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出于移植和维护的原因,我需要安装Xilinx ISE 10.1 Foundation,完全支持所有FPGA,尤其是Virtex-5 XC5VFX70T。 我有这个版本的有效许可证(即注册ID)但我没有该软件了。 所以我从Xilinx下载页面(即带有3.3GB的ISE Foundation 10.1)下载了它。 在Windows XP下安装软件后,我可以成功导入和合成旧平台的ip-core(即Virtex-4 XC4VFX12)。 之后,我想将它移植到新平台(即Virtex-5 XC5VFX70T),但我的ISE Foundation 10.1安装不支持这个FPGA。 我错过了什么吗? ISE Foundation 10.1是否支持此设备? 至少EDK 10.1知道相应的电路板(即ML507),但不能为这个特定的FPGA启动合成器,因为它不为ISE所知。 ISE Foundation 10.1还有其他任何来源吗? 我已经在WebUpdate中应用了SP3和IP更新,但仍然只支持WebPack FPGA?! 我感谢任何帮助,我期待着你的回答。 谢谢, 蒂莫 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi, for porting and maintenance reasons I need to install Xilinx ISE 10.1 Foundation with full support for all FPGAs, especially for the Virtex-5 XC5VFX70T. I have a valid license (i.e., registration id) for this version but I did not have the software anymore. So I downloaded it from the Xilinx download page (i.e., ISE Foundation 10.1 with 3.3GB). After installing the software under Windows XP I could successfully import and synthesize my ip-core for the old platform (i.e., Virtex-4 XC4VFX12). Afterwards, I wanted to port it to the new platform (i.e., Virtex-5 XC5VFX70T) but this FPGA is NOT supported by my installation of ISE Foundation 10.1. Am I missing something? Is this device supported at all by ISE Foundation 10.1? At least the EDK 10.1 knows the corresponding board (i.e., ML507) but cannot launch the synthesizer for this specific FPGA since it is not known by ISE. Is there any other source for ISE Foundation 10.1? I already applied SP3 and IP update with WebUpdate but still only WebPack FPGAs seem to be supported?! I appreciate any help and I am looking forward to your answers. Thanks, Timo |
当你说你申请SP3时,你的意思是EDK还是ISE? 它们是分开的...... ISE增加了设备支持。 如果你有ISE 10.1.03i和Foundation,我相信你应该看到这些设备。 我个人更喜欢单独应用更新而不是依赖WebUpdate。 http://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/10959.htm(ISE安装 - 在哪里可以找到并下载ISE的旧服务包?) http://www.xilinx.com/cn/support/answers/25399.htm(EDK安装 - 在哪里可以找到并下载EDK的旧服务包?) http://www.xilinx.com/cn/support/answers/31741.htm(ISE安装 - 在哪里可以找到和下载ISE的旧ip更新?) 你是否在ProjNav和XPS中看到10.1.03i关于相应GUI中的框? #2)运行更新软件配置时(不要在此处发布您的注册ID),可在“开始”,“程序” - >“ISE ISE Design Suite 10.1” - >“ISE” - >“附件”下找到,例如, WebPACK,ISE Foundation,ISE Foundation Simulator? 我看到人们意外地使用了错误的注册码(例如WebPACK)。 BT 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 #1) When you said you applied SP3, did you mean for EDK or ISE? They are separate... ISE adds the device support. I believe you should see these devices if you have ISE 10.1.03i and Foundation. I personally prefer to apply the updates individually than rely on WebUpdate. http://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/10959.htm (ISE Install - Where can I find and download old service packs for ISE?) http://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/25399.htm (EDK Install - Where can I find and download old service packs for EDK?) http://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/31741.htm (ISE Install - Where can I find and download old ip updates for ISE?) Do you see 10.1.03i in both ProjNav and XPS about boxes in the respective GUIs? #2) When you run Update Software Configuration (don't post your reg ID here), available under Start, Programs -> ISE ISE Design Suite 10.1 -> ISE -> Accessories what does it report, e.g. WebPACK, ISE Foundation, ISE Foundation Simulator? I've seen people use the wrong reg id (e.g. WebPACK) accidentally. bt
首先感谢您的回答。 #1) 我将SP3加IP更新应用于ISE 10.1,ProjNav确认了这一点。 #2) 不幸的是,“更新软件配置”告诉我“ISE WebPack,已满”。 一年前在我们切换到ISE 11之前在同一台计算机上安装了一个ISE 10.1 WebPack。然后将其删除,现在(我假设)我使用了正确的注册表。 但是要确保我会与管理员仔细检查。 我现在必须重新安装一切吗? 干杯, 蒂莫 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi timpe, first of all thanks for your answer. #1) I applied SP3 plus the IP update to ISE 10.1 and the ProjNav confirms that. #2) Unfortunately, "Update Software Configuration" tells me "ISE WebPack, full". There was an ISE 10.1 WebPack installed one year ago on the same computer before we switched to ISE 11. This was then removed and now (I assume) I used the correct reg id. But to be sure I will double check that with our administrator. Do I have to reinstall everything now? Cheers, Timo |
好 #2)这可能解释了为什么设备没有出现: http://www.xilinx.com/cn/ise/products/classics/parts_list.htm(设备支持) 您可以尝试在更新软件配置中输入您的Foundation注册ID,但我怀疑设备文件实际上并未安装。 如果这不起作用,您可以尝试手动重新应用ISE 10.1SP3 - 但您可能只获得与基本安装在SP3中明显不同的设备文件。 如果这不起作用,我怀疑你可能会被重新安装10.1以及相应的ISE,IP和EDK更新。 BT 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 #1) Good #2) That likely explains why the devices don't show up: http://www.xilinx.com/ise/products/classics/parts_list.htm (device support) You could try to enter your Foundation reg ID in the update software configuration but I suspect the device files weren't actually installed. If that doesn't work, you could try manually reapplying ISE 10.1 SP3 - but you may only get device files that were specifically different in SP3 from the base install. If that doesn't work, I suspect you may be stuck reinstalling 10.1 and then the appropriate ISE, IP, and EDK updates. bt
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