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尝试静默部署Xilinx 14.4时,我遇到了两个奇怪的错误。
我可以解决的第一个错误。 第二个我不能。 我正在测试的系统是Windows 7 x86。 我是管理员,对于此系统,UAC已关闭。 我正在使用SCCM,因此安装媒体位于c: windows ccmcache中的文件夹中。 让我们假设它是c: windows ccmcache 1 为此。 此外,我的批处理脚本称为ece.bat。 错误#1 如果我导航到C: Windows ccmcache 1 bin nt并运行“batchxsetup.exe -batch ece.bat”,我收到以下内容: 错误:: Mon Apr 01 12:01:26 TZ 2013 :: batchxsetup.exe无法在installwithout命令行选项后运行。 请参阅下面的帮助信息,了解哪些选项可以与batchxsetup.exe一起使用。 如果您在Xilinx的安装程序中运行batchxsetup.exe而不是安装后位置,请确认安装程序中存在“idata .idata.bin”文件。 batchxsetup.exe C: Windows ccmcache 1 idata .idata.bin确实存在,所以我并不完全理解这个错误。 但这并不是什么大不了的事,因为我可以绕过它。 但是当我这样做时,我遇到了错误2。 错误#2 所以,在这里我只导航到C: Windows ccmcache 1。 此外,我的ece.bat文件现在位于同一位置。 所以现在我运行“bin nt batchxsetup.exe -batch ece.bat”,我不再收到错误#1。 它运行并开始安装IT Design Suite System Edition + Vivado系统版。 但是,接近结束时它会遇到一些错误并失败: INFO :: Mon Apr 01 11:27:43 TZ 2013 ::复制所需文件.ERROR :: Mon Apr 01 11:27:45 TZ 2013 ::无法复制“ idata usenglish idata isebillboards logo.png “to”C: Xilinx 14.4 ISE_DS .xinstall idata usenglish idata isebillboards logo.png“source not exists ..ERROR :: Mon Apr 01 11:27:47 TZ 2013 :: Unable to 将“ idata usenglish idata isebillboards splash.png”复制到“C: Xilinx 14.4 ISE_DS .xinstall idata usenglish idata isebillboards splash.png”源不存在.ERROR :: Mon Apr 01 11:27:50 TZ 2013 ::安装失败。 同样,这些文件存在。 我无法解决这个问题,我现在还不知道该怎么做。 我附加了显示错误#2的安装日志。 有什么建议么? install_debug.log 46 KB 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I'm running into two curious errors when attempting to deploy Xilinx 14.4 silently. The first error I can work around. The second I cannot. The system I'm testing on is Windows 7 x86. I'm an administrator and for this system, UAC is turned off. I'm using SCCM, so the install media is located in a folder in at c:windowsccmcache. Lets assume it's c:windowsccmcache1 for this. Also, my batch script is called ece.bat. Error #1 If I navigate to C:Windowsccmcache1binnt and run "batchxsetup.exe -batch ece.bat", I receive the following: ERROR::Mon Apr 01 12:01:26 TZ 2013:: batchxsetup.exe cannot be ran post install without command line options. Please see help information below on which options can be used with batchxsetup.exe. If you are running batchxsetup.exe within the Xilinx's installer and not the post install location, confirm that "idata.idata.bin" file exists in your installer. batchxsetup.exe C:Windowsccmcache1idata.idata.bin does exist, so I don't exactly understand this error. But it's not a big deal because I can get around it. But when I do, I run into error 2. Error #2 So, here I only navigate to C:Windowsccmcache1. Also, my ece.bat file is now in that same location. So now I run "binntbatchxsetup.exe -batch ece.bat" and I no longer get error #1. It runs and starts installing the ISE Design Suite System Edition + Vivado System Edition. However, near the end it hits some errors and fails: INFO ::Mon Apr 01 11:27:43 TZ 2013:: Copy required files .ERROR::Mon Apr 01 11:27:45 TZ 2013:: Unable to copy "idatausenglishidataisebillboardslogo.png" to "C:Xilinx14.4ISE_DS.xinstallidatausenglishidataisebillboardslogo.png" source does not exist. .ERROR::Mon Apr 01 11:27:47 TZ 2013:: Unable to copy "idatausenglishidataisebillboardssplash.png" to "C:Xilinx14.4ISE_DS.xinstallidatausenglishidataisebillboardssplash.png" source does not exist. . ERROR::Mon Apr 01 11:27:50 TZ 2013:: Installation failed. Again, those files exist. I can't get around this one and I don't really know what to do at this point. I've attached the install log that shows Error #2. Any suggestions? |
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