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嗨,我使用VMware为Ubuntu Linux客户操作系统,Windows 10作为主机操作系统。所以我已经成功安装了CysBuLinux,这个设备正在被Linux客户OS识别。但是,当我试图运行拖缆标签,没有传输发生。当设备连接到Windows主机时,设备管理器显示USB拖缆实例加载的固件。当我试图加载IMG文件写入RAM,它无法加载它。我可以指导如何在Linux上运行拖缆示例吗?
谢谢 尼尚特 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi I am using VMWare for a Ubuntu Linux guest OS, with Windows 10 as a host OS. So I have installed the cyu***_linux sucessfully and the device is being recognized by the Linux guest OS. But when I try to run the streamer tab, no transfers take place. When the device is connected to Windows host the device manager shows the USB Streamer example firmware loaded. When I try to load the img file to write to the RAM, it is unable to load it. Can I be guided on how to run the streamer example on Linux Thanks Nishant |
您的VMware系统可能不支持热插拔。下载固件后,关闭控制中心/拖缆应用程序。用LSUB命令验证您是否获得了带有VID/PID 04B4/00 F1的设备。一旦出现,再次打开控制中心并测试数据传输。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Your VmWare system may not support hot-plug. After downloading the firmware, close the Control Center/Streamer application. Verify with lsu*** command whether you are getting the device with VID/PID 04B4/00F1. Once it comes up, open the Control Center again and test the data transfers. |
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