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//! brief Defines the maximum Voltage vector (Vs) magnitude allowed. This value sets the maximum magnitude for the output of the //! brief Id and Iq PI current controllers. The Id and Iq current controller outputs are Vd and Vq. //! brief The relationship between Vs, Vd, and Vq is: Vs = sqrt(Vd^2 + Vq^2). In this FOC controller, the //! brief Vd value is set equal to USER_MAX_VS_MAG*USER_VD_MAG_FACTOR. Vq = sqrt(USER_MAX_VS_MAG^2 - Vd^2). //! brief Set USER_MAX_VS_MAG = 0.5 for a pure sinewave with a peak at SQRT(3)/2 = 86.6% duty cycle. No current reconstruction is needed for this scenario. //! brief Set USER_MAX_VS_MAG = 1/SQRT(3) = 0.5774 for a pure sinewave with a peak at 100% duty cycle. Current reconstruction will be needed for this scenario (Lab10a-x). //! brief Set USER_MAX_VS_MAG = 2/3 = 0.6666 to create a trapezoidal voltage waveform. Current reconstruction will be needed for this scenario (Lab10a-x). //! brief For space vector over-modulation, see lab 10 for details on system requirements that will allow the SVM generator to go all the way to trapezoidal. #define USER_MAX_VS_MAG_PU (0.5) // Set to 0.5 if a current reconstruction technique is not used. Look at the module svgen_current in lab10a-x for more info. |
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