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我10天前收到了我的RealSense D415(我不是开发人员),我正试图用它进行房间扫描。
我通过查看器和Unity包装器记录了一个* .bag文件,我正在尝试将.bag文件转换为点云; 我尝试过使用ROS: rosrun pcl_ros bag_to_pcd 但是输出目录总是空的,那么有没有办法可以用来从D415获得点云(然后创建一个网格)? 顺便说一句:我在观众中尝试了* .PLY,这不是3D扫描,它只是一个深度拍摄/拍摄直接在相机前面而不是真正的3D扫描。 可以使用RecFusion,但它对要扫描的对象的大小有限制。 提前致谢。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I've received my RealSense D415 10 days ago (I'm not a developer) and I was trying to use it for room scanning. I've recorded a *.bag file through the viewer and the Unity wrapper and I'm trying to convert the .bag file to a point cloud; I've tried using ROS: rosrun pcl_ros bag_to_pcd But the output directory is always empty, so is there a way that I can use to get a point cloud (then create a mesh) from the D415? BTW: I've tried the *.PLY in the viewer and that's not a 3D scan it's simply a depth snap/shot of what is directly in-front of the camera not a real 3D scan. RecFusion can be used but it has limitations on the size of the object you want to scan. Thanks in advance. |
将RealSense Pointcloud转换为PCL Pointcloud 或者,一旦您记录了.ply点云,您就可以将其转换为3D软件(如MeshLab或Blender)中的实体网格。 下面的链接提供了指向MeshLab中指南的链接。 Re:有没有用于realsense D400的3D扫描软件??? 我不是开发人员 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 The link below contains a long discussion about converting RealSense point cloud data to PCD. Converting RealSense Pointcloud to PCL Pointcloud Alternatively, once you have a .ply point cloud recorded then you can convert it to a solid mesh in 3D software such as MeshLab or Blender. The link below has linkages to guides to doing so in MeshLab. Re: is there any 3d scanning software for realsense D400??? I AM NOT A DEVELOPER |
nywerwer 发表于 2018-11-23 19:22 感谢MartyG的回复,我在研究中发现了这两个链接,并没有解决我想要解决的问题: 1.第一个链接没有解决将包文件转换为PCD的问题,它只涉及使用PCL和涉及它,我认为它只覆盖单个帧而不是多个帧。 2.第二个链接(正如我在我的问题中所述)涵盖了.PLY,它适用于单个框架,与扫描对象(正面,背面)和为其创建模型无关。 我想将包转换为PCD,以便能够从包文件中记录的所有帧创建网格,而不是从单个帧创建。 再次感谢,如果您有解决方案,请通知我,我将非常感激。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Thanks MartyG for your reply, I've found these two links in my research and both don't address the problem I'm trying to solve: 1. The first link doesn't address converting the bag file to PCD, it's only covering using the PCL and from dabbling with it, i reckon that it only covers a single frame not multiple frames. 2. The second link (as I've said in my question) covers the .PLY which is for a single frame and that has nothing to do with scanning an object (front, back sides) and creating a model for it. I want to convert the bag to PCD to be able to create a mesh from all of the frames recorded in the bag file not from a single frame. Thanks again, please if you've a solution for that inform me about it, I'd be very grateful. |
iujwers 发表于 2018-11-23 19:33 可以使用SDK的“转换”工具将包转换成其他格式(例如袋到层)以满足您的需求吗? librealsense / tools / convert at master·IntelRealSense / librealsense·GitHub 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Might the SDK's 'Convert' tool for converting a bag into other formats (e.g bag to ply) suit your needs? librealsense/tools/convert at master · IntelRealSense/librealsense · GitHub |
nywerwer 发表于 2018-11-23 19:44 感谢MartyG没有看到那个:-)我将尝试并在此处说明结果,因为这可能对社区中的其他人有所帮助,再次感谢:-) 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Thanks MartyG haven't seen that one:-) I'm going to try it and state the outcome here, as that might be helpful for others in the community, thanks again :-) |
期待您的测试结果 - 非常感谢,祝您好运! 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Looking forward to your test results - thanks so much, and good luck! |
你好MartyG,我昨天一直在努力,我不知道我应该做什么,原谅我的无知因为我不是开发人员, 1.我尝试使用CMake GUI创建/生成可执行文件但出现错误“配置过程出错,项目文件可能无效” 2.我试过直接通过visual studio打开转换器,但我无法编译和运行它。 我很感激任何指导,并再次为我的无知感到抱歉:-)。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello MartyG , I've been trying from yesterday and I don't know what I should actually do, forgive my ignorance as I'm not a developer, 1. I've tried using CMake GUI to create/generate an executable but I get an error "Error in the configuration process, project files may be invalid" 2. I've tried opening the converter directly through visual studio but I couldn't compile and run it. I'd appreciate any guidance and again sorry for my ignorance:-). |
iujwers 发表于 2018-11-23 20:27 我承认我从未编译过Visual Studio中的RealSense程序(或任何程序),所以我无法找到任何可以在编译转换工具时有用的指导您的信息。 与其他工具不同,SDK的预先制作的可执行文件不包含在SDK的文件夹中。 英特尔支持团队的成员可能会在周一恢复论坛时间后为您提供帮助。 我很抱歉。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I admit I have never compiled a RealSense program (or any program) in Visual Studio, so I could not locate any information that could usefully guide you in compiling the Convert tool. Unlike other tools, a pre-made executable of it is not included in the SDK's folders. A member of Intel's support team may be able to assist you once they resume their forum hours on Monday. I do apologize. |
nywerwer 发表于 2018-11-23 20:38 感谢MartyG,它有CMakeList文件所以我认为它应该通过CMake创建二进制文件,等待有人可以提供帮助,再次感谢。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Thanks MartyG , it has CMakeList file so I think it should go through CMake to create binaries, waiting for someone who can help, thanks again. |
iujwers 发表于 2018-11-23 20:48 Hello GamesMechanic, 感谢您对英特尔实感D415相机的关注。 你确实是对的,你需要使用CMAKE GUI来创建项目的二进制文件。 您可以按照librealsense / wrappers / opencv中的说明,在master·IntelRealSense / librealsense·GitHub中创建它们。 如果您不打算使用OpenCV包装器,则可以跳到步骤9(同样,不要执行步骤11和12)。 您将在Tool文件夹下有rs-convert.cpp文件。 请告诉我们结果! 最诚挚的问候,伊丽莎 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello GamesMechanic, Thank you for your interest in the Intel RealSense D415 camera. You are indeed right, you will need to use CMAKE GUI in order to create the binaries for the project. You can follow in the instructions from librealsense/wrappers/opencv at master · IntelRealSense/librealsense · GitHub in order to create them. If you don't plan on using the OpenCV wrappers, you can skip to step number 9 (also, don't follow steps 11 and 12). You will have the rs-convert.cpp file under Tool folder. Please let us know the outcome! Kindest regards, Eliza |
jerry1978 发表于 2018-11-23 21:08 感谢英特尔公司(Eliza),正如我所说,我已经尝试过CMake,我收到错误“配置过程中出错,项目文件可能无效”,感谢您的帮助, 顺便提一下在ROS论坛上(answers.ros.org)我被社区成员告知我无法直接从RealSense D415生成的包中生成PCD,因为它没有直接 关于点云的话题,我首先使用Nodelet关联(RGB到Depth),然后生成PointCloud,然后生成PCD,我仍然不知道该怎么做。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Thanks Intel Corporation (Eliza), as I've said I've tried CMake and I'm getting an error "Error in the configuration process, project files may be invalid" , appreciate your help, by the way on the ROS forums (answers.ros.org) I've been informed by a community member that I can't generate a PCD directly from the bag that was generated from the RealSense D415 as it doesn't have a direct topic for point cloud, I've first to use Nodelet to associate (RGB to Depth) and then generate the PointCloud, then the PCD, I still don't know how to do that either. |
cd340823 发表于 2018-11-23 21:21 HelloGamesMechanic,你能否提供我们在CMAKE GUI上用红色标记的完整错误文本,以指导你如何解决它?rs-covert.cpp工具可以将.bag文件转换为.ply文件。你可以使用 下面的代码是为了将.ply文件转换为.pcd文件:PLY 2 PCDHope此信息有用!请告诉我们结果!最诚挚的问候,Eliza 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello GamesMechanic, Could you please provide us the full error text marked in red on CMAKE GUI in order to guide you how to solve it? The rs-covert.cpp tool can convert a .bag file to a .ply file. You can use the following code in order to convert the .ply file to a .pcd file: PLY 2 PCD Hope this information helps! Please let us know the outcome! Kindest regards, Eliza |
jerry1978 发表于 2018-11-23 21:37 你好伊丽莎, 感谢您的回复,正如我所说,RealSense SDK生成的.ply是针对单帧的,这不是我想要的,因为您无法使用它来扫描任何对象。 我得到的错误是: CMake的: 视觉工作室: 严重性代码描述项目文件行抑制状态 错误C1083无法打开包含文件:'librealsense2 / rs.hpp':没有这样的文件或目录rs-convert c: users computerGM desktop librealsense-master tools convert rs-convert.cpp 6 感谢您的帮助。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello Eliza, Thanks for your reply, as I've said the .ply generated by RealSense SDK is for a single frame, which isn't what I want as you can't use that to scan any objects. The error I'm getting is: CMake: Visual Studio: Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error C1083 Cannot open include file: 'librealsense2/rs.hpp': No such file or directory rs-convert c:userscomputerGMdesktoplibrealsense-mastertoolsconvertrs-convert.cpp 6 Appreciate your help, thanks. |
iujwers 发表于 2018-11-23 21:44 Hello GamesMechanic,感谢您截图。请确保“源代码在哪里”和“在哪里构建二进制文件”如下图所示。 构建文件夹需要位于librealsense-master文件夹下:完成后,您将能够在Visual Studio中打开项目。 它将包含文件夹工具,其中包含rs-capture,以及另一个示例代码。我在PCL社区中找到了一个可能对您有帮助的帖子:http://www.pcl-users.org/conversion-bag-to -pcd-td2770573.html希望听到你的意见!谢谢你,伊丽莎 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello GamesMechanic, Thank you for the screenshot. Please make sure that the "Where is the source code" and "where to build the binaries" look like the picture below. The build folder needs to be located right under librealsense-master folder: After you have done that, you will be able to open the Project in Visual Studio. It will contain the folder Tool, where rs-capture is located, alongside with another samples codes. I found a thread on the PCL community that might help you : http://www.pcl-users.org/conversion-bag-to-pcd-td2770573.html Looking forward to hear from your side! Thank you, Eliza |
jerry1978 发表于 2018-11-23 22:03 你好伊丽莎, 感谢您的回复,我已按照您的建议将Build文件夹放在librealsense-master下,并且我已收到CMake中的以下错误: 然后尝试在visual studio中运行生成的二进制文件后,我有23个错误: 关于评论中的链接。 正如我之前告诉你的那样,从RealSense相机生成的包文件不能直接用于ROS / PCL我们首先需要使用我不知道如何使用的depth_image_proc nodelet(仍在研究它),感谢您的回复 , 谢谢。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello Eliza, Thanks for your reply, I've put the Build folder under the librealsense-master as you've advised and I've receivde the following errors in CMake: Then after trying to run the generated binaries anyhow in visual studio, I've got 23 errors: Regarding the link in your comment. as I've told you before the bag file generated from the RealSense camera can't be used directly with ROS/PCL we need first to use depth_image_proc nodelet which I don't know how to use (still researching it), appreciate your reply, thanks. |
以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I have a similar issue. I want to be able to get the point cloud data from every frame. Doesn't matter too much what format it is in, ply or pcd would be fine. At the moment you can capture a .bag and play it back then manually export frames to ply by playing the file back in the viewer. But this is very tedious being a manual process, and you can't skip ahead frame by frame and the time given on the playback slider only lists seconds and not milliseconds, so it is not useful for anything requiring more than crude estimates. The frustrating thing is that all the data is their and having it output as a pointcloud at each time would be incredibly useful for many applications, but their appears no way of doing this easily. The only partial solution I have found is in unity to collect the point could data over time and then save it to a csv. But I am running into memory limitations. And also in unity I can't easily turn on and off the various post processing filters easily like I can in the viewer. A feature built into the viewer which allows a recorded .bag file to be export every frame as a ply would be extremely useful. |
None 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Even the .ply file generated is for a mesh that you can't assemble, as there's no tool for assembling meshes to generate a final model, you can use RecFusion which isn't useful in my case as I'm dealing/want to deal with scanning large equipment. Hope Eliza ould find a solution that would allow me to use the converter. |
None 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello GamesMechanic, We are currently working on your request. As soon as we will have a resolution, we will comment on this thread. Thank you, Eliza |
None 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello Eliza, thanks for your reply, I'd like to resolve the CMake error for now to know whether the converter is the solution I'm seeking or should I continue with the ROS nodelet way. thanks in advance. |
None 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello GamesMechanic, I have replicated your issue and I did not encounter the same errors as you. Here are my steps:
Best regards, Eliza |
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