32”添加到Vivado快捷方式的目标。 右键单击桌面上的vivado shorcut,打开属性并将“-m32”添加到“target”字段。 例如:C: Xilinx Vivado 2014.1 bin unwrapped win64.o vvgl.exe C: Xilinx Vivado 2014.1 。 bin vivado.bat -m32 下面是显示相同的快照。 在此更改之后,当您调用vivado时,它将以32位模式打开。 希望这可以帮助。 谢谢, 迪皮卡。 谢谢,迪皮卡.---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Google之前的问题 张贴。 如果某人的帖子回答了您的问题,请将帖子标记为“接受为解决方案”。 如果你看到一个特别好的和信息丰富的帖子,考虑给它Kudos(左边的明星) 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi @donsnpe , You can add "-m32" to the target of Vivado shortcut. Right click on vivado shorcut in desktop, open properties and add " -m32" to the "target" field. For example: C:XilinxVivado2014.1binunwrappedwin64.ovvgl.exe C:XilinxVivado2014.1.binvivado.bat -m32 Below is the snapshot showing the same. After this change, when you invoke vivado, it will be opened in 32 bit mode. Hope this helps. Thanks,Deepika. Thanks, Deepika. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Google your question before posting. If someone's post answers your question, mark the post as answer with "Accept as solution". If you see a particularly good and informative post, consider giving it Kudos (the star on the left) |
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