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我有1个席位的浮动许可证,将由少数团队成员使用,但我需要能够在需要时移动许可证。 我想到了一个插入许可证服务器的USB加密狗,并在需要时拔掉了插头。 实现这一目标的最简单方法是什么? 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello, I have a 1-seat floating license which will be used ocasionaly by a few team-members, but I need to be able to move the license if needed. I thought of a u*** dongle plugged in the license server and unplugged when needed. What is the easiest way to achieve this? |
因此,只要他们需要,他们就会使用它。加密狗也是个好主意。谢谢。 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------您是否尝试在Google中输入问题? ? 如果没有,你应该在发布之前。 此外,MARK这是一个答案,以防它有助于解决您的查询/问题。给予帮助您找到解决方案的帖子。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi, You can generate floating license with server's hostid and install the license in the server. So that whenever they need, they use it. And dongle is also nice idea.. Thanks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you tried typing your question in Google? If not you should before posting. Also, MARK this is as an answer in case it helped resolve your query/issue.Give kudos to the post that helped you to find the solution. |
我通读了几个指南,但无论我做什么,它都重新出现:lmgrd:命令未找到 我安装了l***库 sudo apt-get install l*** 我的系统是最新的。 当我将lmgrd和许可证文件放在同一目录中时,我尝试启动它 sudo ./lmgrd -c ./Xilinx.lic-l ./log1.log 但我得到了lmgrd:命令未找到错误。 请帮忙! 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 At the moment i am stuck setting up the standard license server on a fresh ubuntu installation. I read through several guides but no matter what i do, it reurns: lmgrd: command not found I installed the l*** library sudo apt-get install l*** and my system is up to date. when i place the lmgrd and the license file in the same directory i try to start it through sudo ./lmgrd -c ./Xilinx.lic -l ./log1.log but I get the lmgrd: command not found error. Please help! |
嗨,转到lmgrd可执行文件的位置并尝试运行以下命令:sudo ./lmgrd -c Xilinx.lic -l log1.logThanks。
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------您是否尝试在Google中输入问题? ? 如果没有,你应该在发布之前。 此外,MARK这是一个答案,以防它有助于解决您的查询/问题。给予帮助您找到解决方案的帖子。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi, Go to the location of lmgrd executable and try running the below command: sudo ./lmgrd -c Xilinx.lic -l log1.log Thanks.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you tried typing your question in Google? If not you should before posting. Also, MARK this is as an answer in case it helped resolve your query/issue.Give kudos to the post that helped you to find the solution. |
我想我明白它与某些缺少的图书馆或其他必要的包有关(没有关于limgrd的命令)。 我的服务器机器在Ubuntu 12.04上。 可惜ubuntu帮助论坛今天失败了...... 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 It is still the same error. I think i understood that it is somehow related to missing librarys or other necessary packages (no command works regarding limgrd). My server machine is on Ubuntu 12.04 . A pity ubuntu help forum is down today... |
我发现错误是由于文件错误而发生的。 从xilinx下载Linux版本时,您有一个zip和一个tar存档。 使用zip存档中的文件时,它们不会运行。 但是,如果我从其他来源下载lmgrd它将运行,但抱怨xilinxd没有响应(这不像原始lmgrd文件那样工作)。 有任何想法吗? 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I still cant get it to work. I found out that the error happens due to a wrong file. When downloading the Linux version form xilinx, you have a zip and an tar archive in it. When using the files in the zip archive they wont run. However, if i download the lmgrd from other sources it will run, but complain about the xilinxd not responding (which is not working like the original lmgrd file). any ideas? |
... 10:03:12(lmgrd)开始xilinxd(互联网tcp_port 60150 pid 17575) 10:03:13(lmgrd)许可证守护程序:执行过程失败: (./xilinxd)-T tic 11.11 3 -c ./Xilix.lic 10:03:13(lmgrd)license daemon:系统错误代码:没有这样的文件或目录 10:03:13(lmgrd)xilinxd退出状态45(Child无法执行请求的服务器) 10:03:13(lmgrd)请更正问题并重启守护进程 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 the error message is the following ...10:03:12 (lmgrd) Started xilinxd (internet tcp_port 60150 pid 17575)10:03:13 (lmgrd) license daemon: execute process failed:(./xilinxd) -T tic 11.11 3 -c ./Xilix.lic10:03:13 (lmgrd) license daemon: system error code: No such file or directory10:03:13 (lmgrd) xilinxd exited with status 45 (Child cannot exec requested server)10:03:13 (lmgrd) Please correct problem and restart daemons |
当试图自己运行xilinxd时,它不响应错误消息,因为它应该(xilixd:command not found),这意味着该文件不兼容。 - >这是我不明白的,因为它是一个简单的Ubuntu 32bit,我使用的是32位文件下载! 我安装了应该需要的库“l***-core” 一切都在窗户上工作! 如果你可以帮助我,或者在新的ubuntu机器上测试它会很棒! 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I did some further investigations and those are the results:
2. I installed the library "l***-core" which is supposed to be needed 3. everything is working on windows! It would be great if you could help me out here, or maybe test it on a fresh ubuntu machine! |
顺便说一句,将许可证锁定到wlan stick(MacID),然后将其移动到电脑上你想携带的工作正常,以防万一有人感兴趣(在你想携带的机器上设置一台新服务器, 当移动到没有网络访问等的环境时)。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Moved the ubuntu issue to this thread. By the way locking the license to a wlan stick (MacID) and then move it to the pc u want to carry with you works fine, just in case someone is interested (setup a new server on the machine you want to carry with you, when moving to environments without net access etc.). |
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