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我有一个奇怪的问题。 我安装了Xilinx ISE Design Suit 13.1进行学习。 我获得了许可权和一切,但不幸的是我遇到了一些奇怪的问题......首先,我无法运行所有工具。 到目前为止,我已成功运行Plan Ahead,EDK XDS,系统生成器,系统检查器......但我无法打开neiter EDK Xilinx Platform Studio(XPS)或ISE Project Navigator。 当我想像往常一样通过“开始”菜单运行它时,只有一个黑色的MS-Dos窗口出现一秒钟,然后没有任何反应! 不知道为什么。 然后我决定卸载整个Xilinx软件并尝试重新安装它。 现在我遇到了另一个问题 - 当我去Xilinx ISE 13.1 - >附件 - >卸载时,也没有任何反应。 更确切地说,再次只是一个小的黑色MS-Dos窗口显示不到一秒钟,然后没有别的。 (顺便说一句,我注意到我不能从附件中运行任何其他选项(如管理Xilinx Linenses))。 然后我想通过添加/删除(我有Win XP操作系统)删除它,但在那里找不到它。 我之前从未遇到类似的事情。 如果我想再次(重新)从CD安装Xilinx Design Suit(进入同一目录),它将不允许我这样做。 它说我应该首先删除旧的Xilinx软件。 但我不能。 所以我现在遇到了麻烦。 任何想法我该怎么办? 提前致谢! 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello, I have a strange problem. I installed Xilinx ISE Design Suit 13.1 for studying. I got the licence right and everything, but unfortunately I faced a few strange problems... First of all, I can't run all the tools. So far I've succesfully ran Plan Ahead, EDK XDS, System Generator, System checker... but I can't open neiter EDK Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS) nor ISE Project Navigator. When i want to run it through Start Menu as usual, only a black MS-Dos window shows up for a second and after that nothing happens! Not sure why. Then I decided to uninstall the whole Xilinx software and try to install it again. Now I faced another problem - when i go to Xilinx ISE 13.1-->Accessories-->uninstall, nothing happens either. To be more exact, again just a small black MS-Dos window shows up for less than a second and then nothing else. (Btw, I noticed I can't run any other option from Accessories (like Manage Xilinx Linenses) either). Then I wanted to remove it through Add/Remove (I have Win XP OS) but it can't be found there. I never faced something similar before. If I want to (re)install Xilinx Design Suit from CD again (into the same directory), it won't let me do it. It says I should remove the old Xilinx software first. But I can't. So I'm now in trouble. Any ideas what should I do? Thanks in advance! |
我收到错误消息:未定义环境变量'TEMP'或指向不存在的目录。 请将其定义到临时文件的目录位置。 我能做什么? 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Update: Xinfo won't start either. I got the error message: Enviroment variable 'TEMP' not defined or points at a non-existant directory. Please define it to a directory location for temporary files. What can I do? |
尝试以批处理模式删除/卸载Xilinx产品(不需要交互): 1)从开始菜单运行ISE Design Suite命令提示符(即转到开始 - >程序 - > Xilinx ISE设计套件 - >附件 - > ISE Design Suite命令提示符) (注意:Windows 7用户需要右键单击“ISE Design Suite命令提示符”并以管理员身份运行它) 2)将目录(cd)更改为[INSTALLED_ LOCATION] common bin [PLATFORM],例如:C: Xilinx 13.1 ISE_ DS common bin nt64> 3)然后输入以下命令: batchxsetup -batchfilename.bat -uninstall (注意:在这里,你可以输入你用来安装工具的批处理文件,或者只输入任何随机值,例如:batchxsetup -batch test.txt -uninstall.Iffilename.bat,或者test .txt,不存在,它会给你一个错误,说它“无法读取文件....”,例如:“ERROR :: Thu May 26 12:10:31 TZ 2011 ::无法读取文件测试。 txt“,但它仍将继续以批处理模式删除产品。 请参阅下面的屏幕截图,作为您应该看到的示例: 我们之前看到过类似的问题,问题的主要原因是.tar文件在下载过程中损坏或者解压缩不正确。 你用什么来解压缩文件? Xilinx建议使用7-zip(可以处理大型tar文件),可以从以下网站下载:http://www.7-zip.org/。可以尝试使用7-zip解压缩tar文件和 然后尝试再次安装该工具。 问候, 阿纳托利 亲切的问候,Anatoli Curran,Xilinx威廉希尔官方网站 支持----------------------------------------- --------------------------------不要忘记回复,工作,并接受解决方案.---- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi, Try to remove/uninstall Xilinx products in batch mode (where there is no interaction necessary): 1) Run ISE Design Suite Command Prompt from the start menu (i.e. go to Start -> Programs ->Xilinx ISE Design Suite -> Accessories -> ISE Design Suite Command Prompt) (Note: Windows 7 users would need to right click on “ISE Design Suite Command Prompt” and run it as administrator) 2) Change the directory (cd) to your [INSTALLED_LOCATION]commonbin[PLATFORM], e.g.: C:Xilinx13.1ISE_DScommonbinnt64> 3) Then enter the following command: batchxsetup -batch filename.bat -uninstall (note: here, instead of filename.bat you can either enter your batch file that you used to install the tool, or just any random value, e.g.: batchxsetup -batch test.txt -uninstall. If filename.bat, or test.txt, does not exist, it will give you an error, saying that it “Cannot read file ....”, e.g.: “ERROR::Thu May 26 12:10:31 TZ 2011:: Cannot read file test.txt”, but it will still continue removing products in batch mode). Please see the screenshot below as an example of what you should see: We have seen similar issues before, where the main cause of the problem was either the .tar file was corrupted during the download process or unzipped incorrectly. What tool did you use to unarchive the file? Xilinx recommends using 7-zip (which can handle large tar files) which can be downloaded from the following website: http://www.7-zip.org/. Can you please try using 7-zip to unarchive the tar file and then try to install the tool again. Regards, Anatoli Kind Regards, Anatoli Curran, Xilinx Technical Support ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don’t forget to reply, kudo, and accept as solution. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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