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我已经阅读了许多讨论,追溯到2016,PSOC6最终将支持BLE Mesh标准,因为它的BLE 5符合标准。
当PoSO6开发人员使用时,可能会释放BLE网格支持吗?塞浦路斯会提供一个附带的演示项目吗? 我目前正在为当前项目使用PoSo4的填充填充网格示例,但是我希望使用新的标准来验证我的产品。此外,我喜欢新标准要求安全/加密连接的事实。 即使尝试将当前的PSoC4网格示例移植到PSoC6的新的BLE堆栈中,也会给我带来很大的麻烦。 PoSO-4-BLU/100i项目在Suth.CyPress半导体公司/PSOC-4-BLE·Github的100100天/Day049 也在这个虚幻的社区里问过这个问题。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I've read through various discussions dating back to 2016 that the PSoC6 will eventually support the BLE Mesh standard, given its BLE 5.0 compliant. When is it likely that the BLE Mesh support will be released for PSoC6 developers to use? Will Cypress be providing an accompanying demo project? I'm currently using the Flood-Fill Mesh example for the PSoC4 for a current project, but I wish to use the new standard to future-proof my product. Also, I like the fact that the new standards mandates secured/encrypted connections. Even trying to port the current PSoC4 mesh example to the new BLE Stack of the PSoC6 is causing me significant trouble. PSoC-4-BLE/100_Projects_in_100_Days/Day049_BLE_Mesh_Flood at master · cypresssemiconductorco/PSoC-4-BLE · GitHub Have also asked this in the WICED BLE Community |
检查PSOC6BLE网格支持以供后续使用。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 This is duplicate thread of PSoC6 BLE Mesh Support Check out PSoC6 BLE Mesh Support for follow up. |
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