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在收到CY8CKIT-062-BLE后,我们测试提供的代码示例。 我们尝试将代码示例应用到PSoC创建者4.2:双应用程序(CE213903)正确工作。 我们想在App1中添加一个CAPSENSE,但是如果我们在CordStM4中启动CAPSENSE,APP1似乎被阻塞了。 但是,我们有一个类似的APP1,没有双重应用:在这种情况下,CAPSENSE的代码是相同的。 你能帮助我们找到双重应用程序中的错误吗? App0:闪烁一个LED,检查SW2状态(如果SW2被按下PSOC 6切换到APP1)+UART引导加载程序 APP1:只是稍作修改(这个应用程序完全没有CAPSENSE) 您将发现附件中的项目具有双重应用。 你的 罗宾。 CE213903.CYWRK.SARVEVE02.ZIP 14.9兆字节 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, After receive the CY8CKIT-062-BLE, we test the code sample provided. We try the code example available into PSoC Creator 4.2 : the dual application (CE213903) works correctly. We want add a capsense into the APP1, but if we start the Capsense into the cortexM4 main the app1 seems blocked. however we have an APP1 similar without dual application : in this case, the same code for capsense works. Could you help us to find the error into the project with dual application? APP0 : blink a led, check the SW2 state (if SW2 is pressed the PSoC 6 switch into APP1) + uart bootloader APP1 : just little modification (this APP works perfectly without capsense) You will find in attachment the project with dual application. yours Robin.
我已经驳斥了这个问题,似乎CAPSENSE ISR是错误的地方,并在中断上下文中重启主函数。(IRQ 49)。之后,代码挂在CAPSENSE忙碌,因为CAPSHISE ISR没有被调用。 我会一直看着这个。 当做, 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello Robin, I've debbuged the issue and it seems that the CapSense ISR is going to the wrong place and the main function is restarted within an interrupt context. (IRQ 49). Afterwards the code hangs on a CapSense busy because the CapSense ISR was not called. I'll keep looking at this. Regards, |
wang_901218 发表于 2018-11-23 12:39 你好,罗宾, 为了解决这个问题,请做以下修改。 在App0和App1中打开BooBooLo.No..LD,并修改以下值(更改为螺栓连接): RAMIAAP00CORE0(RWX):原点=0x0800 0100,长度=0x1F00 RAMYAP00CORE1(RWX):原点=0x0800 2000,长度=0x8000 RAMYAPAP1CORE0(RWX):原点=0x0800 0100,长度=0x1F00 RAMYAPAP1CORE1(RWX):Oracle=0x0800 2000,长度=0x8000 清洁和建造这两个项目。程序App0。引导加载APP1。 我已经尝试使用这些值,并确认它是有效的。 当做, 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello Robin, please make the following changes in order to fix the issue. Open bootload_common.ld in App0 and App1 and modify the following values (changes are bolded): ram_app0_core0 (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x08000100, LENGTH = 0x1F00 ram_app0_core1 (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x08002000, LENGTH = 0x8000 ram_app1_core0 (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x08000100, LENGTH = 0x1F00 ram_app1_core1 (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x08002000, LENGTH = 0x8000 Clean and build both projects. Program App0. Bootload App1. I've tried using these values and can confirm that it works. Regards, |
wang_901218 发表于 2018-11-23 12:57 谢谢你的CFMM。 我已经尝试过这些更新:它看起来很有效。 也许我会调整一个刷新,以获得更好的检测这些帽子感觉。 当做, 罗宾。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 thanks you cfmm. I have tried these update : it seems works. May be i will adjust a the refresh to obtain a better detection for these cap-sense. regards, Robin. |
这个修复的原因是CM4上的向量表必须是0x400对齐。将被固定在一个新版本。谢谢你提出来。 是的,我也认为250MS太长了。 当做, 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 The reason for this fix is that the vector table on the CM4 must be 0x400 aligned. Will be fixed in a new release. Thanks for bringing it up. Yes, I also think 250ms is too long. Regards, |
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